About Brent (Tnerb)

Discussion in 'About the Members' started by Sciencelovah, Aug 12, 2009.

  1. mike47 Banned Banned

    I mean mental illness can strike anyone and everywhere .
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  3. Mrs.Lucysnow Valued Senior Member

    So can an oncoming car. So what? Actually the odds are greater with the vehicle.
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  5. Dirty Dan And knowing is half the battle Registered Senior Member

    What Tnerb needs is a good ass wooping. I think hes doing it for attention but what do I know.
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  7. Mrs.Lucysnow Valued Senior Member

    And so Tnerb wrote:

    I told him, "I came to you out of ridicule, I came to you out of mistrust. Perhaps it is good we have met. Perhaps you disbelieve me. Teacher. But either way you look it we are fine and well. Just because we are as we are and I know you know how things are then maybe you can understand that...

  8. mike47 Banned Banned

    Isn't seeking too much attention in a negative way a mental illness ?.
  9. Mrs.Lucysnow Valued Senior Member

    Nope. Toddler's do it all the time.

    Tnerb isn't begging for attention we just enjoy giving it to him. He belongs to sciforum's elite attention grabbers club. There were many before him.
  10. Varda The Bug Lady Valued Senior Member

    Talking to him won't help him. I think he makes things up in his head and then believes that they are true. Talking to him just feeds his imagination.
  11. daniel214 Banned Banned

    hey guys im new to sciforums.i am also personal friends with brent.AND he is sitting here in the room with me now.yes he has fallen over and over again.But, he is trying to save himself. I have visited sciforums before and have found it interesting.But i have one question for you all.why is it that you think he needs professional help?i think he just needs a friend,and thats what im here for.maybe you thing he's crazy but i dont know.you all say he has problems correct? but who doesen't i can almost guarantee that everyone on this site suffers everyday from some mental anguish everyday.stress depression or whatever the case may be.to each of you i say,what if it were you people were fearing of becoming.
  12. Mrs.Lucysnow Valued Senior Member

    Tell Brent we all say :wave:

    If you want to know why people think he has problems you will have to take the time to read through his posts.

    We'll hear from him soon enough in 13 days.
  13. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    Either you're using his computer or you are him.

    Because he posts incoherently. He doesn't take on board anything that anybody tells him. He is in a world of his own, somewhat disconnected from reality. He seems to waver between mania and depression. He has delusions of conspiracy theories against him, such as some guy trying to murder him.

    In short, there are lots of indications of a psychiatric problem. Whether that is drug related is impossible to determine over the internet. It could be that drug use is causing mental problems, or mental problems are leading to drug use, or drug use to try to control mental problems is having side effects.

    Then as a friend you should help him get some professional help.
  14. daniel214 Banned Banned

    there is no need, i have known him for five years i know well enough what he is capable of saying
  15. Gustav Banned Banned

    lock so people can go back to talking science
  16. daniel214 Banned Banned

    Hey guys this is Brent I am showing b13 here my friend this forum. This is a good thread I appericiate the concern that everyone is proclaiming.

    My friend likes the forum but I've only suggested it to him as uno possiblo forumo, and he also is here concerning my well being.

    He is free to say whatever he wants as he is trying to help.
    ............much appericiative of teh concern.
  17. daniel214 Banned Banned

    ok guys you want to talk science?i think this is just the site for me.let me start by saying im only 18 but im pretty smart so go easy on me.i have always wondered, would time really stop for a person that achieves lightspeed?
  18. Mrs.Lucysnow Valued Senior Member

    Oh god a ban increase :facepalm:

    If you are Tnerb's friend be careful you don't inadvertently get him in trouble with the admin.
  19. daniel214 Banned Banned

    i know that the faster you're moving through space the slower you're moving through time.but if it were even possible to get to lightspeed would time really ''stop''?
  20. daniel214 Banned Banned

    im telling you i am his friend and not him.he is alot shorter than me
  21. Mrs.Lucysnow Valued Senior Member

    I think I'll leave now. I can hear the stampede of mods coming from the four corners of the earth. James will probably be the one to get here first. :fright:

    Bye Tnerb. Hear from you later. Bye

    Ciao Daniel.
  22. Challenger78 Valued Senior Member

    And so, ends another episode of Sciforums.
  23. daniel214 Banned Banned

    Brent is 5'8 i am 6'5.I ask a simple science related question and you confuse with someone else.And if you want I will prove it to you. Now is anyone going to answer my question?

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