Letterman envies Leno

Discussion in 'Art & Culture' started by Syzygys, Sep 15, 2009.

  1. Syzygys As a mother, I am telling you Valued Senior Member

    Jay's opeining night at 10 pm drew 18 million viewers, which is 3.5 times more than his previous show with averaging 5 million viewers. Letterman actually makes more money but his viewership was tailing Leno's before Jay finished his late night run.

    Now it looks like even if the average viewship drops by half in the long run, that is still twice as much as Leno used to get. He gave NBC its biggest overall audience in that time slot since the August 2008 Olympic Games.

    Industry insiders are hoping for a failure because Leno's success would mean more unscripted/talk show in the 10 pm slot....NBC has declined to publicly reveal its target ratings for the show, which costs roughly the same for five nights as does one night of a scripted drama.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2009
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  3. Ganymede Valued Senior Member

    Even though I'm a Leno fan, I think his huge debut had more to do with Kanye West being a guest then anything else.
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  5. superstring01 Moderator

    Good point. That may have been a fluke, but I hope it ends up being a keeper.

    I've seen two episodes now, and they both were highly entertaining.

    I thought for sure he was going to go the "variety show" route, but thankfully it turns out he totally stuck with his old format. Why not? It worked before. This time 'round, though, he seems to have spiced it up with more "activities" and other gimmicks. It works. The car racing, "Jay-walking", and best of all, the skit with the chick bartering stuff was hysterical.

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  7. tuberculatious Banned Banned

    A witch burning event is also highly entertaining. does that mean you have to watch it, or that it is good to watch?
  8. kmguru Staff Member

    I keep forgetting to watch Leno except the first night. I think, it will take a while for people to adjust their viewing habits. Even then Leno still leads in that viewing slot.

    NBC: The Jay Leno Show (3.3/9, 10.74M)
    CBS: Big Brother Season Finale (3.0/8,7.88M)
    ABC: Barbara Walters Special (1.8/5, 6.06M)

    I wonder if CBS will move Letterman to an earlier show. For NBC, it is definitely cheap programming. There is a possibility that the local news people will promote Leno because he is the warm up for them.
  9. Syzygys As a mother, I am telling you Valued Senior Member

    Also, I think there are millions of working people who would watch comedy but at 11:30 it is too late for them. At 10 pm it is doable and probably preferable to the other murder shows....
  10. superstring01 Moderator

    A poor comparison if I've ever heard one. A witch burning destroys several human lives, at the very least (assuming that the witch has family members). Watching something entertaining in one's off-time, while not over-indulging, is not in any way negative, but in several ways, highly beneficial as ALL humans need mindless diversions. It relieves stress and calms the mind.

  11. Syzygys As a mother, I am telling you Valued Senior Member

    There is nothing wrong with witch-burning, assuming they are the right witches...
  12. superstring01 Moderator

    Also a good point!

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  13. tuberculatious Banned Banned

    who says witch burning doesn't relieve stress, racial tension, or social distress?

    Give me some scientific sources for your bold claim.
  14. Syzygys As a mother, I am telling you Valued Senior Member

    You mean that burning destroys humans? Please bug off of my thread with your offtopic and irrelevant bullshit. Thanks...
  15. tuberculatious Banned Banned

    oh sorry. didn't know it was your thread. and no that is not what i meant.
  16. Killjoy Propelling The Farce!! Valued Senior Member

    Why burn witches when there are members of the US Congress ?

    The people they're in league with might as well be Satan, and the presumption of guilt is pretty much a safe bet.

    Convicta et Combusta, baby !

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