Smartest man in history?

Discussion in 'History' started by Killian_1_4, Dec 15, 2007.

  1. Killian_1_4 Registered Senior Member

    Smartest man in history? Eh? What do ya think? Just a reminder, this is obviously impossible to come up with a definite answer, should probally be based off of acions they made in their life.
    Time period should also be taken into account, I mean it doesn't matter how much more intelligent archimedes is to Edison, considering the technology and company of the time Archimedes would have never been able to create an effective incandescent lightbulb.

    My vote is for Leonardo Da Vinci. This guy was a skilled scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician, poet and writer.
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  3. cosmictraveler Be kind to yourself always. Valued Senior Member

    That's a great choice! There are so many great people in history that have

    made so many contributions in our world that , to me, I can't decide on

    just one. There are those who found cures for the plague, small pox, polio,

    infections and on and on. So many great people to thank for their input into

    our lives.
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  5. nietzschefan Thread Killer Valued Senior Member

    Da Vinci was also a potent philosopher. Yes I agree he is the best known one.
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  7. Pandaemoni Valued Senior Member

    William James Sidis. He taught himself Latin at age 2.
  8. Orleander OH JOY!!!! Valued Senior Member

    That's the first guy that popped into my mind. :bravo:
  9. -ـ_Youssef_ـ- Registered Member

    My Amazing Reply

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    The actual known smartest man is a Mathematic Scientist called William James Sidis because his researches are just being understood now, after about 86 years when he first made them.
    The current smartest Man is MR. Chris Langan with an IQ that ranges between 195-210... Oh My God.

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    The current smartest human on earth is actually a woman :shrug: (disappointing)

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    , Her IQ is 228.
    There is also the russian, Jerry Kasprov, World's Chess Champion with an IQ of 190.
    One of the smartest humans of all times is Leonardo Da Vinci of course.
    There is also an AMAZING GENIUS called Gaber Ibn Hayan, An Egyptian scientist who actually found the basis of Chemistry and developed it on a wide range. Chemistry is a translation of the Arabic word (Kemyaa') which means (The Egyptian Art), he died centuries ago.
    Also an Arab man called (Al-Khawarezmi), he is the INVENTOR of Algebra, and of course he was a great genius...also died centuries ago LOL.
  10. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    "Smartest" doesn't necessarily mean just "highest (estimated) IQ score".
    ajanta likes this.
  11. Shogun Bleed White and Blue! Valued Senior Member

    I vote George Bush

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    No the smartest man is actually me, no joke....

    I am just joking on both accounts, I think Albert Einstein for his works that help mold modern physics.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2010
  12. kmguru Staff Member

    Did these smart people invented boat load of stuff that crosses all disciplines like Da Vinci? How about just one item that changed mankind like FTL drive, anti-gravity or stuff?

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  13. Pandaemoni Valued Senior Member

    Are inventors the only smart people who matter?
  14. cosmictraveler Be kind to yourself always. Valued Senior Member

    No, there are many people who are very smart that didn't invent anything at all. Some discovered things and others just did things.
  15. francois Schwat? Registered Senior Member


    Here's a question:

    Who's smarter, Robert Jarvik, a guy with an IQ of 160, who invented the frickin' artificial heart; or his wife, Marilyn vos Savant, who has an IQ of 220, who solves puzzles and writes a stupid, stupid, dumb column in Parade magazine.
  16. cosmictraveler Be kind to yourself always. Valued Senior Member

    Marilyn, she hotter looking! :itold::shake:
  17. SilentLi89 Registered Senior Member

    Smartest in what area? People who have smarts in one area tend to lack it in others and vice versa.
  18. ennui Registered Member

    Nikola Tesla, hands down.
  19. Orleander OH JOY!!!! Valued Senior Member

    whoever invented the birth control pill
  20. francois Schwat? Registered Senior Member

    Actually, that's not true. People who have smarts in one area tend to be smart in most areas.
  21. BWE1 Rulers are for measuring. Registered Senior Member

    and viagra.

    Also, Henri Poincare should be on the list.
  22. stratos Banned Banned

    "The smartest man in history". If there's merit in the saying "Art is I, science is we", true individual genius may lie more in the arts. By way of a variation in this topic, however, instead of interpreting "smart" in the sense of brilliant or clever I'll go with its other definition as opportunistically astute or savvy (or all-purpose wheeler-dealer depending on your point of view). In this sense Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1855) may be the smartest man in modern history.

    He developed a finance house and spread his empire by placing each of his five sons in cities across Europe to conduct business. The family banking businesses, whatever else they did, pioneered international high finance during the industrialisation of Europe and were instrumental in supporting scientific and engineering advances and projects, the arts, and philanthropy. Without money, the highest flights of genius in human affairs may never leave the drawing board, the garret or the shed. Top scientists say the main hindrance in developing space travel technology will continue to be financial.

    A short post, but if a post takes more than a couple of paragraphs, most people have forgotten how it began. Including the person writing it.
  23. cosmictraveler Be kind to yourself always. Valued Senior Member

    The smartest man would be the one who claimed to know the least, for he /she knew that they would be learning things forever through their lives and wouldn'r admit to being smart.

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