How do I delete my account?

Discussion in 'Site Feedback' started by Mr. Hamtastic, Jun 30, 2012.

  1. Mr. Hamtastic whackawhackado! Registered Senior Member

    I just want to delete it and change the user names on all past posts to "banned" or anonymous or whatever. If I want to come back, I'll contact site admin. Is this possible? I'm no longer really active, anyway, and my mental capabilities have declined severely due to medications I take for mental health. I just can no longer keep up and would like to be removed and forgotten, please.

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  3. Buddha12 Valued Senior Member

    If you have deteriorating mental health problems then you should change your medications so that they help you not make you feel worse. Have you told your doctor about your problems with the medications yet or are you just going to go down hill without trying to find out why this is happening? You can keep up just fine, as you are showing us right now by telling us about your situation and what you want to do about it. Those of us who know you won't forget you because we have already talked with you and you with us. That past can't be removed but the future can be much brighter with proper medications and better mental health help from doctors.

    Once you have posted here I'm sure they can't remove your posts or your name but I am certain if you want to change your name there's a way to do that by either the administration or moderators here.
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  5. Mr. Hamtastic whackawhackado! Registered Senior Member

    Good point. Maybe James R knows something.

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    As to the mental health. It's lithium. Cognitive dulling. None of the other mood stabilizers do anything-not cool for bipolar 1 with psychotic features. I tried to start a debate recently and... I kept having to go back and reread everything to respond, and it took longer and longer... Anyway, I'm trying to reduce my internet presence anyway. Thanks, though
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  7. Buddha12 Valued Senior Member

    You should ask about changing the amount of it instead of trying to just having problems with it. It would be better to talk to your doctor about your reactions that you have because I'm certain he can find ways to help you overcome this situation. It is a good thing to stay connected to the web for there are many things on here that are helpful, entertaining and useful for you to enjoy and learn about. Have you read any of the jokes that are on this forum ?
  8. Sock puppet path GRRRRRRRRRRRR Valued Senior Member

    Do something to get a permaban Hammy, Give my regards to Phila PA I miss it.
  9. Mr. Hamtastic whackawhackado! Registered Senior Member

    No permaban. I want to be able to come back if I ever improve. In the meantime, though, I want to make it difficult. I don't want it to be a whim.

    Buddha-You are kind. Thank you for your thoughtfulness. One lith lower a dose, I become very unstable. Perhaps I just need to embrace it... Flowers for Algernon is a sad tale, but perhaps I'll find more joy in less intellect, less capacity. Perhaps a more sensory "here and now" is what I need. Maybe the seeking of meaning and pondering is just detrimental. Maybe...well...maybe I don't have a choice, or embrace the madness and burn like a star until I die.
  10. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    Mr. Hamtastic:

    Our policy is that we do not delete a poster's entire posting history. To do so would destroy the flow of various threads, and in fact would make entire threads (that the poster started) disappear, therefore also deleting posts that other people posted as well.

    Here's an idea:

    Why don't you exercise some self-control and just leave until you're ready to come back?

    So, let me get this right. You don't want a ban, but you do want all your posts deleted and your name changed, as if you were never here in the first place. BUT, you also want the option to come back later and start posting under the same name again. Is that right?

    It seems to me that the best option is for you simply to leave and come back when you want to, just like everybody else here does. Why do you need an administrator to nursemaid you?

    Sorry if this sounds a bit harsh.
  11. Buddha12 Valued Senior Member

    Maybe the doctor might be able to give you something else along with the lithium if he lowered its level so that the two meds working together might be a way to resolve your problem. It would be better to discuss another path to help yourself with your doctor because that's why he is there with you trying to adjust the meds and maybe even change them. Good luck with your situation and it can improve if you will get the advise that the doctor can give if you tell him what's going on.
  12. MacGyver1968 Fixin' Shit that Ain't Broke Valued Senior Member


    Strength to your fight, bro. If you get control of your demons..come on still got friends here. I'd say keep in touch..rather than run away. If things get bad, you know you always have an outlet here.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2012
  13. R1D2 many leagues under the sea. Valued Senior Member

    I don't know you, but good luck!! Hope you get better soon!
    ( My post 500!)
  14. MacGyver1968 Fixin' Shit that Ain't Broke Valued Senior Member

    Congrats R1D2...for 500 posts! get a rubber chicken.
  15. R1D2 many leagues under the sea. Valued Senior Member

    Thanks. An I did it all on a F'in cell phone..
  16. MacGyver1968 Fixin' Shit that Ain't Broke Valued Senior Member

    Sciforums does offer thumb insurance for strictly phone posters. If something happens to your're loved ones will receive $500,000. It's a sweet deal at $19.95 a month.
  17. R1D2 many leagues under the sea. Valued Senior Member


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    ya well I didn't know that..

  18. wynn ˙ Valued Senior Member

    I think that being able to keep up with Sciforums threads really is not a good way to measure mental capability.
    Much of the discussions here are basically like highschool fights, only slightly more sophisticated.

    So firstly, I think you need to be clear on what really are relevant ways to measure mental capabilities, and then take it from there.

    There are actual medical tests for measuring mental capabilities, like tests for mathematical abilities, spatial abilites etc. etc. You should ask your doctor about these tests and take them.

    Other than that, I think it is perfectly normal to get bored of highschool mentality and move on past it (unless one is interested in these things for very specific reasons, like professionally).

    I strongly oppose the idea that the search for meaning is detrimental.

    There are, however, helpful and unhelpful ways to seek meaning.
  19. Balerion Banned Banned

    Firstly, I think you need to reread his posts. He never says his inability to keep up with sciforums is how he measures his mental capabilities. He simply said that they have declined and he can no longer keep up. Do you not see the distinction here?

    She says, offering none.
  20. R1D2 many leagues under the sea. Valued Senior Member

    Wait MR. Is a MISS?..
  21. Mr. Hamtastic whackawhackado! Registered Senior Member

    lol. no simply a Mr.

    James R-you have a good point. I was trying to reduce my "internet presence" in the process. I use this SN or something similar quite often, and would like to change this. If this is your stance, then I will honor it.

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  22. Balerion Banned Banned

    The "miss" is Wynn. Ham has boy parts, s'far as I know.
  23. Stoniphi obscurely fossiliferous Valued Senior Member

    I agree with James R.

    Sexual identity is spurious to some of us here and changes according to mood. It is also irrelevant.

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