π/Φ Pi in the Phi

Discussion in 'Physics & Math' started by sly1, Nov 1, 2011.

  1. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    Yes. Do you agree that \(2\pi \times r = \pi \times 2r\)?
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  3. Motor Daddy Valued Senior Member

    What is 2*pi?
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  5. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

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  7. theorist-constant12345 Banned Banned

    Yes, you got it, I think,

    You can divide any circumference by 360

    You can then divide Pi by 360

    A division of the two gives the diameter.

    1 degree =cir/360
    1 degree=Pi/360
    cir/Pi =2r or 1 di

    t.s per rotation/360 = 1 degree
  8. theorist-constant12345 Banned Banned

    We could say Pi = 0.00872664625*360=Pi


    edit-sorry had to change value copied and pasted wrong one from my notes.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2014
  9. Motor Daddy Valued Senior Member

    If 2*pi*r=pi*2*r, if you divide the left hand side and the right hand side by 2, they cancel and what you're left with is pi*r on both sides. pi*r=pi*r is what you're trying to prove?
  10. rpenner Fully Wired Valued Senior Member

    But then we would be mathless slaves of a calculator and wrong. \(0.00872664625 = \frac{872664625}{10^{11}} = \frac{6981317}{8 \times 10^8}\) so \(0.00872664625 \times 360 = \frac{62831853}{2 \times 10^7} = 3.14159265\) which is a ratio of integers or a "rational number", and not equal to pi.

    Two demonstrations with precision math that \(\pi \neq 3.14159265\):
    \( \frac{62831853}{2 \times 10^7} + \frac{1}{ 278567576} \lt \pi \lt \frac{62831853}{2 \times 10^7} + \frac{1}{ 278567575} \)
    \( 278567576 \, \sin \left( \frac{62831853}{2 \times 10^7} \right) > 1\) but \( 278567576 \, \sin ( \pi ) = 0\)

    By 69.0975850864 did you mean \(\frac{6909758508635}{10^{11}}\), \(\frac{21179239}{306512}\), \(\frac{690975850864}{10^{10}}\), \(\frac{6909758508645}{10^{11}}\), \( \frac{3959 \pi}{180}\), or \(\frac{24604199}{356079}\) (which I have listed in ascending order)? How do you know? Does your source have that many digits of precision? Is this a physically measured quantity? What is the source?

    Conventionally, a decimal quantity on a display with a fixed amount of display digits can stand for the whole range of numbers that round to that displayed number, so 69.0975850864 stands for all numbers, x, in the range \(\frac{6909758508635}{10^{11}} \leq x \lt \frac{6909758508645}{10^{11}}\). But if you don't know which one, multiplication (on a calculator with only finite precision in operations) doesn't guarantee all the digits of your answer are exact.

    But, garbage in leads to garbage out, so if you don't have a reason to know how accurate your source is, you can't know how accurate your answer is even if you do use arithmetic with absolute precision.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2014
  11. Motor Daddy Valued Senior Member

    circumference = diameter*pi (ratio of circumference to diameter (~3.1416:1)) = radius (1/2 of the diameter)*ri (ratio of circumference to radius (~6.2832:1))

    How ya say...how do ya like them apples?
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2014
  12. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    1+1 = 2 and 2+2=4 and dividing both sides of that equation by 2 we get 1+1=2!

    Radius, circumference and diameter are not defined numbers like \(\pi\) Otherwise, all circles would be the same size.
  13. Motor Daddy Valued Senior Member

    There is a unit of measure of distance called the meter. It is defined as the length of the path that light travels in 1/299,792,458 of a second in a vacuum.

    If a light sphere is emitted at t=0 it has a radius of 1 meter and a diameter of 2 meters at t=1/299,792,458 of a second.

    Last edited: Dec 10, 2014
  14. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    Mathematics uses abstraction and you want to use physical things that are not.

    Agreeing with or not would be irrelevant.
  15. Motor Daddy Valued Senior Member

    So just clarify for me, then, what is 2pi?
  16. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    2 x a mathematical constant.
  17. Motor Daddy Valued Senior Member

    That constant is a constant RATIO, like the gear ratio in the rear end of your car. If a gear ratio is 3.1416:1, that means that 3.1416 turns of the input shaft is equal to 1 turn of the output shaft. If the tire has a diameter of... and the rpm is... oh you do the math!

    The point is, you're wrong!
  18. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    I did post this earlier:

    Spheres and cylinders are not constant. So how can I be wrong? They all use the same mathematical constant as \(\pi\), but not the others.
  19. Motor Daddy Valued Senior Member


    So you measure variable spheres and cylinders? Do they change colors too?

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  20. theorist-constant12345 Banned Banned

    Pffff, I got the 69 number from a circumference divided by 360.

    Your maths is far to advanced for me, I do not have a clue what all your numbers mean.
  21. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member


    \(V=\frac{4 \text{$\pi $r}^3}{3},A=4 \text{$\pi $r}^2,\text{and } V=h \text{$\pi $r}^2\)

    Can you point out the variables in those equations?
  22. Motor Daddy Valued Senior Member

    Trying to avoid how you explain how you measure a changing cylinder's diameter and circumference??

    You said, "Spheres and cylinders are not constant."

    So you're trying to say the cylinder is changing?
  23. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    Why don't you just be quiet and think for once.

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