Have You Voted?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by joepistole, Oct 30, 2016.

  1. Quantum Quack Life's a tease... Valued Senior Member

    good and frank post... you just need to find some one who can "fix" the problem... and Trump simply doesn't cut it IMO. By the time Trump is finished your problems are going to be a hell of a lot worse than they are now, whether he wins or loses...IMO

    Unfortunately the best you can come up with is Trump and that tells me and the world all we need to know.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2016
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  3. cluelusshusbund + Public Dilemma + Valued Senior Member

    O my God... thats horrible.!!!

    What kind of personal circumstances causes a person to have to spend an extra 1,500 dollars a mounth for health insurance... because of Obamacare.???

    The year befor Obamacare i spent about 19,000 for family-plan health insurance... an our first year on Obamacare we spent about 1,500 for family-plan health insurance.!!!

    I used the money i saved on insurance toward buyin a new truck

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  5. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    Comey knows the classification system is mostly bullshit. 90% of what's classified shouldn't be. For instance, our drone program is technically classified, but everyone knows about it. If Hillary mentioned drone attacks in an e-mail, should she go to jail for that? It's obvious there is a huge degree of wiggle room on the subject. Some secrets are more secret than others, and Hillary knows the difference.
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  7. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    So you say. Living overseas, I don't know the ins and outs of Obamacare. Suffice it to say that electing Trump is unlikely to get it repealed. Recall that the President heads the executive branch of government, not the legislative branch.

    Interesting that you should mention that. The Republicans have been refusing to the fill the current vacancy in the Court for - what - a year or so now? I assume you agree with this anti-constitutional move, despite your claimed concerns about the Bill of Rights etc. Perhaps you can explain why you hold this apparently contradictory view.

    Do you think that Trump will promote free speech for all? Rest assured, he'd protect the interests of his friends and contributors in the gun lobby, so you're right on that count.

    Did you take a survey of how your views agree with Trump's? How did that go for you?

    Perhaps you can fill me in on what Trump's policies actually are - if he has any.
  8. Bowser Namaste Valued Senior Member

    I voted yesterday--had to take my ballot to the library. It was interesting to see a large number of people doing the same. I think there are a lot of people invested in this election. The two topics of interest on my mind this year are the presidential election and Measure97. As for candidates on the ballot, my choices were a mixture of both Republican and Democrat. I didn't lean heavily either way.

    Living where I live, I don't believe my presidential vote will have any weight in the overall election, but it might send a message to those in office.
  9. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    It does. It tells them something about how many bigots live in their district, state, &c.
  10. Bowser Namaste Valued Senior Member

    Last edited: Nov 9, 2016
  11. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Well, that also depends on what you expect of them.

    To wit, conservatives are kind of iffy about the question of a mandate; it seems as if whatever they win is a mandate and whatever larger share anyone else wins isn't.

    There is also the hardline caring and sharing bit. Clint Didier tried it in Washington state, when his Tea Party bid failed in the primary and fellow Republican, perennial loser Dino Rossi, got the U.S. Senate nomination. Christine O'Donnell tried it in Maryland after losing the election to Democrat Chris Koons. The idea is that the winner is obliged, according to the vote, to carry forward the loser's platform.

    In the end, it's a matter of what notice people want taken.
  12. Bowser Namaste Valued Senior Member

    True, but ignoring the divide will only further strengthen their opposition.
  13. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    That's the problem with the opposition invoking impasse as the standard outlook.

    I can tell you that generations of nonparticipation by Communists hasn't helped.

    Customarily, I might otherwise say, "Good luck", but no, when your compromise is that we must necessarily include injustice, you're out in the cold.
  14. Bowser Namaste Valued Senior Member

    An open discussion about the Clinton and Trump...
  15. madanthonywayne Morning in America Registered Senior Member

    Right now 538 gives the Republicans a 70% chance of holding the Senate and they are a lock to,keep the house. If Trump pulls off a win, we will control all branches of the federal government.

    Given that Scalia was the preeminent conservative on the court, allowing Obama to pick his replacement is pretty hard pill to swallow.

    The Supreme Court originally had only six members and the number of justices is not specified in the constitution. Furthermore, there is no constitutional obligation to act on a judicial appointment within a specified period of time, so the Republicans are within their rights to delay a confirmation hearing as long as they like.

    Yes. I love his complete disregard for political correctness. It is the hypersensitive of the left and their intolerance to opposing viewpoints that I see as the greatest threat to free speech in the United States.
    Here's Trump answering a reporter's question regarding the use of the term "anchor baby":

    90% agreement with Trump

    P.S. 538 now says there is a 55% chance that Trump wins the Whitehouse.
  16. birch Valued Senior Member

    Really???? Conservatives are the ones most against free speech except for their views and beliefs. Especially the hard right. Totally intolerant of anyone's right to free speech but their own. They think they abide by the constitution the most but they dont. When they get power, any contrary views are snuffed. Please, people are sinners and they commit this sin way more. We werent born yesterday. This is the camp from such free speech loving quotes such as ' do as i say, not as i do' to amy questioning of authority or 'a woman should be seen and not heard' derived from. Free speech. Lol
    joepistole likes this.
  17. birch Valued Senior Member

    Elections just like the bipartisan conservative/liberal divide reminds me of the french revolution.

    There is a continual seesaw effect where ones interest get met while anothers suffers or at their expense either way it swings because we need balanced leadership not conservatives or liberals. Conservatives have some good points just like liberals as well as bad etc.
  18. madanthonywayne Morning in America Registered Senior Member

    538 now has it at 77% chance for a Trump win. New York Times says 95% plus.
  19. Russ_Watters Not a Trump supporter... Valued Senior Member

    Yeah, have a look at how "free speech" goes in colleges and you'll see that isn't true. Virtually all of the suppression of free speech is against conservative views.
    Bowser likes this.
  20. Russ_Watters Not a Trump supporter... Valued Senior Member

    Now 84%
  21. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    Meanwhile, stock markets around the world are falling in anticipation of a potential Trump victory.
  22. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    What a difference a few hours makes. They were almost flipped a few hours ago. This is bad news...very bad news. It's not over yet. We can still pray, but it's not looking good. We can always pray.

    The markets will tank immediately if Trump is elected. The damage depends on what Trump actually does. Trump is a serial liar. So, with luck, if he is elected, he might not do what he has promised to do. What Trump has promised to deliver just isn't consistent with his policies. So I expect, if he wins, he won't do what he has promised.

    If Trump wins the question becomes what kind of Congress do we get? Does Ryan maintain control of the House or do we get a bunch of Tea Party wackos running the show? There are just too many questions.

    I think this takes the expected December Federal Reserve interest rate increase off the table. If Trump is elected, this is a very bad day for America. I fear Trump may deregulate the banks setting us up for another Great Recession which may turn into a real depression this time around. If Trump wins, we can always hope he will not be as bad as expected.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2016
  23. birch Valued Senior Member

    Right. Thats because the message is usually intolerance based. If course it would be rejected. But the intolerance shows just how much more oppressive they would be if given more power. Religious (if not christian, all others discriminated), gender, sexual orientation and racial discrimination. I grew up around a slew of them. All red states, southern baptist etc. Ugh. They are definitely more hypocritical and abuse their power more than liberals as well as immoral. Please.

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