I hate humans club

Discussion in 'Free Thoughts' started by birch, Dec 26, 2017.

  1. birch Valued Senior Member


    here are some of my soulmates in the world. we all hate people so much that we are respectful enough to stay away from eachother. how nice.

    if i had power, i probably would kill every living species on the planet with the idea that i'm exterminating evil and the continuance of the cycle of suffering and oppression period.

    since you become less naive as you get older, i've also realized that many people who seem to care about life or don't see it as radically but in the usual way, isn't always due to humanitarian motives, it's just that they have less of a problem with evil or maybe even evil themselves. paradoxically, the lower and baser the standards, the more tolerant you may appear to be but that's just the surface. that's why scum have no problem with the way of the world. but ironicly, that doesn't always mean they are more ethical, caring or better people either.

    it's very ironic. i came into this world loving people (assuming they were good) and the longer i live, the more i hate the human species empathically. you can be annoyed at people for how they talk, their level of intelligence, their personal taste, the sound of their voice, mannerisms, their ethics, politics etc. it's endless of how can you 'count the ways i despise you' sort of thing. i think this is because the more experiences you have with people, you associate varying behaviors and characteristics with past associations with people that you did not have a good opinion of that were similar. i was out tonight and if i was being honest with myself, i couldn't stand being around half or more of the people around for various reasons.

    it's odd how you can end up just being tired of people and finding the human species disgustingly fault-ridden, subpar and loathsome but think they are great because they are the majority. so much so that i've even formed a philosophy that humans and all life do not deserve to exist period because of that evil (besides various levels of stupidity and ability to be annoying in infinitely grotesquely petty ways) that pervades, despite some good. this even knowing there are some people that i do love and care for as well as some people that i do like and respect as well. this is because i'm looking at it in a bigger picture.

    even though i have this philosophy, ironicly, it doesn't mean i want to hurt others personally. while life exists, i would still be considerate to those who deserve it and civil in general and hate to realize suffering, especially of the innocent etc.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2017
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  3. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    It's ironic that people who claim to hate people still want to post videos on youtube so other people can see them. Don't you think?
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  5. birch Valued Senior Member

    it's not at all actually. they are expressing their experiences and/or opinion. you can tell that what they are expressing is not a literal hate of every individual. it's an overall perspective of humanity in general.
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  7. birch Valued Senior Member


    very wise and true advice. the truth is most people are narcissists (this is how most people operate) and you have so-called experts saying otherwise to appease the majority public's self-image.

    if you are more caring and do beyond that, you become a target to use.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2017
  8. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    You can become too sensitive and you can become too frustrated by a world that you can't control.

    Wanting to exterminate the world probably isn't the healthiest reaction however.

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    It's probably better to accept reality for what it is and learn how to better cope with reality. That's what all of us have to do whether we accept that or not.
  9. Xelasnave.1947 Valued Senior Member

    Hi Birch
    I think I understand a little of how you feel.
    I spent many years as a hermit and frankly I was happy not having contact with many people but fortunately I did not let the annoying things upset me.
    I really do not like to see you suffer and I certainly would not presume to advise you as to how to deal with the world but if it is of any comfort there are many folk who feel somewhat similar.
    Do you ever watch tv? Dating shows, folk treasuring rubbish, endless "sport" folk looking for new homes, religious evangalistic presentations you know one can make a list...then there is the must have crap, there is not limit to the stuff that I find I simply must ignore to keep my mind at peace.
    Its out there and there is nothing you can do.
    I try not to judge simply to maintain peace in my mind.
    All the best.
  10. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    Sounds like an excuse for one's betrayal of good people.
    It doesn't work, long term: Assuming that everyone else is as conniving, lazy, and selfish, as you want to be, only spreads the blame around - it's still there, and it comes around.
  11. Daecon Kiwi fruit Valued Senior Member

    People often become as bad as you treat them.
    sculptor and river like this.
  12. river

    There are good people out there .

    When one gets is isolated too much , they miss out on the good people out there that actually do exist , and do good things , Volunteers . Whether Human based or Animal based , or enviromental based etc .
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2017
  13. birch Valued Senior Member

    right as if people can just limit themselves to the few good people in the world. i made the mistake of sitting on the bench in front of a grocery store for a minute after shopping and this old lady sits down (looked to be in her 70's, maybe early 80's) next to me.

    i didn't say anything to her and right off the bat she looked me up and down and asked if i was married and then she told me i'm not missing out on anything and that she had been married before with the cheating and having to conform to him. She kept complaining there was not enough good men in the world or the good men are taken etc. she kept going on and on about some couple at her senior community and how his wife doesn't deserve him etc. she kept going on and was obsessed with it. i just listened and shook my head as if i agreed and eventually told her i really had to go, smiled and wished her a merry christmas, while on the inside, i regretted i sat down there in the first place. i had an outward smile but on the inside i was annoyed.

    what was deflating and annoyed me was you could tell she still wanted to be married even in her old age when she first pretended as if she didn't. just because someone is a senior citizen, doesn't mean they are wise, intelligent or mature.

    talking to people randomly usually is quite banal or annoying.
  14. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    If you were more talkative in public, after talking to you would most people decide that you were "one of the good ones" or would they find you banal and annoying?

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    I went to the grocery store tonight after getting home from the gym. I was tired and when I got to the checkout line there was a lady in front of me with a full cart of groceries. I just had a few items in my bag.

    She said I should get in front of her, I said, that's OK, I can wait. She insisted and I got in front of her and was quickly out of there.

    At the gym tonight a friend unexpectedly gave me a Christmas present. Someone also came up to me that I hadn't seen in 5 years and gave me a hug and said hello. She had been a regular at the gym and then just disappeared. It turns out she had moved to Florida, was in town tonight just to visit and we ran into each other at the right time.

    Don't complain about generic "people", have good thoughts about most people and you will probably find that you attract that kind of person as well. I don't like the "general public" or the man on the street any more than anyone else. I don't hang out at the bus stop and expect to smell roses.

    It's interesting that you are annoyed by most of the world and yet you love to compose annoying posts.

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    river likes this.
  15. birch Valued Senior Member

    everyone has those experiences, what is your point? they aren't bothering you or rubbing you the wrong way or taking up much of your time (as in strangers) or being inappropriate. that's why those are positive or benign. the other day, i only had one item and a man let me go in front of him. so what? that doesn't mean the world isn't full of many assholes.

    my posts are annoying because it is about an annoying world. i am not going to pretend it's not.

    if you find my post annoying, why do you consistently read and respond to my posts? it's not like real life where you are in a group and have to hear other people's opinions randomly. why? because you find my posts interesting, that's why, otherwise you wouldn't bother.

    if it's just that it bothers you, others don't have the same view (extreme or radical), i can't change the world or people. i can just hate it.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2017
  16. river

    You can just hate it . But are you sane ?
  17. birch Valued Senior Member


    maybe i am an evil person. for instance, when i first moved into my condominium, i went to the usual community hang-out area here and i noticed i not only started to not just dislike most (not all) of the people that usually congregate but despise them. this is because (imo) they seemed fake, uppity (with no valid reason as they were not more intelligent) and i couldn't stand what they were always talking about which was either other people that resided here (gossip) or topics that bored me. the level of small talk about topics or interests that irritated me so much i just wanted to punch all of them in the face. i wouldn't shed a tear if they were dead or care, for instance. so i stopped going there. they seemed to be slightly offended at this because they know they aren't nearly as interesting as they fake they are and their ego believes. lmfao!

    also, i think because of my sensitivity, i pick up on more things about people such as vibes and read them pretty well, especially in close proximity. they have that republican stench about them. i didn't like the type of people they are and vice versa.

    i did meet someone who resides here that i liked very much but he doesn't hang out in that usual group. he was very genuine and a nice person. there is also one who i thought was a nice girl but only saw her sporadically too, so there was no one that i really wanted to talk to there.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2017
  18. birch Valued Senior Member

    maybe i'm more sane than you.
  19. river

    On what grounds , are you more sane than me ?
  20. birch Valued Senior Member

    you can believe i'm insane or evil. what can i do about it? lol
  21. birch Valued Senior Member

    uh, i do. for instance, that really nice gentleman i mentioned in the previous post struck up a conversation with me after having a conversation with others in the same group but didn't want to continue it with them. i enjoyed speaking with him.

    your idea sounds quite superstitious. good thoughts attract the same kind of person? lol. there is a mixture. good thoughts can also attract assholes just as much because you seem nice but for a different motive just as good thoughts and vibes can attract those who resonate with that.

    please tell me something i don't already know.
  22. river


    From your response on culture , film/move , recommendations
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2017
  23. river

    Birch , there are those who know , you are not alone .

    We are aware .

    Now what concepts can get away from this , " same world " ? That's the challenge .

    How does one eliminate the politics of the " buddy " system ?
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2017

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