Why are doctors skeptical that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome actually exists as a physical illness?

Discussion in 'Human Science' started by faceurchin, Apr 7, 2018.

  1. faceurchin Registered Member

    The people who say they have it are usually 18-25 years old, or 40-50 years old.. but usually the younger age & female. the symptoms are fatigue, body aches that have no redness or swelling, feeling tired, sleeping a lot, brain fog, weakness, memory loss, exercise intolerance, and depression, and this lasts for years or even decades and it was in the news recently where a mother blamed her daughters death on cfs. CFS people are adamant their condition has a physical and non psychological cause and have given doctors death threats and compared them to Nazi doctors if they make any conclusions that CFS is not caused by something physical, like a new virus.

    CFS itself has many names, such as ME, Post Exertional Intolerance Syndrome, and 'Yuppie Flu'. The demographic is usually women in their 40's.

    Many odd things have been blamed, for instance 'chemtrails', stress, vaccinations, gut bacteria, or even a new virus that doctors are covering up (the virus one is the most common). there are few doctors who will diagnose and the criteria is that every single known disease must be ruled out. it seems to have made a sudden appearance in the 1980's, and it was prevalent in the 90's, but then it seemed to wane and now it's prevalent again and it's like every other person has it.
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  3. RainbowSingularity Valued Senior Member

    it becomes extremely difficult to discuss the science of something when you insist on mixing in conspiracy theorys.

    what is the rate of opiod addiction in the usa currently ?
    what is the rate of suicide in the usa currently ?
    what is the rate of domestic abuse in the usa currently ?

    are you wanting to discuss the medical science side ?
    the conspiracy side ?
    the statistical impresion of public medical conditions ?
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  5. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member


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    It is not that I am unfamiliar certain aspects of the topic narrative regarding cynicism and the like, but it seems more like trusting and then projecting the cynicism than anything else.

    Via the New Yorker (2015)↱:

    Ever since it was first given its name, in 1988, the condition known as chronic fatigue syndrome has been trivialized by doctors and laypeople alike, dismissed as mere malingering. So it felt momentous, earlier this month, when the Institute of Medicine released an exhaustively documented report announcing that CFS—also called, in some circles, myalgic encephalomyelitis, because of its effects on the muscles and brain—is real. As the authors put it, “The primary message of this report is that ME/CFS is a serious, chronic, complex, multisystem disease that frequently and dramatically limits the activities of affected patients.” They suggested that it be given a new name: systemic exertion intolerance disease.

    The report devotes hundreds of pages to assessing the medical literature on ME/CFS, ultimately judging it an organic disease—one rooted in the body rather than in the mind—with clear physiological markers, including diminished cardiovascular function, even after exercise; slowed information processing in the brain; and orthostatic intolerance (lightheadedness, blurred vision, and other symptoms that develop when a patient stands up). People with ME/CFS, the report noted, are more “functionally impaired” than those with Type 2 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and congestive heart failure—diseases that we know to be very grave indeed. Their rate of unemployment is estimated at between thirty-five and sixty per cent, and up to twenty-nine per cent of them will at some point be bedridden or housebound because of the illness, which frequently strikes people in their forties or fifties. “I was uninformed,” Ellen Clayton, the chair of the I.O.M. committee and a professor at the Center for Biomedical Ethics and Society, at Vanderbilt University, told me. “As I went through the literature and listened to patients, I became completely convinced.” She and her colleagues estimate that there are as many as two and a half million people living with ME/CFS in the United States, perhaps nine in ten of whom are undiagnosed.

    As to the report:

    • There is a four-page report brief (.pdf)↱ available online from the National Academies of Science.

    • The full report, running three hundred five pages (.pdf) is also available in exchange for a working email address via the National Academies of Science (click here and note the link upper right).​


    Institute of Medicine. Beyond Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Redefining an Illness. Washington: National Academies Press, 2015. NAP.edu. 8 April 2018. http://nap.edu/19012

    —————. "Report Brief: Beyond Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Redefining an Illness". February 2015. NationalAcademies.org. 8 April 2018. http://bit.ly/2qhjxix

    O'Rourke, Meghan. "A New Name, and Wider Recognition, for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome". The New Yorker. 27 February 2015. NewYorker.com. 8 April 2018. http://bit.ly/2EuAHhC
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  7. DaveC426913 Valued Senior Member

    I'm not sure whether you're a proponent or a skeptic.

    Thing about syndromes is that they are syndromes because we don't know the cause. The syndrome is essentially identifying a common set of symptoms, without knowing the root cause. At some point, the medical profession must recognize that - even if such a problem has no known cause, it is definitely something that cannot be ignored - too many patients are experiencing this same thing, and they still need treatment. They have to acknowledge that 'we don't know why' is not tantamount to 'you are imagining this'.
  8. RainbowSingularity Valued Senior Member

    i worked along side someone with it for a while.
    they told me the condition had a name, doctors knew it existed, but didnt really know what it was.
    the name that they the patients used was just a name.
    i observed them in varying states of the condition over some months.
    general mathamatical and cognitive dynamic ability was a little above average(cognitive fluid dynamic was above average).
    spacial judgement was on again off again.
    the onset of the condition was like a complete collapse of the body into a flu like state where a flu sufferer looses motor ability and the bodys immune system is visually breaking down.
    migraines were also a thing.
    psychological disposition very happy and positive.
  9. anonymousse Registered Member

    This person has been spamming several boards on Reddit over the past few days, using more than one account, asking variations on this question, although originally it was not phrased as a question, but an extremely hostile declaration that ME/CFS is not a physical illness. All of the original postings have been deleted by the OP or removed by mods. Several detailed responses were provided for the OP's benefit with links to peer-reviewed literature, but none were responded to. If this person were sincere about finding an answer to this question, there is more than enough evidence out there to provide detailed information. I would be happy to post any and all relevant links, but at this point not out of any interest to deal with this person, only because if anyone is intrigued by the question and would like to know more...
    RainbowSingularity likes this.
  10. faceurchin Registered Member

  11. DaveC426913 Valued Senior Member

    What's to bump? You haven't contributed anything since the OP. Are you hoping we'll just squabble amongst ourselves? That's kind of trollish.
    RainbowSingularity likes this.
  12. RainbowSingularity Valued Senior Member

    faint sense of bi-polar, more soo a PTSD symptomatic response to fatigue matched with a mild form of OCD as a sense of emotional perfectionism.

    some people like to feel validated by asserting thier idea that just toughing it out and hardening up will solve a lack of emotional intelligence by social culture.

    i would like to see them explain that to the parents of a S.I.D.S patient.
  13. Selfexprt.SJ Registered Member

    Has it been suggested that people with mentioned syndrome be tested for lupus, the muscle disorder which could cause some if not all the mentioned problems in original post?
  14. Selfexprt.SJ Registered Member

    The staff member definitely solved this, please forgive my hasty post.. trusting and what not
  15. RainbowSingularity Valued Senior Member


    interesting to note (sounds like mass poisoning[attack] by a chemical nerve agent)
    maybe its genetic from a mutation of DNA from some type of food group...
    things like

    maybe its pregnant women who have been poisoned by eating food from plastic containers which has damaged their babys DNA.

    many possible explanations... not many that corporate america will be happy to accept though.

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