How to distribute wealth equally?

Discussion in 'Business & Economics' started by Saint, Feb 2, 2017.

  1. naturallygorg Registered Member

    Taxing the wealthy and simply giving it away to the poor isn't really a good solution given all other factors. Ideally, yes. Taxing those who earn more than giving it to the rest of the people through public goods is better instead of just giving the money away. Also, we have to find a way to ensure that this really happens. There's corruption, tax evasion and such.

    I think a good way is to enrich jobs. Some people will say that the poor can't rise up from poverty because they're lazy. I think it's because they're either underpaid or because there aren't enough quality jobs. I think the authority in a company should be more distributed. Some supervisors earn so much but the rank & file employees are carrying a lot of weight in the company as well and this goes unrecognized. That or they're left doing simple tasks and thus only get paid very low.
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  3. river

    In the end , simply said , if the everyday and white collar employees don't get enough salary to buy goods , then the economy is limited by , dissposible income and savings .
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  5. Dr_Toad It's green! Valued Senior Member

    That's the point. If I am willing to work hard for my family's betterment, the government shouldn't get more of my money just because I work harder.

    They just enrich themselves before dribbling out any left-over change they took from someone else's pocket.

    Why would I, or should I, give my earned money to someone with no skills except their ability to smoke crack? To save the country from capitalism? Fuck all that.
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  7. river

    What are your skills ?
  8. Dr_Toad It's green! Valued Senior Member

    I'm a carpenter, a British car mechanic, a network security and systems analyst, a production line manager and a damned good cook. And a pretty good shot with a rifle. How about you?

    Edit: I forgot to add that I can handle animals, but that's more a gift than a skill.

    Second edit: I'm a successful father. My son is a man, even if he does things differently. But that's a duty more than a skill. A joy all the same to have had that duty.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2018
  9. river


    None of the above
  10. Dr_Toad It's green! Valued Senior Member

    Well, step up then. What are your skills? It took me many years to add that many notches to my pistol, if I can use that analogy...
  11. river

    I have no skills .
  12. Dr_Toad It's green! Valued Senior Member

    Get some. Really.

    Edit: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has no skills either, but she has degrees in subjects that should require them. And she wants to distribute wealth, too. Maybe she wants to make everyone a Suffering Bastard? (She used to be a bartender. Presumably she has a copy of the Trader Vic's bartender's guide..)

    How's that going to work out? C'mon, you can get that in one try.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2018
  13. river

    I have been a bartender , waiter , busboy . Many years ago

    I can not do it physically any more .
  14. Dr_Toad It's green! Valued Senior Member

    I'm sorry to hear that. I'm as old as dirt, and sick, so I can't do too much either.

    Well, I can still hate Texas summers.. Another 105F today, no end in sight, and no rain likely. All I want is fruit, and wealth.

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  15. river

    Ah , the humidity , no thanks !
  16. Dr_Toad It's green! Valued Senior Member

    It's really not that bad as far as the humidity goes, but on the other hand, it's freaking scary to think someone might throw a cigarette out the car window and burn out 50 houses.

    We need rain, My favorite hickory tree is losing leaves three months early because it's so damned dry.
  17. river

    dam shame ; seriously .

  18. Dr_Toad It's green! Valued Senior Member

    Thanks. Do me a rain dance, bro.

    Edit: Sorry, that wasn't meant so be sarcastic, but anything would help.
  19. Capracus Valued Senior Member

    Why would you have to work for the other members of your family? Can’t they manage to earn their own way? It almost looks as if your family might resemble a socialist system. I know mine did.
    I agree, and we need something akin to Batman to weed the corruption out of government. I suggest we start from the top.
    We already have a mixed economy here in the US, where part of your money goes to defend, educate, feed, medically assist, and if need be, incarcerate the crack smoker. And there’s no question that it could use some refinement. If the system did a better job of conditioning the crack smoker during its formative years, like was probably done with your son in your personal socialist system, then the crack smoker might not be such a burden on our capitalist/socialist society.
  20. Dr_Toad It's green! Valued Senior Member

    If the members of my family can't make their own way I should abandon them? I am my brother's keeper.

    Socialism, pure democracy, and communism work well in small groups, but it doesn't tend to scale up linearly as we've seen in history. That's why we had kings and emperors, rich enough to demand and compel.

    Every barnacled-encrusted bureaucracy should be dry-docked, scraped and put back into service cleaner and leaner. If I had my way, Madison would be president, the congress would adhere to the principle of supporting the senator's various state's interests, not the bloated bloviated corral full of assholes that it is today.

    The house is still sort of on-track. Sort of... The executive is at least three times bigger than it needs to be, or ever should be.

    The judicial has very sadly become politicized. I've said for about ten or fifteen years that Rome has fallen. Call me Cassandra...

    I watch birds and shoot at targets, and take care of the folks I love.
  21. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    I assume you at least having air conditioning. Here in Seattle, home air conditioning is rare. At least it's not especially humid for it's been sunny and close to 90 degrees for several weeks now. Not usually something we would complain about but without air conditioning and without any breaks it gets draining.

    I went to grad school in Phoenix so I understand 105 F and dry as well.
  22. Gawdzilla Sama Valued Senior Member

    If income is distributed evenly my redneck, moonshiner, gun nut cousins are not going to work at all. They'll just accumulate guns and pick-up trucks. And they'll vote.
    Seattle likes this.
  23. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    How about because they inherited all the real estate or banking in your town, and you have to pay them rent or mortgage interest?
    Also, you have to work for them to get the money in the first place. They'll tell you what your duties and hours of service are to be - nose candy isn't that expensive, but they have other needs as well.
    Republican administrations did that.
    Starting with the corporate ones. Such as the ones in the management of the health insurance corporations - five times the size of the Medicare bureaucracies, and nothing but overhead.
    They won't vote any more than they do now, or for anybody different.
    And they won't be buying 4ok trucks on that thin dime. So the rest of us will be a little better off.

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