Declassing Cannabis from a drug ?

Discussion in 'Chemistry' started by Mark Turner, Jul 19, 2019.

  1. Mark Turner Banned Banned

    My study on drugs has lead me to conclude that Cannabis should be declassed from a drug to a ,

    Natural neurological stimulant

    None synthetic where drugs are synthetic

    Thoughts please ?
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  3. Sarkus Hippomonstrosesquippedalo phobe Valued Senior Member

    Is your demarcation between drug and non-drug simply based on whether they are synthetic or not? Because it is a stimulant rather than painkiller, depressant, hallucinogen, other type of drug (are there any other types?)? If it is based on more than these, perhaps you want to share more of your study?
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  5. Mark Turner Banned Banned

    I've been studying Cannabis for ~30 years comparative to other drugs .
    The related dangers are minimal compared to other drugs , this inclusive of pharmaceuticals .
    Aspirin are more dangerous than Cannabis in example , Heroine topping the chart as the most nasty .
    My cognitive studies of cannabis has resulted in Cannabis does not affect learning ability or make people stupid in anyway .

    I've based my conclusion on three facts

    1. Natural
    2.Neurological effect

    Where pharmaceuticals , Heroine etc , are manufactured , synthetics , greater harm than cannabis .
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  7. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    Still a drug, just a relatively harmless one.
    sideshowbob likes this.
  8. sculptor Valued Senior Member

    pfffffft, exhale, pffffffffffft, pause, exhale, pfffffffffffffffffffffft-------------Forgive me----------What was the question?
    Mark Turner likes this.
  9. Mark Turner Banned Banned

    I'd disagree in that it is a drug . A natural neurological stimulant is an objectively correct interpretation in consideration of the legal nature of alcohol in comparison .
    It is defined as an illegal drug under UK statute law but lawfully and legally any community in the UK has a right to challenge implied statute laws .
  10. sideshowbob Sorry, wrong number. Valued Senior Member

    At Shoppers Drug Mart, the muzak is often interrupted by a commercial that suggests there's a difference between prescription medication and "drugs". I don't buy it there and I'm not buying it here.

    A drug is a drug. A drug is defined, loosely, as a substance that has a physiological effect. It doesn't matter whether it's a good effect or a bad effect.
  11. Mark Turner Banned Banned

    That may be the definition but it is rather general as sugar or caffeine can have physiological effect . Is sugar a drug ?
  12. sideshowbob Sorry, wrong number. Valued Senior Member

    I did say it was a loose definition. We could probably discount ordinary metabolism as a physiogical effect but few people would deny that caffeine is a drug.
  13. Mark Turner Banned Banned

    I believe if you ate too much sugar in one go , that could possibly kill you as with caffeine . Yet both of these drugs you can buy legally at the supermarket .
    Nobody dies off eating cannabis unless they are unfortunate enough to choke on it .
    My point being there is 100s if not 1000s of legal substances that can kill us , Cannabis is less harmful than sugar in example .

    Sugar , caffeine , Cannabis , tobacco , all natural neurological stimulants .
  14. sideshowbob Sorry, wrong number. Valued Senior Member

    Legality and/or harm have nothing to do with whether or not something is a drug.
    sculptor likes this.
  15. Mark Turner Banned Banned

    Legal drug or illegal drug is interpretable . The word itself , drug , is generalised , perhaps we need to define differences .
  16. paddoboy Valued Senior Member

    Other then coffee, tea or alcohol and some limited kava consumption [a mild soporific plant root from Fiji] I have never delved or been in contact with any other illegal drugs. So much so, that my unfamiliarity with them could have me walking past a plantation of Marijhana without me recognising it as such.
    Just never been interested.
    The exception with kava is that having a house in Fiji and often making trips there, the drinking of kava is always associated with weddings, funerals, official inaugarations of chiefs for example, and just about any formal and informal gathering.
    Mark Turner likes this.
  17. Mark Turner Banned Banned

    Alcohol is actually a worse drug than cannabis although legal . I respect you've never bothered or were tempted to try Cannabis .
    The bad stories about Cannabis are often first timers etc , no different than a first drunk experience in comparison of complaints . As with alcohol , people build a tolerance to Cannabis and the effects are minimal .
  18. RainbowSingularity Valued Senior Member

    a natural drug
    cocaine leafs are a natural drug
    opium is a natural drug
    Dopamine is a naturally occurring drug
    steroids are a naturally occurring drug
    Adrenalin is a naturally occurring drug

    all these things are created by god
    just like god created cute baby animals for you to kill and eat
    god created drugs for you to use
  19. sideshowbob Sorry, wrong number. Valued Senior Member

    We do define differences - legal/illegal, degree of harm, degree of addictiveness, etc. We use modifiers to define the differences. But a drug is a drug is a drug.
    sculptor likes this.
  20. Mark Turner Banned Banned

    Well , implied legalities are there to be challenged .
    The harm factors of cannabis seem none existent . The addictiveness is to the tobacco if smoked .
    In comparison to other drugs , some legal , Cannabis is below them on the scale . Caffeine , tobacco , sugar etc more harmful than cannabis .
  21. sideshowbob Sorry, wrong number. Valued Senior Member

    That has nothing to do with what I said. Cannabis is a drug, period.
  22. Mark Turner Banned Banned

    What sort of drug ?

    A natural neurological stimulant one ?
  23. sideshowbob Sorry, wrong number. Valued Senior Member

    That isn't the point. It's a drug. It can't be "declassed" to be something else any more than a zebra can be declassed to something else. It is what it is.

    "Drug" is not a bad word.

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