Am I imagining things ?

Discussion in 'Health & Fitness' started by Mark Turner, Jul 18, 2019.

  1. RainbowSingularity Valued Senior Member


    are you on anti depressants & anti anxiety medication ?
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  3. Mark Turner Banned Banned

    Not anymore , pills mess you up worse .
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  5. Mark Turner Banned Banned

    I assume you know what enthalpy is , I'm a little surprised at your question.
    An object at relative rest is situated in a geometrical position . Whilst at accelerating rest state the enthalpy is constant , when you accelerate the object effectively you are changing geometrical relative position , the constant rest enthalpy is then changed , creating an internal energy change that the consequent emittance frequency is changed .
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  7. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    This isn't even word salad:
  8. Mark Turner Banned Banned

    An object at rest although it has 0 velocity is still in a free fall state of acceleration . Defined by me as an accelerating rest state .
    In compliance with Newton's third law , the ground pushes back , stopping the free fall .
  9. exchemist Valued Senior Member

    BwS, don't, please, for the love of God!

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    This will just go on and on in a pointless charade. You will NEVER explain any science to Theorist. Atomic clocks are one of his, ahem, preoccupations, along with imaginary links to entropy and enthalpy. See this for instance from "amber":
  10. Mark Turner Banned Banned

    You're quite strange , this is about my delusions , not some theorist you keep mentioning.

    Do you have any science input to give ?

    Can you please demonstrate where my science is delusional ?
  11. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    This is probably a waste of time, but...

    Mark Turner:

    You say you have proven Einstein wrong.

    Tell me which of Einstein's work you have proven wrong, specifically.

    Also, can you please direct me to where your disproof is published, or else publish it here?

  12. Mark Turner Banned Banned

    Time dilation and there is a thread in the main sections demonstrating the error and synchronising time.
  13. billvon Valued Senior Member

    Time dilation has been proven correct several times. In fact, time dilation is observed in GPS satellites because they move rapidly compared to people on the ground - and therefore their timing has to be compensated so their clocks stay correct.
  14. Mark Turner Banned Banned

    See the other thread , a change in length the light travels is not a time dilation .
  15. billvon Valued Senior Member

    I didn't claim it was. Time dilation is time dilation, and it is an observed scientific fact.
  16. Mark Turner Banned Banned

    No , a time dilation is the extra angular length the light travels in the light clock thought experiment . In the Hafele and Keating experiment the change of frequency due to motion is a change in internal energy of the caesium effecting output as with all emissions.
    The value of time was subjectively given to the caesium frequency in the past .

    A change of length does not equate to a change of time and neither does a change of frequency .
    That is subjective and mechanical timing .
  17. Mark Turner Banned Banned

    I'm definitely imagining things , hallucinations ..I feel ill now ...I have voices in my head for real ....I think I should say what the voices say ?

    Will that make me feel better ?
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2019
  18. billvon Valued Senior Member

    See the other thread. A change in length the light travels is not a time dilation.

    Time dilation is an proven scientific fact.
  19. billvon Valued Senior Member

    See a doctor as soon as possible. The Internet is the worst possible place to get medical advice.
  20. Mark Turner Banned Banned

    I think I'm just going to chat about my delusions on a MH forum or maybe even a religious forum so I can tell God what a ......he is .

    Anyway , you said time dilation is a proven fact , not anymore because I've demonstrated the proof is at fault and in the other thread perfectly synchronised time showing no time dilation .

    Back to you , am I delusional ?
  21. billvon Valued Senior Member

    GO TO A DOCTOR. He will be able to render an informed opinion on your mental health and the best way to treat any issues he sees. Hearing voices is a strong sign you need the care of a doctor.
    In reality, rapidly moving satellites experience time dilation. Real world experience wins over your theories.
  22. Mark Turner Banned Banned

    Well , people might find my illness fascinating , I'm not hearing voices other than my own voice in thought as I'm reading voices. The voices , possibly machine coding and doxing , controlling my mind in a MK ultra way .

    Your argument about satellites is irrelevant, a frequency offset is not a change in or of time .

    You'd need to find an argument to prove falsity in my demonstration of the error in the other thread .
  23. billvon Valued Senior Member

    Yes, and the person who will find it most fascinating will be your doctor.
    Frequency is the inverse of time. Change one and you change the other.
    No, I don't.

    If you have a very esoteric and cool theory about how gravity doesn't exist, I can falsify it instantly by dropping something. Real world results always trump theories.

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