Ether model

Discussion in 'Alternative Theories' started by Michael Anteski, Feb 19, 2017.

  1. paddoboy Valued Senior Member

    And since none of that aligns with any observational and/or experimental data, and is unable to explain that which current models explain, we can safely forget about your word salad nonsense.
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  3. river


    All forms of particles NEED a certain amount of fundemental space ...... which it needs , in order to exist in the first place . Tiny space for tiny particles .

    Does this " Quantum Entanglement " have distance limits ?

    What happens at 1 million kilometers apart ?

    100,000 thousand , 10,000 thousand ........100 hundred .
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2020
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  5. Michael Anteski Registered Senior Member

    Nobody knows how far quantum entanglement could conceivably extend distance-wise. If we were able to apply our technology to the ether, we could better investigate such questions, but according to my Model, the ether is too rarified for our present technology to detect it. All we detect with our technology are the quantum units.

    The basic idea of this Ether Model is that there is an undetected universal ether that underlies and underpins the quantum forces we live in and observe around us. Quantum forces behave according to a different kind of dynamics from the ether. Quantum forces behave according to factors like distance vectors, waves, and fields, and how they affect energy units we are presently able to observe, like electrons, whereas this Ether Model claims that there is a different, etheric, type of dynamic that underlies and underpins quantum dynamics, which involves vibration of etheric units, and vibrational contact among the much, much, smaller units of the ether.
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  7. Michael Anteski Registered Senior Member

    When you say "current models explain that," I assume you refer to the question of how physics claims gravity occurs. -The current consensus-gravity- model is based on Einstein's General Relativity, slightly modified to accommodate it to the more recent concept of "the space-time geodesic." -This model developed after previous extensive investigations were unable to relate gravity to electromagnetism or light forces. So Relativity became the "default" model of gravity. It is a model physics can apply measurements and observational data to, and derive mathematics for, but it's a model I would claim is not as conceptually rational as this Ether Model.
  8. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    Beyond spacetime lies only a timeless (infinite) "permittive state". I like the sound of that.
    Very logical, IMO....

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  9. Michael Anteski Registered Senior Member

    I would submit that a creational Universe makes better sense than Big Bang, space-time, dark energy, etc. -To extend this Ether Model in that kind of direction, there would have been a "first world," where Original Space was free of any forces, and thus conceivably very self-compatible, so that ultimately-minuscule point-like localities were oscillating. Then oscillatory fatigue led to adjacent point localities falling toward each other, Yin Yang fashion. Any such couplets would have had to reversibly revert to singleton units, which would have broken the perfect symmetry of the oscillations, converting space from the reciprocal oscillation to a universal space consisting of independently-vibrating, elemental, etheric units. -Eventually, a sapient quantized etheric Entity appeared, amidst this "second world," of fluxing, resonating, self-recognizant or "entangled" super-rarified etheric forces. Quantized "islands" were formed, but they suffered from magnetic instability, due to the predominant ether forces, in this (what could be termed the "second") world, which required the creational formation of a new, more magnetically-stable, kind of Universe which was the quantized macrocosm we now live in. This was done by projecting quantum electrons (the smallest, speediest quantum units), from the quantized "islands' within the preceding "ether world," toward a "virgin" ether region, which stimulated ether units there to form larger units, like the protons, neutrons, and atoms that make up our world, chain-reactionally.

    I claim by combining this model with the previous Ether Model, we would come to a more rational understanding of everything.
  10. (Q) Encephaloid Martini Valued Senior Member

    Perhaps, it might explain the Middle Earth model from LOTR. Gandalf probably gets his powers from the virgin ether region.
    exchemist likes this.
  11. Michael 345 New year. PRESENT is 72 years oldl Valued Senior Member

    My understanding of quantum entanglement is miniscule but from that miniscule under I form the idea that the word entanglement is somewhat misleading

    They are not connected

    What entanglement means is knowing the state of one, the state of the other is known

    Happy to be corrected if in error

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  12. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    Sounds impressive, but complicated.

    If we assume a creative "instant", the chronological scenario you laid out sounds a little contrived.

    I visualize a single instant of a mega quantum event, a singularity which released all fundamental potentials of a purely permittive condition in an expanding wave function. And due to the prevailing permittive state, the first instant was able to expand at FTL, until the chaos of the released matter formed the geosphere and spacetime emerged, along with the mathematical Laws of Physics. The rest is history.

    I know this sounds simplistic, but IMO, this makes it compatible with Occam's razor. It had to have started as a simple dynamic event. Else we get caught up in "irreducible complexity".....?
  13. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    This is what I visualized as the "timeless permittive state". No forces, just pure potential.
    btw. This was hypothesized by David Bohm in his "Wholeness and the Implicate Order", i.e. Bohmian Mechanics
  14. Michael Anteski Registered Senior Member

    Your reply appears to miss the central points of the Ether Model and the "First Cause" model I proposed. The key in concept of First Cause in my model is that initial events had to have centered around point-like oscillations which existed universally in a universal Original Space, which had to exist before there could have been any quantum units or quantum forces, and thus before any "mega quantum event" such as you propose could have initially happened. Your model ignores the basic points I made in my model of first cause. You seem to assume that a consensus-theory of physicists that what they are calling"spacetime" (which is not part of my model) appeared, and was related to, initiating event(s). So your model is very different from mine.
  15. Michael Anteski Registered Senior Member

    I would question the ideas you give about quantum entanglement. It's true that quantum physicists have proposed arguments that quantum entanglement (QE) is explainable using the present quantum theory of physics, which is in denial of the existence of an underlying ether. -As far as the question of what is happening in QE, I suggest you check the reference on it in Wikipedia, which is a good impartial source of opinion on such questions. It states that QE does involve some kind of real connection between closely-related quantum units after they have been separated. My model claims QE is explainable using ether theory, is a key unappreciated phenomenon in physics, not just a rare and peculiar laboratory finding.
  16. Michael Anteski Registered Senior Member

    Extending my ether model to theories involving Hollow Earth would be too complex to try to go into at this point in time. Physics does not now even accept that an ether exists. In any case, the reference in my model as to a "virgin ether region" was referring to the creation-scenario I presented, as to how an etheric region of space could have been used to project quantizing forces toward, in order to create a new quantum universe.
  17. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    (Quantum = a discrete quantity of energy proportional in magnitude to the frequency of the radiation it represents).
    A dynamic (point-like oscillating) quantum?
    IMO, the concept of point-like oscillations are just another definition of energetic quanta, but how would you gather all point-like oscillations into a single point-like oscillation which expressed itself as a mega event?
    I can visualize a singularity of enfolded potential energy quanta expressed in a single mega quatum and the subsequent unfolding of spacetime (in a fractal manner).
    How do you visualize Original Space, when space (the universe) was not yet formed. I prefer to see it as a purely permittive state, where any single event is a singularity by definition.
  18. Michael Anteski Registered Senior Member

    I would like to add two theoretic addendums to my previous posts on my Ether Model, which could help clarify it for anyone who may be considering whether this model is strong enough to challenge the consensus models of quantum physicists.

    In my reply to Michael 345 above, I recommended that he check Wikipedia's reference to quantum entanglement (QE) as to whether two quantum units remain "connected" after they have been separated, and I replied that Wikipedia states that when two such quantum units are observed after their separation, the two "remain connected." -Actually, the way Wikipedia states this, more precisely, is that "changes in one of them induces changes in the other one." -I again reiterate that the only way this can occur is if the two quantum units are connected by an intervening ether matrix.

    The other addendum concerns the position of physics that the Michelson-Morley Experiment (MMX), and its successors, have proved no ether can exist because of their assumption that any ether must be acting as "the medium" for transmitting the light beams they measured in MMX. -I have stated that key assumption is wrong, because an ether such as my Model proposes has ultimately-minuscule elemental units vastly more rarified than units of light (photons) that MMX used in their experiments, and that no inertial interface could exist between the light and an underlying ether, allowing for an ether to act as a "medium" for the light transmissions. -While in my Model, it's true that the units of the ether are vastly more rarified than the photons in the light beams, the actual reason that no inertial interface exists between units of light and units of the ether would be that the underlying ether matrix has a completely-different type of dynamic (vibratory) than do the quantum-order photons. The photons operate through quantum dynamics, involving distance-vectors, waves, and fields. That's why there is no inertial interface between them, and why the ether matrix and the light beams did not show any evidence of being connected to an underlying ether. The photons and the ether are operating independently. -So I claim physics has been overlooking the key factor involved here, which has led physics to wrongly rule out ether.
  19. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    I disagree. This phenomenon can also be described as "entangled quanta" which do not recognize spatial dimensions at all.
    There is no spatial dimension to cross. For entangled quanta spatial dimensions do not exist, let alone a substantive medium....

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    If I drop a cup of water in a lake. The entire lake (if measured in toto) increases in mass instantaneously. There is no dimensional space to cross for the entire lake to increase in mass. It may take a wave some time to cross the lake, but that's not what is being measured.
  20. Michael Anteski Registered Senior Member

    Correction to the next-to-last sentence in my last post. I mis-typed where I said "..and why the ether matrix and the light beams did not show any evidence of being connected to an underlying ether." -It should have read, just, "the light beams did not show..." Apology for writing jumbled sentence there.
  21. Michael Anteski Registered Senior Member

    Further correction: This correction does not apply to my reply to Michael 345's post. It applies to my post giving "two addendums." (I don't know why I mis-applied the correction when clicking on "replies.")
  22. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    From what I read and understand, you are describing a Higgs Field, which is the intermediate medium between energy and mass and which has been proven to exist.
    In your model of the Ether what other properties do you propose are necessary to fill the requirement of an Ether which is not provided by the Higgs Field?
  23. Michael Anteski Registered Senior Member

    I don't see any useful parallels between any of the present quantum physics theories, and my ether model. The theories of Higgs fall into the category of consensus quantum physics models, all of which are based on an assumption that there is no underlying ether. This is the basic bone of contention here, if you're talking about trying to combine my ether model with the present models of quantum physicists.

    There have been experiments done in the area of sound waves, in which it was found that focusing a group of sound waves, so that their frequencies are synchronized, produces a levitational effect, shown to levitate solid objects (which were not heavy.) -Combining this etheric-type of effect with my ether model, my conclusion would be that a hyper-resonance wave effect, produced via a sequence of sound waves, and therefore exerted on an object at atomic and molecular scales, is able, under such conditions, to "percolate" all the way down to the scale of the ether units which underlie the larger quantum units inside an object, causing these ether units to align and entrain to an increased degree, and levitate the 0bject. (However, some strictly-quantum theorists might attribute the levitation to theories of quantum gravity and/or magnetism, disagreeing with any sort of ether theory.)

    Another way to approach this, iff an experimenter were to generate a selectively-etheric forced energy field, which acted on a solid body, and predicted a levitational effect and then produced that effect, it would be strong experimental evidence of the ether's existence.

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