Is consciousness to be found in quantum processes in microtubules?

Discussion in 'Pseudoscience' started by Write4U, Sep 8, 2018.

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  1. Write4U Valued Senior Member


    And how does this all happen?
    Surely not by pure chance, yet also not by divine command. Those are the 2 extremes that Hazen addressed in his lecture @ Carnegie Institute of Science. He proposes that "evolution" happens via a probabilistic mathematical function that depends on inherent potentials and things will eventually become expressed given sufficient time and
    necessary resources. (David Bohm's "enfolded order" becoming expressed in "unfolded reality")

    In this dynamic universe things happen stochastically but always via "mathematical physical permission". If something is not mathematically permitted it cannot happen.
    This is why I use the term "a quasi-intelligent universe". It is a state of proto-consciousness.
    IOW, consciousness is an evolved extension of a dynamic universe that follows generic mathematical "guiding principles" that begin at the very simplest cellular level.
    There it is! A nervous system is not a necessary requirement for intra-cellular and inter-cellular communication. Microtubules in the cellular cytoplasm do communicate all by themselves.
    Botanists call it "problem solving". Bacteriologists call it "quorum sensing"
    But that is a false equivalence. Plants may not be aware of the trail, but they are certainly aware of the "packed soil" on the trail and avoid trying to grow there unless the trail reverts to its original composition by weather conditions "over time".

    I agree with Tegmark that consciousness is an emergent result of certain information processing patterns. There is no law that says this pattern must be founded on biological substrate, but may well be possible by say a crystal substrate.
    p.s. Microtubules are biochemical crystals.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2023
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  3. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    Microtubules as One-Dimensional Crystals: Is Crystal-Like Structure the Key to the Information Processing of Living Systems?
    by Noemí Sanchez-Castro 1,2,Martha Alicia Palomino-Ovando 2,Pushpendra Singh 3,4,Satyajit Sahu 5,Miller Toledo-Solano 6,*ORCID,Jocelyn Faubert 1,J. Eduardo Lugo 1,*,Anirban Bandyopadhyay 3ORCID andKanad Ray 4


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  5. Contemplation Registered Senior Member

    Did they find that the electrical impedance is changing or is it always constant? I have trouble interrupting the paper, since I never seriously studied biology. From my understanding of electronics and theoretical physic, changes in the impedance would have to be the mechanism responsible for consciousness. Changing the impedance alters the phase space of the electrical system. It was actually Bell, founder of Bell Labs, that adapted all electrical components to be used in electronic circuits to be constant. The reason is because it can create too much static and interference. You wouldn’t be able to get a steady voltage or frequency. Therefore, nothing produced with the technology developed by Bell Labs will ever truly become consciously aware.

    The only way I could see this as being a conscious being is if the impedance of these crystals are adapting to the phase space of these crystals you mention.
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  7. Contemplation Registered Senior Member

    Never mind, I found it. It states that the impedance only has one value. They are no more consciously aware than your toaster, which also only has one value for its impedance. In neurons, the impedance actually changes, if I remember correctly.
  8. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    The remarkable property of microtubules is that they can grow and shrink, thereby are variable in control impedance.

    Investigation of the Electrical Properties of Microtubule Ensembles under Cell-Like Conditions
    Aarat P. Kalra,1 Sahil D. Patel,2 Asadullah F. Bhuiyan,2 Jordane Preto,1 Kyle G. Scheuer,2 Usman Mohammed,3 John D. Lewis,4 Vahid Rezania,3 Karthik Shankar,2,* and Jack A. Tuszynski1,4


    Microtubules as Sub-Cellular Memristors

  9. Contemplation Registered Senior Member


    The problem is that consciousness still hasn’t been proven to exist in a phase space, but I believe it is the best theoretical model. There is a complete re-derivation of quantum mechanics in a phase space which is said to be equally valid as the standard model, but it can also include descriptions like quantum tunneling. This makes more intuitive sense, since it is simply recognizing that the entire state of the system is responsible for what is measured at each point.

    I don’t believe that we actually live in a Hilbert Space from which it is derived, but it may actually be closer to an 8 dimensional universe that has two higher open dimensions and one closed spatial dimension and a time/charge reversed dimension for hand wavy reasons that would take too long to describe.

    Basically, brain patterns where we would normally expect to find consciousness have erratic changing frequencies. They can take on different patterns by thinking about different things. They can appear in similar locations in the brain where the “wiring” is the same. This could only be accomplished by changing the impedance of the circuit.

    One example is what happens when someone smokes marijuana. The THC molecules actually change the connection between neurons by making it easier for them to send electrical signals. The person experiences an altered state of consciousness. It actually makes it possible for the person to reach a higher state of consciousness where they can use more of their brain at one time.

    This lowers the resistance of the circuit, changing the impedance, where impedance is actually the measurement of how waves are reflected. The thing is that they don’t reflect like normal waves and that reflection changes the state of the particles all throughout their history and future. This sounds really woo, like no one would ever figure out how to achieve a mathematical description of this, but I was really dumbfounded by this actually already being discovered. That is a phase space.
  10. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    We're now at the limit of my knowledge, but according to IIT, the microtubule network creates entangled data that solves the differential problems (?).
    I'm glad you are contributing stuff I was never aware of. I love the research!

    Co-Entangled Actin-Microtubule Composites Exhibit Tunable Stiffness and Power-Law Stress Relaxation
    Shea N. Ricketts,1 Jennifer L. Ross,2 and Rae M. Robertson-Anderson1,∗

    Last edited: Mar 12, 2023
  11. exchemist Valued Senior Member

    This paper has nothing to do with data, let alone "entangled data", whatever that might mean.

    It is about the physical entanglement of microtubles and what that does to the mechanical stiffness of structures in cell cytoplasm.
  12. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    And maybe regulate physical composites for resistance and impedance?

    I know a potentiometer is a physical object, yet it does some really interesting things with electricity, no?

    I guess you missed this:
    Investigation of the Electrical Properties of Microtubule Ensembles under Cell-Like Conditions

    Broaden your scope.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2023
  13. Contemplation Registered Senior Member

    Normally, when I have learned about this kind of stuff they always mention a possible crackpot scientist that figures that they solved the mechanism behind consciousness as being similar to that. I think it deserves some kind of credence.

    The closest thing it would resemble is putting a inductor in line with a source voltage going to ground. That is when you would measure the most impedance. An inductor is simply a wound coil. The current goes around the coil and creates a magnetic field which physicist describe as the electromagnetic force created by a force carrying photon.

    What happens is the coil gains more resistance to current if there is alternating current applied to it. It makes it more difficult for the electrons to flow through the wire. Direct current will flow straight through it as though it has no resistance. The alternating current experiences resistance from it changing directions.

    This resistance reflects the electromagnetic waves of the electron, just like how you would expect a photon to be reflected by a mirror. I know this sounds really fantastic and all, since somehow electrons can no longer be considered electromagnetic waves, but that is how I was taught it. It assumes some wave particle duality of the electrons.

    This then creates an interference with its previous version of itself. This creates random spikes in the voltage levels, and that is why they say you should never design a circuit that way. The goal of electronics is to obtain predictable values of voltages that can undergo a process that creates a desirable output based on different inputs of voltages.

    All components in electronics actually possess some impedance. It is rarely considered or used, from Bell standardizing how much impedance they all have. It prevents unpredictable voltages from being created. Apparently, they were not capable of creating circuits within a phase space or didn’t care too. It simplifies electrical theory.
  14. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    It seems to me that the configuration and dynamic potentials of microtubules are perfectly suited for electrical control at very low voltages as found in the brain.
    It is simply a wound coil but it has ability to grow or shrink, thereby changing its electrical properties.

    Microtubule Electrical Oscillations and Hippocampal Function


    Just to get you up to date on ORCH OR. (Orchestrated Objective Reduction)

    Orchestrated reduction of quantum coherence in brain microtubules: A model for consciousness

    Stuart Hameroff a, Roger Penrose b
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2023
  15. exchemist Valued Senior Member

    You've just made that up. There is zero in the paper about data, or even about electrical properties.

    And no, a potentiometer does not do really interesting things with electricity. It's just a variable resistor.

    You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
  16. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    And what does resistance do to electricity?

    I assembled an amplifier once and had to solder many resistors, fixed and variable, else I would have had no control over the input and output of the audible sound.
    "Just" a variable resistor is not "just" a variable resistor. It is a critical part of an amplifier. Are you sure you know what you are talking about?
  17. Contemplation Registered Senior Member

    That just makes it sound more like a step up or step down circuit. If you have two inductors close together they can transfer voltage to another independent circuit. A larger inductor will transfer more voltage to a smaller inductor. A smaller inductor will transfer less voltage to a larger inductor. The amount of transfer of voltage will remain constant if they are both the same size.

    This is actually nothing like how a radio works to send signals that would allow for communication. That is the big mistake. A change in frequency can simply be created by putting one wire next to another like an antenna rod. That literally is all it takes to transmit signals. One wire is creating a change in voltage that is transmitted to another wire.

    The only thing that makes it special is that the antenna are not in line to ground with a capacitor. Every other circuit in an electronic device is in line with ground with a capacitor, so the other circuits are not influenced by any transmission.

    It actually makes it sound a lot less about transmitting information but rather used for transmitting energy. That could be important for something using photosynthesis to live on…
  18. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    Of course, in nature we are not talking about artificially designed patterns, but natural selection over time of patterns that work efficiently. Nature has all the time in the world to test different pattern configurations.
    Ah, yes in plants.
    But animals have additional sensory processes from sight and magnetic and gravitational navigation.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2023
  19. Contemplation Registered Senior Member

    E = I R

    The voltage level (E) is based on the amount of current (I) times the resistance (R).

    Resistance is really just a property of matter in how well it can conduct electricity. Electricity is conducted by the exchange of electrons around the atom. Elements that are more conductive can more easily exchanged electrons. An elements resistance is based on how well the element can exchange electrons with other atoms of that element. This is mostly dependent on the orbital valance shells of the atom. Metals can easily exchange electrons, so they are the best conductors. That is why metals are used to conduct electricity in wires.

    The amount of current is the measure of the rate the atoms exchange electrons. The voltage is the measure of the amount of potential energy carried by the electrons from their differences in electrical charge. A frequency is the change in this potential energy.

    From what I have heard from being taught about this is that it is not really known for certain if each individual atom always takes part in the exchange of electrons. It has been suggested that materials like crystals and metals that form geometric patterns are better conductors, because they actually allow the electrons to skip this process of changing between orbitals of atoms. I don’t know if this theory was ever followed up on, so that may be different now.
    Write4U likes this.
  20. Contemplation Registered Senior Member


    This is a basic amplifier circuit commonly known in the negative universe where time flows in the positive direction.

    A frequency is created changing the potential difference (voltage) of a wire. That wire goes into a transistor. A transistor is a three pronged component that has a gap in the middle to prevent electron flow. When the input frequency becomes high, it makes the transistor allow flow of electrons between the other two prongs. This changes the vertical line to become a complete circuit, where current can flow between a charge and ground.

    The other voltage that is applied to the circuit then creates the same frequency as the input. It is at a higher voltage than the input voltage, so that signal is then amplified. When the input frequency is low, the circuit is open. It doesn’t pass current at that time. It simply just creates this effect where a frequency is copied with a different voltage.
  21. Contemplation Registered Senior Member

    A variable resistor would simply change the potential difference or voltage’s to ground. A higher resistance increases the potential difference, while a lower resistance reduces the potential difference by allowing current flow. If you wanted to use a variable resistor to change the volume then you would want it to be in line with the outer prongs of the transistor and the speaker. This would change the voltage level of the output.

    Back to topic, crystals are actually also used as frequency generators for clocks. They have an inherent frequency that allows them to change the voltage level to create a frequency for making electronic clocks. It is unknown why exactly they do this, but I assume it is due to a resonance frequency created by the impedance of a phase space. By combining that with a coil could generate a large range of frequencies. If that is responsible for their consciousness, then it would actually be more like a quasi probability distribution.
  22. Contemplation Registered Senior Member

    The word on the street is that the major problem with attempting to prove consciousness exists in this form is being able to express the potential difference in energy or voltage in terms of a Fock State.

    As you can see the Fock State is described to not be able to be expressed as energy in general. I believe the problem is that it doesn’t actually obey the rules of conservation of energy. The total energy on a line can change if it has a high impedance.

    The total amount of energy can change momentarily similar to what occurs during quantum tunneling. The voltage or potential energy can become deconstructive to itself and later emerge at another location later on once the deconstructive interference dissipates. Then the scientific progress on this enters a completely Focked State.
  23. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    You are bringing some very interesting information to the table. I hope someone more qualified than me can discuss this perspective on possible microtubule involvement with you.
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