Why USrael Won't Fight Brazil's Nuke Program

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Solve et Coagula, Apr 22, 2006.

  1. Solve et Coagula Banned Banned

    Why USrael Won't Fight Brazil's Nuke Program

    Brazil follows Iran’s nuclear path, but without the fuss

    Associated Press, RESENDE, April 21

    As Iran faces international pressure over its nuclear programme, Brazil is quietly preparing to open its own uranium-enrichment centre, capable of producing exactly the same fuel.

    Brazil, like Iran, has signed the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and Brazil’s constitution bans the military use of nuclear energy.

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  3. Neildo Gone Registered Senior Member

    [insert ignorant and fearful Christian white lady's voice]

    OMG, we can't have a place like Rio de Janero having NUKES!! OMG OMG!!

    - N
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  5. OliverJ Banned Banned

    [insert ignorant and fearful husbands voice of Christian white lady]

    Dont your worry dawlin, Dubya take care dat shit!! Now git me a beer.
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  7. deicide128 Registered Senior Member

    as if brazil and iran are the same countries.

    Iran is far more insane then brazil I think thats a key point your missing.
    when was the last time brazil was ever aggressive? Or said they were going to wipe a country off the map?
  8. Solve et Coagula Banned Banned

    we might talk about that again, at least when Chavez plays with his first enriched 5 per cent uranium-235...

    Best wishes from Switzerland

  9. Sock puppet path GRRRRRRRRRRRR Valued Senior Member

  10. Solve et Coagula Banned Banned

    No - Brazil - Money - Chavez
  11. QuarkMoon I Registered Senior Member

    I don't follow.
  12. Neildo Gone Registered Senior Member

    Syria.. Saddam..
  13. Billy T Use Sugar Cane Alcohol car Fuel Valued Senior Member

    I did not know Brazil's constitution prohibited military use of nuclear fission, but the constitution here is a small book, perhaps a 100 pages! - It is filled with ridiculous details and of little or no importance until some "implementing law" is passed. For example the constitution prohibits interest in excess of 12% and the government's own basic rate (sort of like the discount rate the FED sets has recently been dropping and is about 16% - If you borrow money from a bank the annual rate will be around 22% - never has any rate been below 12% - no implementing law has every been passed, so the 12%, like most of the constitution is just demagogic for the masses promising all sorts of things.

    However, to turn to the nuclear question:

    The reason Brazil has a nuclear program is the navy would like to have a nuclear powered submarine. Because there is not a lot of space inside a sub, the nuclear reactor of a sub requires about 20% U235 to be practical. To get started about 20 or 25 years ago, Brazil bought a German reactor and signed a long-term contract for its fuel, but later decided it would be more economical to enrich it here, instead of ship some of Brazil uranium to Europe. In addition, enrichment is obviously a way to "export" (in addition to aluminum production) Brazil's cheap hydroelectric electric power and sell a high value added product instead of a cheap raw material.

    Brazil has developed its own centrifuge technology and is now enriching the U235%. The engineers believe that they have the best centrifuges in the world and cover them up when the IAEA comes to inspect. (There is a little friction about that, but I think they can show the interconnections in the centrifuge chains OK and that is what is important if you want to know to what level the plant is enriching.) If the navy ever gets it sub, there will be no doubt some greater friction as that level of enrichment is a bout the geometric mean between power plant and bomb levels.

    I am quite confident that Brazil does not intend to make a bomb. Brazil is probably the most capable nation in S. America to make one and certainly could with no external help. Brazil wants all of S.A. to remain a "nuclear free zone." The only reason why S.A. might not remain nuclear free is the stupidity of the US. If Chavez feels too threaten by GWB etc., he may negotiate a few from China as the price of sending Venezuela’s oil there instead of to the US. They are already having discussion (perhaps a contract already?) to divert the oil to China. That would be very damaging to US and cause GWB to feel it was his God given duty to make "regime change" (even thought Chavez get upwards of 70% of the vote) in the name of "democracy." Chavez would just use them as "invasion deterrents," on off shore islands as China is not about to trust him with any delivery rockets. Only great stupidity will end up with nuclear bombs in S.A., but GWB is capable of that and talking more that way every day.
  14. Solve et Coagula Banned Banned

    I guess we all know of what USrael is capable, therefore i am not proposing here USrael should invade Brazil, i just like to explain, that USrael better stop to produce firstgrade enemies througout the world, USrael Citizen will not enjoy to live in a place that receives threats from allover the world... well if you want to live imprisoned in your own country then go ahead... but in my opinion its better and more healthy to simply accept that other nations too like to use nuclear power... and therefore USrael should let everything happen... we dont need anymore USrael as world police officer, you anyway cannot control every single growing anti Usrael movement... be a peaceful country to others and everybody will love USrael, if you guys continue to produce enemies, i tell you, the current and future USrael administrations will have significant problems to love the outcome...

    Best wishes from Switzerland

  15. crazy151drinker Registered Senior Member

    ahh yes the peacefull swiss who financed two world wars....
  16. Hapsburg Hellenistic polytheist Valued Senior Member

    What's USrael? Never heard of that country before. Are they near "What"? You know, the country that may or not speak english (cookie for he who gets the reference).
  17. Roman Banned Banned

    So what if Brazil is enriching uranium? They're not Muslims.

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