evidence of extraterrestrials.

Discussion in 'Astronomy, Exobiology, & Cosmology' started by leopold, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. leopold Valued Senior Member

    Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, implemented on July 16, 1969, makes it illegal for U.S. citizens to have any contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles.

    can someone explain this?
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  3. jumpercable 6EQUJ5 'WOW' Registered Senior Member

    So much for 'Close Encounters Of The Third Kind'. Right Gort?
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2007
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  5. Janus58 Valued Senior Member

    1. This law was inacted when Apollo 11 was launched to the Moon. Is was designed to protect against possible contamination from returning Space craft.

    2. It Does not make it illegal to make contact with Extraterrestrials, It establishes a quarantine for anyone who has been "Extraterrestrially Exposed"(has made contact with something or someone that has made contact with another world). This could be contacting a returning astronaut or his ship. The penalty kicks in if they refuse to cooperate with this quarantine.

    3. The law was rescinded in 1991.
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  7. John99 Banned Banned

    just google Phoenix Lights.
  8. leopold Valued Senior Member

    i suspect anything that takes place in and around nevada.
    as you may or may not know skunk works is located there, you know, the place where the SR-71 was designed, tested, and built under complete secrecy?
  9. leopold Valued Senior Member

    this makes sense until you throw in meteorites.

    also, why wasn't the law enacted when shepard made his fight, or better yet when sputnik was launched?
  10. John99 Banned Banned

    yeah, i would say more than likely that would be the case. reading testimonials is pretty amazing though. even the may or governor at the time has since come out and siad it was not from this planet...go figure
  11. phlogistician Banned Banned

    No law is going to stop meteorites, and most people would not know one from an Earth rock, so wouldn't know if they'd picked one up or not.

    Because neither went to another body. Shephard made a sub-orbital flight, and Sputnik Orbited. The legislation addressed the concern that there was a possibility of contamination from the Moon, however unlikely. I don't think anyone was really worried about microbes just above our atmosphere, as we woud already have been exposed to them by now.
  12. orcot Valued Senior Member

    Besides the ID of meteorits is not so long accepted. Shoemackers study is one of the prominent studies in the 60's but it only during the apollo missions that it became truly widly accepted and it took until Shoemackers quaral with Jupiter until the critics stopped and it was defenitive. So that's the 90's
  13. Ophiolite Valued Senior Member

    Unless it was still hot.

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  14. Sputnik Banned Banned

    Didn´t know meteorites used vehicles .........unless the meteorite is the vehicle .....still sterilised by heat , probably...
  15. phlogistician Banned Banned


    Yeah, the meteorite would be the vehicle, and the microbe riding on it the extra terrestrial.

    But yes, heat would be an issue, unless the meterorite was medium sized, and stony, and semi-porous. Medium sized meterorites often crack due to heat stress, and the inside will not have got as hot. It's faintly possible a microbe could survive a landing this way.
  16. orcot Valued Senior Member

    what abouth the chance that it's in a ice bubble covered by a slight layer of dust. When the meteorite is actually already starting to breack up but isn't on fire yet it could get blown of due to it's low mass and the way ice forms it might yust skip in the atmosphere breaking it up in all small pieces <1 kg that more or less rain down. (and are not actually on fire)
  17. eburacum45 Valued Senior Member

  18. Singularity Banned Banned


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