You're President of the US, what would you do?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by madanthonywayne, Dec 11, 2007.

  1. Carcano Valued Senior Member

    Whats the official reason for all this government ownership???
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  3. Carcano Valued Senior Member

    I would abolish all taxation altogether. All government revenue would come from the sale of government owned natural resources.
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  5. Carcano Valued Senior Member

    I would establish the right to vote as a privilege...conditional on the passing of a simple test of intellectual competence.
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  7. madanthonywayne Morning in America Registered Senior Member

    I'm pretty sure Democrats aren't talking about it, either.
  8. madanthonywayne Morning in America Registered Senior Member

    The federal government aquired the land out west via the Louisiana purchase, Mexico, and the purchasing of Alaska from Russia. Then it just kept most of it for itself. I think it's absurd for the federal government to own that much land, and I'm pretty sure it's unconstitutional.

    The constitution calls for the federal government to own land only for one of four purposes, namely, for the erection of forts, magazines and arsenals, dock yards, and other needful buildings such as post offices and perhaps federal courts, etc. But even these uses had to be with the consent of the state legislature.
  9. hypewaders Save Changes Registered Senior Member

    "So, if you were in charge, what would you do? Let's have a positive discussion."

    I would open up my government: CSPAN and any other outlets would be provided a live feed of everything I officially do, including candid daily Q&A with press and public. I would strive to open and maintain a dialogue, sharing with the nation all information that I have access to about our greatest challenges- the American public would be effectively granted a high security clearance, and be sworn to honesty.

    I would endeavor to explain at every opportunity that the world is not out to get us; why "they" couldn't if they tried; that our awareness, realism, initiative, ingenuity, compassion, diligence, and patience- along with our Constitutional heritage are what set us apart and ensure our security and prosperity as a nation. I would place great emphasis on the imperative to renounce fear, racism, supremacism, and hubris, banishing them from our collective policies. I would seek the help of Congress in abolishing private financing of political campaigns. I would offer any assistance and encouragement possible to Congress so that the Congress might spend much less time with corporate lobbyists, and much more time in direct communication with their constituencies.

    I would energetically champion an initiative such as the Apollo Alliance, and see it allocated resources comparable to our foreign occupations- which I would seek to immediately demobilize. Having sufficiently communicated the reasons in advance so as to have the support of the public, I would encourage a national review of Presidential powers, forswear "Signing Statements", seek the repeal the Patriot Act, close the gulag, process all detainees in open and impartial courts, beat back deficits, and get back to the honorable business of a truly great nation in the spirit of governance of, by, and for the people. In short, I would be assassinated (Live on CSPAN) within hours of inauguration.
  10. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    Haaa! I love this idea and two other times it was proposed. Once was with Ross Perot and the other was a reality show. Both times it was stopped because it would show just how little governing the government actually does. Basically they spend almost all their time trying to get cash for the next election. it was decided that if the veil was lifted on the bride we wouldn't want to marry her anymore! THAT'S why they make veils in the first place. No good letting the public see the Wizard is just a bunch of greedy f*ckwits hiding behind lights and whistles.
  11. Carcano Valued Senior Member

    Doesnt the government make any revenue from this ownership? Is it just sitting there unproductive in any way?
  12. Carcano Valued Senior Member

    Another good suggestion would be to prohibit all forms of political advertising aside from media interviews and televised debates.

    This would minimize the cost of elections drastically.
  13. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    How would the the internet play into this? Also, it seems like you're idea is putting WAY too much power in the hands of media moguls like Murdock. No way!
  14. Carcano Valued Senior Member

    No prohibition on internet advertising...but then, most of the political content isnt advertising anyway.
  15. sandy Banned Banned

    I would do everything madanthony would do except on immigration. I would have all illegal aliens arrested and deported. I would empty out all our jails of criminal aliens and ship them back COD. No more anchor babies. And repeal of the current anchor baby rights. No more immigration of ANY kind. We have enough.

    I would plan an attack on Iran's nuke facility. And then warn Russia, China, N Korea, Syria, and a few of our other problems that they're next if they don't straighten up.

    I would profile at every opportunity. If someone even breathes funny, they will be watched. This is no time to be soft on suspected terrorists. Any suspected terrorists would be arrested/detained, and then ordered to leave the country.

    I would order the immediate drilling of ANWR.

    I would make abortion illegal.
  16. Carcano Valued Senior Member

    Heres a visual on your stats:

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    Even if the government leased the land for say, 25 year periods, it could make enormous revenues indefinitely.
  17. madanthonywayne Morning in America Registered Senior Member

    While I share your concern about the current situation, I don't think immigration itself is the problem. It's uncontrolled immigration that goes on and on. It poses a huge security risk, and at some point we'll have too many too fast to assimilate.

    I think we could handle everyone that's here now just fine, so long as the uncontrolled immigration comes to an end. If I believed that the illegals would stop pouring over the border, I'd have no problem with somehow legitimizing the one's already here.

    But I won't fall for another amnesty now, security later deal. It's got to be security first. Plug the leak, then we'll deal with those already here.
  18. Clockwood You Forgot Poland Registered Senior Member

    Immediately after the inaugeration, I would make a public statement that I am not intersted in ever being re-elected. I will have my four years in office and those four years will not be spent trying to please anybody. They will be spent getting things done. Damn the parties, damn the lobbies, damn the history books, and damn the will of the mob. I will do my job to the best of my ability and without so much as a shred of concern for anything else.

    Welfare would be cut down to a bare nub if I could in any way manage it. Only those so broken that they can do nothing would recieve free support from the state. For everyone else, and I mean everyone who is willing to work to earn their way, we would have a revived Civil Conservation Corps or some such system. If you can do reasonably heavy labor, you can build roads or perform other such forms of physical service for your country. If you can't, there is still always something you can do. Always... even if it is only paperwork or sewing buttons on uniforms. No man will be turned away.

    The military would be sifted through. In my book, severe and unchecked stupidity are synonymous with treason. All officers will be required to be able to do their jobs and do them right. Never again will an officer be able to rise through the ranks due to connections or keeping their heads down: only by ability and valor. I do not care if you are gay. A three star general could publicly wear skimpy red cocktail dresses on his off hours and I will still not care. Getting the job done is all that counts and all that will ever count. The same holds true for all governmental organizations right up the the CIA.

    Illegal aliens already in the country will be offered amnesty if they willingly come forward within a six month period and can meet several standards: They have no significant criminal history in either this country or their prior, they are currently gainfully employed or under the age of 21 and a dependant, they can speak conversational english, and they are willing to pay their back taxes over future years. After this period ends, any illegal left in the country will be hunted down and the border will be sealed up so tight that anything bigger than a rabbit won't get through. Legal immigration, however, would me many times easier for anyone willing to go through a review process.

    Everything in the budget would go under heavy review. We wouldn't be looking for reasons to cut things... we would be looking for reasons not to cut things. If it can't be adequately explained why something has to be in there, it will be cut out without a second thought.

    If an area is plagued by gang violence over a certain mark of severity, proof that the local police can no longer handle things, the military will be called in. A gang is nothing more than a domestic terrorist cell and lethal force will be used if deemed necessary.

    And that is just the start. It would be a busy four years.
    Oh, and Dennis Leary would be my press secretary.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2007
  19. sandy Banned Banned

    That was good.
  20. Epicurus Registered Member

    As I am not an american citizen, I can't become the president. So will settle for a few comment on your list. The list itself was surprisingly good, but there are a couple of changes that could be made.

    "Repeal Sarbanes-Oxley"
    I think I would modify it rather than repealing it, the implementation costs are already mostly been made, and we could retain the good aspects by streamlining/simplifying it without ditching it all together. Ditching it would be plan B I suppose.

    "Massively increase funding into alternative energy sources in a "moon shot" type program."

    Now that's were I am most sceptical. I am not certain that the government people who were to give out this money will have enough information to 'bet' on the right technology. If Co2 emssions is the problem, the best alternative would be to tax Co2, i.e. a tax on energy sources proportional to its Co2 emission. This allow the market to come up with the most efficient solutions through R&D and consumer choice. The total tax burden should not go up, i.e. taxes need to be cut in other areas for this to happen.
  21. nietzschefan Thread Killer Valued Senior Member

    No corp tax huh? I like most of the MadAnthony items, but being a corporate whore , well wtf go for it...the allmighty dollar is not the answer to everything.
  22. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    If I was the President of the US, I would organise a "terror" attack, that would take everyones mind off the financial problems.
  23. Enmos Valued Senior Member

    Epicurus, I didn't have a list

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    I think you mean madanthonywayne's list (post 1).

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