Peadophillia. Forgive the strong subject.

Discussion in 'Human Science' started by Danny G, May 20, 2010.

  1. Thoreau Valued Senior Member

    Personally, I think it's purely psychological. Not sure how or why, but I think it is.
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  3. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    In every era human beings create social constructs defining behaviour and then create rules about what is right or wrong regarding behaviour which falls outside these arbitrary limits.
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  5. Thoreau Valued Senior Member

    I'm not sure thats quite it, SAM. I don't think it's a rebellion kinda thing. I think it's just an attraction. Everyone is attracted to a certain type of people. Some white people are more attracted to certain non-white people. Some people are attracted to big people, some to skinny people. Some people are attracted to brown hair, blond hair, green eyes, brown eyes, some to tall people, some to short people etc. I think it's just another attraction. Its just a question of what makes people attracted to children rather than adults. While I don't support pedophelia at all, I do think it would be interesting to see what makes pedophiles "tick".
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  7. visceral_instinct Monkey see, monkey denigrate Valued Senior Member

    Except certain limits are not merely arbitrary.

    If it's between consenting adults, then it's not wrong. Fucked up, sure. Disturbing, sure. Vomit inducing, yes, some of the stuff out there certainly is. But not morally wrong. No one is the victim. Both are choosing to take part in that activity.

    Pedophilia is outside that limit. That child doesn't understand what he or she is being manipulated into. Therefore pedophilia is always, always wrong.
  8. Thoreau Valued Senior Member

    What if the child does know? I'm sure when you were 12,13, 14 etc that you knew exactly what sex was. What if it was mutual? Does that make it wrong? OOooo I love debating morals lol
  9. qwerty mob Deicidal Registered Senior Member

    (1) No
    (2) No
    (3) No other reason, correct

    Pedophilia is a psychological disorder; a medical diagnosis; an illness. I suspect that there are more causal theories than curative ones, but I haven't looked into this since the Lawrence Franklin scandal, 20 years ago.

    The actual 'legal' crimes which involve minors range from mere possession of pornography, to the most shocking and egregious offenses of child sexual abuse; abduction and torture; even murder and violation of the corpse of a minor.

    These are all more flagrant versions of other personal crimes (as distinct from property crimes and/or procedural crimes), and what makes them much more heinous under various state and federal statutes is essentially two-fold; exploitation of the power and age/experience difference between perpetrator and victim, and the lasting physical and psychological harm inflicted by such assaults.

    In many (but not all) cases of such personal crimes committed against children there is some sort of psychological gratification for the perpetrator(s); some percentage of such crimes involve incentives other than pleasure for the criminals however (human trafficking, assassination, etc); the unifying and underlying characteristic, even in cases of pornography, the subject or victim endured trauma and/or violation of civil liberties.


    One interesting point of consideration regarding porn, is if written words or audiovisual materials arise exclusively from within an artist's imagination, whether the medium is prose, painting, or sculpture (I exclude photography, film and video purposely here), at what point(s) in the process of artistic creation did the material become pornographic? Was there one word or "stroke of the pen" too many? (pardon the pun)

    This spawns lots of other philosophical tangets; like, are there thought crimes? If it is "okay to fantasize" is it okay to record or to interpret one's fantasies? How many observers makes an audience? And can one person (or a democratic minority of people) declare what is pornographic or not for anyone but themselves? If so, on what basis (authority theory?)...

    Apologies for widening the discussion.
  10. Fraggle Rocker Staff Member

    Many years ago a sociologist told me that humans have a strong tendency to be attracted to people whose appearance is strikingly different from their own, i.e., from another gene pool. This is an instinct that has helped keep us from becoming too inbred, especially in the Paleolithic Era when tribes generally kept a distance from each other to avoid competing for scarce hunting and gathering terroritory. It's interesting to note that racism keeps the different "tribes" from living together or even socializing, but not from interbreeding. The Euro-American plantation owners in the Old South apparently considered their female Afro-American slaves as their own private harem. DNA analysis continues to discover the phenomenal extent of the resulting hybridization of the putative "races."

    This stands in stark contrast to one of our closest relatives, the gorillas. They inbreed to two or three generations. A primatologist assured me that if you showed two gorilla skulls from the far opposite ends of the species' range to a biologist who had never seen one before, they would be so different that he would insist that they had to belong to animals of two different species.
    The pedophile I met forty years ago said that the reason it was difficult for him to stop was that when it is presented to children as a fun new game, they like it. It was just so damn easy and easy things become habits that are hard to give up. This also supports the common explanation that pedophilia, like the more common varieties of rape, is about power. Pedophiles can feel a sense of nearly absolute power over children. This guy was certainly a loser in terms of education, career and adult relationships. He was very low in the hierarchy of adults and had no power in our world.
    The usual reason given for making conventional child pornography films and videos illegal is that an act of pedophilia had to have been committed in order to produce the video. So that question is neatly sidestepped. But today's video technology makes it absurdly easy to graft a child's head onto the body of a tiny consenting adult. Tomorrow's video technology, cf. "Avatar," will make it easy to produce convincingly realistic pornography--both adult and child--without any live actors at all, or just a few head shots. If we continue to make it illegal, we will have crossed the line into thought crime.
    As a libertarian I find these questions very troubling. Everyone must have the right to try to form or join a community of people whose tastes, habits, philosophy, or any other attribute, he shares, and discourage people who don't share it to stay outside. The only uncompromisable principles are that consenting adults have the right to do anything they want so long as they cause no direct harm to others, and that no one has the right to initiate force or fraud. Everything else can be litigated.

    So what do you do if the vast majority of citizens of an entire nation share a particular taste, or a disgust for some other taste? Do they get to tell the adults who don't share their taste, or who have the very one that disgusts them--even if they don't practice it in public--to "stay outside" their nation? Worse yet, do they get to make them stay inside the nation and be imprisoned? Remember now, I'm talking about viewing digitally simulated child pornography, not engaging in flesh-and-blood pedophilia.

    Despite a complete lack of evidence, I'm quite sure that a lot of people view pedophile pornography without ever performing an act of pedophilia. (After all, most of us enjoy watching movies and TV shows which graphically depict various evils that we would never engage in personally, and in fact would take up arms to defeat if we encountered it in real life.) When it becomes possible to create that pornography without violating or exploiting any children, do we still get to throw them in prisons and mental institutions? Deny them jobs? Picket their residences? Try to talk their spouses and children into leaving home?

    How many aficionados of pedophilic pornography have a solid enough grounding in the realities of civilization to unhesitatingly spring to the defense of a child who they discovered being ravaged by an active pedophile? Nobody can answer that question but I'm positive that it's a significant number.

    I'm a pacifist but I still watch movies about war.
    Au contraire, you have taken it into some very rich territory that needs to be explored.
  11. Gypsi Registered Senior Member

  12. Repo Man Valued Senior Member

    Pedophile and child molester are being conflated ITT. A pedophile is an adult who has a strong to exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children. In the US, popular usage has distorted it to also mean adults who sexually attracted to post pubescent children (jailbait). A child molester is an individual who has committed acts of a sexual nature with a child. Not all pedophiles are child molesters, and not all child molesters are pedophiles.

    The pedophiles who act on their impulses and sexually assault and even rape children have far more problems than just being strongly to exclusively attracted to children. If you were to wake up tomorrow, and find that, out of the blue, your only sexual attractions were to children, do you think you would ever act on your impulses? Who knows how many people there are who choose to lead a life without sex because they know that acting on their desires would likely harm a child for life, not to mention the social sanctions such as loss of friends, job, prosecution for felonies. It could very well be that the majority of pedophiles are never known because they never act on their desires.

    I think the ones that become known are sociopaths. They don't care about the harm they may cause, and as Fraggle touched on earlier, that may even be part of the thrill for them. Going back to how I mentioned some child rapists are not pedophiles, interviews with criminals have revealed that a certain percentage of child rapists aren't any more sexually attracted to children than a normal male; they just preyed on targets of opportunity, and a child was what was available.
  13. Repo Man Valued Senior Member

  14. BennyF Registered Senior Member

    Different countries, each for their own reasons, define adulthood at different ages. England, for instance, states that people of both sexes become adults at the age of 16, whereas it's 18 in the USA.

    In America, 18-year-olds can marry, buy cars and houses, and even be actors in adult videos. In England, they can do all the above at the age of 16. Europeans have a different attitude towards sex, including public nudity on beaches and in advertisements. This cultural difference was one of the reasons why some people left Europe three centuries ago and came here. Their religion disapproved of any "sins of the flesh", such as the sight of bare bodies.

    The following link will tell you where you can find Europeans of all ages walking about completely nude. The sight of old, fat, and ugly people walking around with everything they have open to public view will discourage all but the worst of them.
  15. visceral_instinct Monkey see, monkey denigrate Valued Senior Member

    So as long as they never lay a hand on any child, let them do what they want with pixels on a screen.

    If you are old enough to have a sex drive of your own, by which I mean actually want it with another human being and be emotionally mature enough for it, I don't think you count as a child in that sense, although you are still a minor.

    But someone who isn't yet a sexual being? Yes it's wrong and the fucker needs to be locked up where he or she can never hurt anyone.
  16. Danny G "Listen.. you smell something" Registered Senior Member

    Judging by that sentance, your saying that if all a Peadophile is doing is jerkig off to images and videos its ok?... then how did those images and videos get there in the first place?
  17. visceral_instinct Monkey see, monkey denigrate Valued Senior Member

    No..sorry, my bad, I should have phrased that better...

    If it was purely virtual and no actual children were being abused...I can't say I can find a moral argument against it. It makes me want to puke, yes, but since no one anywhere would be being harmed, I can't see how to justify making that illegal. You can't make a law against something just because it makes you feel like puking.
  18. BennyF Registered Senior Member

    Japanese anime sometimes has characters that appear to be young enough to be considered children, if these computer animations were real actors and actresses. Since they aren't, no children were hurt in any way by the production of such videos, and people can have all kinds of emotional or sexual reactions to these images without any guilt.

    Here's a short list of what's available.

    I mentioned earlier that England and the US had different standards of adulthood. I have no idea what age a Japanese person becomes an adult under Japanese laws, but I have heard that in China, some of their male political leaders had very young girls as their personal overnight guests, and some of them were quite open about the practice.
  19. Skeptical Registered Senior Member

    I do not believe that an attraction to post pubescent girls can be called pedophilia. Some girls as young as 12 can be extremely well developed, and very curvaceous.

    Being attracted to such young girls is probably not pathological, though when a man actually goes through a sex act with one of them, that has to be seen as criminal.
  20. Repo Man Valued Senior Member

    It shouldn't be, but it all too often is here in the US. Even though no one but an idiot thinks that finding an unusually physically mature thirteen year old physically attractive is the same thing as being sexually attracted to a six year old. People shouldn't say "begs the question" when they mean "raises the question" either.

    I personally think the proper adjective for grown men who pursue sexual relationships with teenage girls is idiot.
  21. Skeptical Registered Senior Member

    The other piece of sexual idiocy that has had a couple of well publicised cases recently is when a woman has sex with a young teenage guy, and is convicted for under age sex.

    When an adult male has sex with a young girl - say 14 years old - he is doing something that is extremely likely to cause her major grief - pregnancy or heartache. When an adult woman has sex with a young guy - she is doing him a favour. He cannot become pregnant, and young guys do not respond in the same way a young girl does, so heartache is likely only for the woman.

    Instead, a 14 years old guy who has been having sex with a mature woman will tell his friends, and his status will rise within his peer group. He will feel smug and superior, because he is having sex. He will face the world with straight back, chest well out and head held high. He is now The Big Man!

    How ludicrous that a woman who has done so much to help the young guy's self esteem then gets convicted and jailed for practising under age sex. Political correctness at its most insane.
  22. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    Consent? Moral? Legal? All human social constructs

    Biology is something else again - the study of other primates sexuality is a window into our own. But man has the capacity to rise above instinct and think about concepts such as harmful/good and right/wrong. And so we evolve social constructs which define our behaviour and draw lines between normal and excessive. The way people think about pedophilia now is the way they have thought of same sex intercourse and female sexuality before. Both homosexuality and nymphomania have at one time, been classified as psychological disorders and shunned in society. And yet there has never been a society free from homosexuality, "nymphomania" or pedophilia.
  23. Fraggle Rocker Staff Member

    Psychologists limit pedophilia to prepubescent children, i.e., those who have not yet developed a sex drive and therefore cannot engage in intercourse for the same reason as an adult regardless of their consent. However, law enforcement frequently defines it to include all minors. Sex with a consenting minor who has reached puberty is more properly called statutory rape (in the USA).
    I would say that the majority of American men think the concept of an adult woman (who is not completely ugly) "raping" a teenage boy is ludicrous. All she would have to do in order to have sex with him is to NOT beat him over the head with a brick when he comes on to her.
    I'm not sure his parents would agree with that but the boy certainly would. I have read that in earlier times it was not uncommon for a father to take his son to a prostitute for initiation.
    Both men and women are alarmed by the idea of unwanted sexual advances from a man. Neither men nor women are particularly bothered by unwanted sexual advances from a woman. The woman is likely to laugh it off and the man is likely to ask if she brought a condom, but at worst neither of them is going to scream or call the cops.
    Did you see that episode of "South Park"? Even the cops were jealous of the kid.
    And this is what sets us apart from the other animals. Our enormous forebrain gives us the power to override instinctive behavior with reasoned and learned behavior. We have used that power to transcend our pack-social instinct and live (mostly) in harmony and cooperation among strangers. In order to do so we have indeed constructed moral codes.
    I'm reluctant to classify (active) pedophilia with homosexuality and celebration of the female libido. Pedophilic acts are said to perturb the child's normal emotional development, although I haven't read enough on the subject to speak for the quality of the evidence. But if this is true, then it is indeed an abrogation of our duty to help in the raising of all children, which is both an instinct and a moral construct.

    I can understand why homosexuality was considered wrong in the distant past, when infant mortality was high and everyone had a duty to procreate for the survival of the tribe. It's harder to understand why nymphomania was proscribed, although as a Muslim who springs to the defense of the cloistering of women you ought to have some perspective on that. But I can find no comparable justification to lift the ban on active pedophilia.

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