Why do people think that God is a man?

Discussion in 'Religion Archives' started by Xeno, Aug 12, 1999.

  1. Matt D Skeptic Registered Senior Member

    Xeno, you really are a small mindless child aren't you. Can't write, can't
    spell and can't even come up with orignal ideas / theories:

    Ever heard of Michio Kaku? I think you have. It is quite blatently
    transparent a huge proportion of your postings have swiped his findings /
    research has mysteriously appered on your postings -and then you insist
    that you understand them and pass them off as your own?

    Anyone interested should try some of these posts. You may recognise some
    of it. I apologise for the space this post takes up and since I have only
    just gone online, I also apologise for not yet knowing how to paste links.
    I am but human, not a pure incandescent 10th dimensional asexual energy
    spike. Sorry.

    <A HREF="http://www.maximus.dircon.co.uk/

    " TARGET=_blank>http://www.maximus.dircon.co.uk/

    </A> <A HREF="http://www.greenleafpublications.com/stdlist_hl.html

    " TARGET=_blank>www.greenleafpublications.com/stdlist_hl.html

    </A> <A HREF="http://www.meru.org/science.html

    " TARGET=_blank>www.meru.org/science.html

    </A> <A HREF="http://www.wbaifree.org/explorations/mk-artcl.html

    " TARGET=_blank>www.wbaifree.org/explorations/mk-artcl.html

    </A> <A HREF="http://www.dorsai.org/~mkaku/mk-artcl.html

    " TARGET=_blank>www.dorsai.org/~mkaku/mk-artcl.html

    </A> <A HREF="http://www.flash.net/~csmith0/hyper.htm

    " TARGET=_blank>www.flash.net/~csmith0/hyper.htm

    </A> <A HREF="http://www.khouse.org/articles/update/hyperspace.html

    " TARGET=_blank>www.khouse.org/articles/update/hyperspace.html

    </A> <A HREF="http://www.salemctr.com/newage/snac21.html

    " TARGET=_blank>http://www.salemctr.com/newage/snac21.html

    Alternatively, you could go to one of your facourite search engines and
    type either of the follwing: Xeno's plagiarism home page /
    Unable-to-think-for-oneself.com / I'm-cleaning-my-teeth.mum /
    I-got-an-"A"-at-1hand.typing.com / Pass-thetissues.com

    You know it to be so
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  3. Xeno Registered Senior Member


    My views are my own. If you're saying
    that I took someone else's views and
    made them my own, you're wrong
    Besides, all you do is the same thing
    over and over again. You do nothing
    but B.S. me; what's the point in that?
    You have nothing good to say and are
    making a complete idiot out of yourself.
    I'm mindless? You're mindless; you
    keep repeating yourself over and over
    again (same basic idea only with
    different words).


    As for the dimensions views:
    I should change them of perspectives
    or levels of thinking.

    As for the dimensions of existence:
    I should just change their names
    to states. I think it would sound
    better that way.

    Anyay, I feel that I'm terribly
    misunderstood on here. Putting thoughts
    into words can be hard sometimes
    if what you're trying to explain is
    really, really, really complex.

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  5. Matt D Skeptic Registered Senior Member

    Whatever,if it makes you feel special. Kiss, kiss.

    You know it to be so
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  7. bedlanam Guest

    "god created man in his own likeness" -

    could be a description of giving birth -creation over the course of evolution -
    as in the lineage of man (our roots)
  8. generalhurrss Registered Senior Member

    if you are a mere fifteen you have a lot to learn in life.
    Genesis chapter 18 verse 1
    Afterward Jehovah appeared to him among the big trees of Mam're

    Genesis chapter 18 verse 22
    At this point the men turned from there and got on their way to Sod'om; but as for Jehovah, he was still standing before Abraham.

    The evidence is there for you to see.
    Do not twist the truth, do not twist the words. What is written is written.
    All believers read the holy scriptures with a mind so small they fail to comprehend anything except for their narrow-mindedness.
    Read the words over and over as they are not as you want them to be, then you will understand the bible and realise that god is not what he is portrayed to be by the religious cult. Religion knows nothing about any god because it lacks comprehension.
  9. Dave Registered Senior Member

    "These are not facts, I'm just trying to gain a better insight about it all without upsetting anyone."
    I'm not a literal fanatic.....sorry if you missed the above line in my post.

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    Kind regards,
  10. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Bedlanam . . . .

    When I was a kid I learned a little trick you could do with a pencil, paper, and a single six-sided gaming die.

    * Make an equilateral triangle, marking only the vertices. Label each one accordingly so that the die values are all included [(1,2) (3,4) (5,6), essentially). Place the pen inside the triangle. Anywhere you like.

    * Roll the die, draw a line segment one-half the distance from your present point to the indicated vertex. Repeat many, many, many times.

    If you use a computer, you see that after millions of applications, the process spells out a pattern of triangles inside the larger unit. The best expression of this I ever heard was that if you contain chaos, it will resemble its constraints.

    We are all products of the universe. There is nothing in our composition that does not exist elsewhere in the universe. Nothing we think or believe can exceed the universe; thus, thoughts of the "end" of the universe only address the next milestone in our perception of nature. Your brain, containing a finite number of cells is, actually limited, though the limit occurs outside our comfortable reality. There is, then, a finite combination of things your brain can accomplish or think or otherwise. It seems that nothing that brain thinks can be impossible if we simply work hard enough to get through or around the obstacles.

    We are all products of this universe; we are all made in its reflection. Life is not extraneous. Humans would not appear as they do, act as they do, or perceive as they do, had it not some grander purpose in the equation.


    "Let us not launch the boat until the ground is wet." (Khaavren of Castlerock)
  11. ISDAMan Thank You Jesus! Registered Senior Member

    People think that God is one sex or the other because of confusion. God made us in His likeness and made us male and female. He assigned some of His attributes to men and some to women. He is referred to in the masculine because those attributes as the head were given to men. Those attributes as a helper, the very same ones through which came our Savior, the Lord, Jesus Christ were given to women. Both are of God. God is Perfect. Neither aspect of attributes is less in value.

    You may contact me personally at isda@gte.net
  12. Flash Registered Senior Member

    Know what I think??? I think it all goes
    back to the "men" writing the bible!!!
    They wanted glory..so they tried to take
    it away from women!! Just like Paul who
    said that women should be silent in chruch!
    Why is that??? Because he was threatend by
    them!!!!!!!! Again, another good example.
    Doesn't it say that all should go into all
    the world and teach the good news??????
    Ha!! I smell a fish!!!!!
  13. ISDAMan Thank You Jesus! Registered Senior Member


    Where are my examples? I've asked you twice now for three detailed claims of imperfection. I e-mailed you for the list of 100. There has been no response save complaints from you that I'm not doing things the way you want. I've also noticed that you have begun to single out Lori. Flash, if you are so strong in your faith that there is no faith to be had other than science or what ever it is that you place your faith in ( It's in something!!! ), try picking on me. Forget Lori. I'm calling you out! I doubt that you have ever read the Bible cover to cover even once. I doubt that you have ever even done any research on any alleged Bible contradictions. You are simply rehashing the same old lies that have been fed to you. Somehow, you seem to think that pushing around others makes you STRONG. I wonder how soft you are face to face,... you and all your talk of weakness!!!! You have no clue what true strength is. True strength is allowing yourself to be nailed to a cross to pay for someone else's sins. True strength is standing up and professing your faith in the midst of a world that mocks and scorns you. Flash, prove me wrong!!!!!!!!!!

    Feel free to contact me privately at isda@gte.net . I'm a Christian Web Developer. I run Apostle Creed Online.
  14. ISDAMan Thank You Jesus! Registered Senior Member


    Have you overlooked how God has used women. Profets, teachers, comforters, leaders, the mother of our Savior and on and on and on. There are roles. It's just like hands and feet. You tell me the one it's better to have. Feel free to cut off the other.

    Feel free to contact me privately at isda@gte.net . I'm a Christian Web Developer. I run Apostle Creed Online.
  15. bedlanam Guest


    do you accept evolution? before there were trees, there were microbes. do you believe in free will ?
  16. 402 Registered Member

    Just for interest sake, if one looks into the Aramaic translations in their truest translation, not the Greek or English, one of the words Jesus used to describe the love God held for human kind was like that of, abba, or a father, in the Aramaic.

    Jesus was not saying that God IS a man or even male-like, but rather, the love that is God, is like the love father holds for his child.

    Protective, generous, compassionate.

    No gender, in the Aramaic, is given to God as literal.

    This again is a misperception/interpretation of the translations and an example of seeminlgy endless inaccuracies be they accidental or intentional.
  17. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Of course I hold with evolution. And I believe in Free Will insofar as humanity has expressed it, but I think the whole issue is moot in the end.

    Nature does not seem particularly extraneous. I think it is fair to sing the praises of human development; two arms, two legs, five digits each ... were our form not ideally suited for our environment, we would not be such a powerfully manipulative force on the Earth. But we have a finite number of brain cells, and therefore a finite combination of conditions within the brain. Adjust as many external variables as you may, and you still come up with a finite number. Evolution is, in its grander, analogous aspect, nothing more than a computer program running a complex equation over and over again. A species rises, undergoes any number of variations according to the conditions of its environment, and either flourishes or dies. "Scenario complete, let's move on . . . " as such. If the goal of this universe were to achieve a certain condition, a version of its living stasis; and were life merely another form of stars, planets, and empty space, then humans are merely a catalogue of this balance playing out, shifting and adjusting toward the "perfect" aspect, be it a balance of matter and energy, or anything else.

    All of this to say that yes, I think Free Will exists; but, yes, I think Free Will is inherently mathematically limited; but, yes, I think that limit describes a number so large that the limiting aspect is moot.


    "Let us not launch the boat until the ground is wet." (Khaavren of Castlerock)
  18. bedlanam Guest

    " I think Free Will is inherently mathematically limited; but, yes, I
    think that limit describes a number so large that the limiting aspect is

    do u believe that free will can work in tandem with evolution ? / possibility ...
  19. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member


    Free Will in tandem with evolution? I have to ask for a clarification here, but the aspects of the question I'm capable of seeing point to "yes."

    Let me say that part of my difficulty may lie in my perception of Free Will. I view the notion of Free Will as being a relationship between a specific individual and their surrounding, living community. Free Will affects immediate choice, which is a byproduct of increased brain mass: e.g. Where in the evolutionary past, we might have coveted one's possessions out of necessity--survival of the fittest--we now base such decisions on arbitrary ideas, such as envy.

    In this sense, the immediacy of the decision exercised via Free Will has little direct impact on evolution: whether I choose to go to this grocery store or another is Free Will; whether I engage this person in sexual relations or not is an arrangement of Free Will. But the impact of these choices has little to do with evolution in the long run, though I admit that statement is a bit hasty in view of chaos theory or other mathematical wonderlands.

    I should also mention that yes, immediate Free Will can affect the evolutionary overview, but it won't change evolution itself. To launch a nuclear missile or unleash a bioweapon is a Free Will choice by at least one person which could ultimately erase humanity from the evolutionary process. But this, like the extinction of the dinosaurs, is merely another facet of evolution.

    Lastly, I don't think Free Will, in general, has much of an affect on the human relationship to the evolutionary process. A sum total of a given period's human decisions certainly might affect that relationship, but "evolution", like "God" and "universe", is a word that is so large as to include itself, however paradoxical that sounds. Thus, while one person cannot "will" evolution during a natural lifetime,a concerted effort to change the fundamental nature of the human structure could, over time, cause a definitive evolution.

    Even if we evolve right out of the universe, it's still evolution.

    I've tried to restrict myself to an aspect of Free Will that is immediate and tangible; I'm sure that at some point, I've missed the point. Let me know if I'm close to a proper, arguable answer to the question; I'd be happy to take it from a better angle.


    "Let us not launch the boat until the ground is wet." (Khaavren of Castlerock)
  20. bedlanam Guest


    though your approach is not the implication of what i have posted, the principals are in place. as we are part of this universe and we have achieved a 'certain' level of intelligence and as we have free will, we are 'capeable' beings. as many have posted, we have the right to our 'beliefs'. suppose (as is the case) all beliefs are not truth, yet some (perhaps many) are - and of this, action yields to reality. what i mean is that we can create a computer program and then apply it, and of course the results will fall within the 'constraints' of the initial programming. the program was based off of 'current' knowledge, of course there is more to be known. what would seem like the end of the line could very well be the beginning of the refined perspective. in matters of belief, we could liken each to a brick, as we can 'build' models of our world thru our beliefs - we then abstract in order to reason. is it a matter of will - that we may choose to build a wall, a path, or a temple from the core of our beliefs... free will to recognize truth and embrace it, or continue the illusion of our anticipations. the ideal is such a dear sentiment. acceptance is rare.
  21. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Forgive me, but I'm lost. Actually, it's not the manner of your reply; rather, I think I understand a good deal of it and can't see anything with which I would directly argue.

    I'm curious about the evolutionary aspect... I read it a number of ways through the 8/31 post. Most significantly, in your computer-program assessment, and likening belief to bricks. But I can't pin down how to approach the evolutionary aspect. Are we dealing with a biological evolution? Social or spiritual or intellectual? Or are they one and the same and I just missed that part?

    Or am I just frustratingly obtuse? Your question ... evolution/Free Will ... it's at the heart of a philosophical question I'm wrangling with: if humanity has the power to affect the course of its evolution--such as our intellects empower us--have we a moral obligation to attend our posterity and ensure humanity's place in the longer term of the universe? For instance, I wrote somewhere in my 8/30 post that "...if we evolve right out of the universe, it's still evolution." Do we have an obligation to guard our station in the evolutionary process? Do we have an obligation to regard our species' posterity in our acts of will?


    "Let us not launch the boat until the ground is wet." (Khaavren of Castlerock)
  22. Boris Senior Member Registered Senior Member


    Well, from an evolutionary standpoint, we certainly do have such an obligation. One way to look at it is through 'selfish genes': it is our duty as a species to ensure that our particular genetic endowment persists and flourishes through time. Another way is through survival of the fittest: through our intellect, we are definitely one of the most versatile and 'fittest' species out there; it would be a shame if such versatility was lost from the universe. But ultimately, if one views life as accretion of information, we are at the avantguarde of that process (at least within our stellar neighbourhood). As such leaders and guardians of knowledge, it is our duty to safeguard this information -- it is our duty as living creatures. In this view, we should definitely do everything possible to ensure viability of our progeny.

    There is another interesting aspect to free will/evolution. In addition to the random genetic drifts and subsequent natural selection, life on Earth has evolved, through our species, a second mode of advancement: artificial evolution. For example, we now almost have the knowledge, and the tools, to genetically engineer our own progeny. Soon, in addition to that we will have the knowledge and tools to cybernetically enhance ourselves. Then the question becomes: is it our obligation to shy away from artificial evolution and leave the process to chance, or is it in fact our obligation to utilize the new-found capability of life on Earth, and accelerate evolution artificially?

    I am; therefore I think.
  23. 2+2 Registered Senior Member

    In the coming centuries the human living conditions will dramatically improve, I'm guessing, and some form of democratic government will evolve for evry country. Ugly political situations that hold populations in bondage will slowly disappear. We will clean up our planet. And we will come to live in true harmony with our neighbors. In the coming centuries the whole worlds population will see themselves as unique beings at the very top of the all the life forms. We are not controlled by invisible beings, we are free. What we need is each other. It's only evolutionary!
    I suppose that we will learn to create atmospheres on some planets, and introduce life forms there that will evolve too over the millennia. It isn't hard for me to believe that this type of intelligent prime mover played a part in our human evolution. And that this super long distance plans for the spread of life (and intelligent life) may become a pressing human concern.

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