Why can't humans have sex with animals?

Discussion in 'Biology & Genetics' started by Saint, Dec 9, 2013.

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  1. Saint Valued Senior Member

    If this is true, why can't we fuck animals today?
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  3. billvon Valued Senior Member

    You can if you really want to; people do it all the time. Might end up in jail depending on the state - so check first. It's still legal in Texas, I believe.
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  5. Saint Valued Senior Member

    you mean in Texas you can fuck a female chicken?
    or a whore fucks a male horse?
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  7. C C Consular Corps - "the backbone of diplomacy" Valued Senior Member

    Apparently the animal rights faction among scientists has now proclaimed the whole Earth to be teeming with non-anthropic, intelligent life [links below]. So perhaps our most relentlessly uninhibited sex addicts will not have to wait for extraterrestrial swine to arrive by spaceship again[?] for an opportunity to mate with sapient, animal equals. But minus that opportunity [referring to Dr McCarthy's early primates] to also participate as test subjects in the prehistoric bio-engineering experiments of said razorback ETs.

    Doubtless any surviving pagan religions whose ancestors worshiped animal gods are already preparing for a good round of "We told you so!". When modern "experts" finally reach the next stage of realizing what the former knew centuries ago: That non-humans of a slimy, scaly, furry, or feathery ilk are not only likewise smart, but even our superiors in terms of intellect. Praise be to the goddess Taweret!.

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    Humans not smarter than animals, just different, experts say

    Are animals as smart, or as dumb, as we think they are?
  8. wellwisher Banned Banned

    In terms of a slightly different angle, although humans can physically have sex with animals, they can't procreate. You can't bang a sheep and get a shuman. How does the DNA know the difference, since virus can insert DNA?
  9. origin Heading towards oblivion Valued Senior Member

    It is called evolution. A virus can only reproduce with the right host. A bird injected with rabies will not get the disease. Lyme disease only adversely affects people, dogs and horses. Sometimes a virus will evolve and jump species which is apparently what happeded with HIV and the "bird flu".

    Oh, and the OP asks "if this is true..." It is not true and is probably a joke that you misinterpreted as being serious.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2013
  10. Grumpy Curmudgeon of Lucidity Valued Senior Member


    Only with goats, you leave those steers alone!


    NO,NO,NO! That's Arkansas and Mississippi, respectively. And in Alaska a sled dog just isn't safe.


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  11. arauca Banned Banned

    You are promoting more perversion then homosexuality.
  12. Number 9 Bus Shelter Registered Member

    This is quite literally the worst forum I've ever registered
  13. Aqueous Id flat Earth skeptic Valued Senior Member

    You got attacked on legitimate point you made in another thread, and here you see a lot crazy answers. In this case it's because Saint is a non-native English speaker, so the opening post came out sounding ridiculous. The site has ups and downs I guess but there are members from a mix of backgrounds so what you see is what you get. There are periods when a lot more of the better educated folks are logged in and then you'll get a better quality of dialogue.

    For anyone who has ever wondered about the mechanisms of reproduction that would prevent interspecies breeding, there is some fertile

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    ground for expanding on it. I for one think that the images of cells dividing, and especially the way the chromosomes line up -- and the filaments that make it happen -- is awesome.
  14. arauca Banned Banned

    I think this is not a vulgar humiliation of human and it should be cesspool ed
  15. Number 9 Bus Shelter Registered Member

    Well I'm a non-native english speaker as well, but you don't see me going around asking why we can't have sex with animals.
  16. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    That doesn't even make sense, as we did not evolve from chimpanzees.
  17. Aqueous Id flat Earth skeptic Valued Senior Member

    In that case, kudos for your excellent command of ESL. I wouldn't have guessed it. Your speech is better than many native speakers who post here.

    Saint projects a strange persona, one I haven't exactly understood.
  18. C C Consular Corps - "the backbone of diplomacy" Valued Senior Member

    I assumed that he got the "chimp" and other wild parts as add-ons from the sci-fi site; but it's actually from that poster's source. Hilarious, dailymail literally placed this in their science section rather than entertainment / show-biz. My apologies, Saint, for goading your extract with a lampoon stick. No wonder you felt it belonged here rather than fringe country or Free Thoughts. :roflmao:
  19. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

  20. Fraggle Rocker Staff Member

    As several people have told you, it is physically possible for a male human to copulate with a female mammal of a few other species, but we are not sufficiently closely related to any of them for the act to result in fertilization of an ovum and pregnancy. The sperm and ovum will simply not combine.

    But another equally serious impediment to this is that most female mammals are physically incapable of copulating when they are not in estrus ("in heat"). Their organs simply will not respond. Human females are almost unique in their ability to copulate when they are not fertile, and even when they are pregnant or nursing. Very few other mammals can do that. Chimpanzees and dolphins are the only ones I can name.

    But if you meant to ask a different question, "Why can't we copulate with another animal and have offspring?" the reason is explained below.

    By the way, humans are animals, so when we have sex with another human, we are having sex with an animal. There are only six kinds of living things on this planet: animals, plants, fungi, algae, bacteria and archaea. We are clearly not members of the last five groups, so we must be animals.

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    The sperm and egg cells are simply the wrong shape to combine. They don't have connectors in the right places to link up.

    In general, two organisms of different species can only crossbreed and have viable offspring if they belong to the same genus. This is why horses and asses, lions and tigers, wolves and coyotes, scarlet macaws and blue-and-gold macaws, etc. are capable of crossbreeding and producing hybrid offspring.

    But Homo sapiens is the only species within genus Homo, so there simply are no other living animals with which we might be able to hybridize. The Neanderthals, Homo neanderthalensis, were members of our genus and indeed crossbreeding was apparently common, since most of the population of Europe has a bit of obvious Neanderthal DNA, and people on other continents don't. But they disappeared, either from climate change or simply from being absorbed by our species. Today we have no relatives left.

    Not exactly. But we and the chimpanzees come from a common ancestor. However, we have been evolving for so long (it's been at least 7,000,000 years since the two lines separated and our oldest known ancestor Ardipithecus came into existence) that we are no longer members of the same genus. Both the Bonobo chimpanzee, Pan paniscus, and the "true" chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes, are members of the genus Pan, and (as far as I know) it's possible for them to hybridize. But they cannot hybridize with humans; our DNA is too different.
  21. kx000 Valued Senior Member

    It's just in poor taste to mate with an animal not a human.
  22. Captain Kremmen All aboard, me Hearties! Valued Senior Member

    You want it cesspooled because it is not a vulgar humiliation?
  23. Captain Kremmen All aboard, me Hearties! Valued Senior Member

    Does anyone speak English on this thread?
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