man is the extension of woman

Discussion in 'Human Science' started by karma, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. karma Registered Member

    years have passed We are wandering into dark depth of slumber. And the voice comes wake up now . But what we do ? Do we really wake up. We grab the dream and behave as if its reality . A real Jesus is needed now than anytime before, The division of gender into man and woman is wrong . The division itself is wrong. We have to break up the mold now. (ref . man is the extension of woman)
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  3. origin Heading towards oblivion Valued Senior Member

    Are you saying we should reproduce asexually? That doesn't sound fun at all.
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  5. Read-Only Valued Senior Member

    This is just plain nuts! Maybe member "karma" will leave us soon - hopefully.
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  7. exchemist Valued Senior Member

    You do realise this is a science forum, do you?
  8. TheHun Registered Member

    What slumber has a dark depth? And who is talking? Why wake up? And what has some guy named Jesus got to do with this abysmal prose?

    Should we just use gender neutral language, or do we need to address the biological division vs. the social, psychological, mental, and/or cultural division of humanity into polar opposites. Maybe we can agree that gender and sex are merely stops on a continuum that we are finally willing to acknowledge.

    So what is the point of this drivel concerning man being the extension of woman? Is this an example of some new creationist conspiracy or just the musings of someone who went off the deep end in a drug induced haze?
  9. karma Registered Member

    x and y are not dissimilar . In fact they are so similar that y is called x with missing leg. If that is correct then there remain no difference in blue print . if blue print is same how can the structure erected on the basis of this can be different. Only difference must be in arrangement and for a capable mind that is no difference at all . so to say man is just the woman with clitoris enlarged as penis. Vagina stitched to be scrotum and ovaries dropped down from the tummy as testis........(Ref-man is the extension of woman)
  10. exchemist Valued Senior Member

    Good, some faint traces of science here, at last.

    Well yes I think most of us know that male genitalia are a modified form of the female. But don't forget also that the are endocrinal differences as well between the sexes, which influence the brain and the activities it governs in the body. There is more to sexual difference than exterior appearance.
  11. Read-Only Valued Senior Member

    So what? That's no big deal because the reverse can be equally as true! You are nothing but a snake chasing it's tail with your approach. (shrug)
  12. karma Registered Member

    I am just opinions might differ..
  13. Enmos Valued Senior Member

    I guess god really fucked up then..
  14. wellwisher Banned Banned

    The liberal propaganda teaches division into man and women, but nature designed men and women as complements. Each compliment provides part of a whole, and when combined they are more than the sum of the parts. Think in terms of an assembly line, where each person has a specific sets of tasks on the line. This is far more productive than having each person doing all the tasks. Male and female were designed with higher productivity in mind. This leads to natural selection via the team.

    The liberal propaganda is attempting to make the system less efficient, so government has an excuse to grow. This highly efficient natural design would not fit properly into an inefficient big government scheme. It is necessary to dumb it down to before it can fit properly.

    The problem with the assumption of equal or the same, is this is an illusion that does not work unless we pump in extra resources and laws. I call this the zoo keeper effect. As an analogy, it is not natural for animals to live in zoos, but we can create an illusion of natural, if we are willing to pay for zookeepers who will supplement the unnatural situation. Zoo keeping is how government expands. But it first needs to figure out the most inefficient and unnatural system, then it needs to lie to the women, since women like you to lie if it flatters their ego and appeases their insecurities. You look thin in that dress and you are the same as a man.

    My solution is let the democrats feed lies to their females constituents, who will nag their democratic males to cooperate; eat of the apple. We then segregate the taxes collection revenues so all increases in cost, due to new inefficiencies, have to be paid for by tax increases on just democrats. The current scam hides the zookeepers by everyone to pay for a zoo they don't use. This offsets the cost for the patrons of the zoo making then think the math works out as well. Same does not create extra cost.
  15. origin Heading towards oblivion Valued Senior Member

    So your beliefs in a nut shell is the only thing dumber than a liberal is a woman?

    You are a really odd person.
  16. TheHun Registered Member

    Since you seem to be at home in a zoo, let me ask this what kind of liberal are you talking about? Or is liberal simply a cuss word that you assume is soooo horrific to hear that everyone within hearing will immediately wilt away, faint, or otherwise get discombobulated that they run screaming into the night?

    I mean,that we are born as different genders with a range of sexual expressions thereof means that there is extra cost associated with that? it only is if you assume--from your perch of privilege that the male is the norm and by default everything else is a burden upon said male who then has to "pay" for the fact that there is a variety of genders that are not him.
    you sound like the usual right-wing extremist nut who cannot live in a world of diversity (even a minimal one) and rushes to assess blame to every other group outside his chosen realm to justify his feeling of damaged superiority.

    We all know that we are not equal, but we all want egalitarian treatment under the law, under the social contract, and in our daily discourses. But you can stay in your zoo, in a cage of ignorance and supercilious condescension. Just keep the cage locked. FYI just in case you did not notice, women have their own brains and that's why they stay away from those patronizing republican whiners who cannot handle the fact that we all moved out of the caves long ago.
    Well, some stayed behind, probably because they are burdened with a false sense of responsibility and/or because they benefit from manipulating men who are too dumb to catch on.
  17. exchemist Valued Senior Member


  18. exchemist Valued Senior Member

    WHO are you quoting and WHY, then? What is the point?
  19. Aqueous Id flat Earth skeptic Valued Senior Member

    wellwisher wins first place in the Tea Party contest for supercilious condescension. You get the SciForums trophy for correctly labeling the syndrome. If ever there was a disease screaming for a cure, this is it.
  20. TheHun Registered Member

    I do want my trophy to be pink and garish, I'm female you know. Oh, and for the liberal part...ah screw it, just send me a polished halo and a gift card for Godiva chocolates.
  21. Aqueous Id flat Earth skeptic Valued Senior Member

    Come to think of it, if members had to pay a small cash penalty for their egregious violations of common sense (much less the moronic faux anti intellectual nonsense) I think there would be funds on hand from wellwisher's share alone to spring for a maintenance free diamond tiara, a hot pink Barbi style Rolls Royce convertible with an optional boy or girl toy companion, and full ownership in the Godiva corporation. And there would be enough left over to throw in on a castle in Brussels if you wanted to also have an ample supply of the local truffles. Not that anybody is keeping score or anything, but that would be my rough estimate, to within an order of magnitude or so. He gets a big spread too, something proportional to the rate of his industrial output -- the whole New York City dump perchance? Not anything of actual value, maybe just the toxins and harmful microbes, plus the stench.

    Of course total value of your reward is appreciating. We now have to factor in an actual sense of humor, if not only that wry twist on coquettish femininity that so completely lays his "gray-faced men with $2 haircuts" persona to shame.
  22. TheHun Registered Member

    Oh you are too kind...I think I'm blushing...nah, I'm choking on the truffles (i forgot that they need to be used in miniscule amounts). You think the appreciative audience would spring for a moat? I would so like to to this in style and maybe invite Nessie for a swim. And Tina Fey is spot on too, so maybe she could come over for a cup of tea and a scone.

    So you remember a while ago--when i was young--there was this problem NYC had with its trash being dragged around on barges because they had no landfill to put it in? ....just an idea that might work for WW...
  23. madethesame Banned Banned

    this division is based on tamas and Rajas (yin and yang).
    to me it is fact that man is form of woman but man has different needs.
    man and woman are not same on the basis of flesh. cosmically they two energies of different natures.
    if this division ceases to exist, we cease to exits. our very presence here is the dance before the union to the cosmic. accept differences and live, this is true cosmic union without any shortcut.

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