[#ContentAdvisory | #nagtow]
David Futrelle↱, whose self-appointed mission is to track and mock misogyny, advises, "Nazis Going Their Own Way: The Daily Stormer embraces celibacy because women are worse than dogs, apparently".
We might wish that was some sort of sick joke, but it is not Futrelle's:
Andrew Anglin of the The Daily Stormer used to give his mostly-male readers Nazi dating tips. (Rule Number 1: Don't talk too much about Hitler on the first date.)
But Anglin seems to have soured on the fairer sex, and lately he's been starting to sound like the Nazi version of a MGTOW — a Nazi Going His Own Way. Instead of offering dating tips, he's offering warnings, urging his followers to always be wary around women lest they STEAL YOUR SOUL.
In an — *ahem* — "humorous" post on the Stormer today, (archived here↱) Anglin waggishly announces that he's going to dispel the myth that "women are like dogs." Because, you see, women are actually WORSE than dogs.
"Women are so far below dogs," he contends ....
(Warning: Archive link contains extraordinary content.)
But Anglin seems to have soured on the fairer sex, and lately he's been starting to sound like the Nazi version of a MGTOW — a Nazi Going His Own Way. Instead of offering dating tips, he's offering warnings, urging his followers to always be wary around women lest they STEAL YOUR SOUL.
In an — *ahem* — "humorous" post on the Stormer today, (archived here↱) Anglin waggishly announces that he's going to dispel the myth that "women are like dogs." Because, you see, women are actually WORSE than dogs.
"Women are so far below dogs," he contends ....
(Warning: Archive link contains extraordinary content.)
And the nagtow's screed just goes downhill, from there. The archived post link is in the excerpt above, but, really, even Futrelle's coverage of what Anglin wrote is breathtaking; suffice to say it is not the first time the nagtow has considered sexual violence against women; TDS published an extraordinary piece, late last year, calling for "corrective rape", and as Futrelle↱ noted, then, "a now-notorious style guide prepared by Daily Stormer editor Andrew Anglin urged those writing for the site to hide their serious intent behind a veil of ironic jokiness."
If we holler, the nagtows are coming! the nagtows are coming! it ought to be more than overconfident multientendre; the thing is, this really shouldn't be any sort of laughing matter, yet Futrelle notes of the nagtow, "Anglin has managed to come up with an answer to the 'female question' that's somehow even worse than the standard neo-Nazi one", and even that leads to an inevitable sort of punch line; the standard Nazi regard looks back to Hitler himself, and the duties of women, and is woven into the meaning fourteen sacred words modern Nazis recite, commemorate, and signify. Futrelle continues:
But Anglin, evidently single, doesn't want a TradWife or even a TradGirlfriend. That. at least, is a little bit of good news for the women of the world. Go your own way, young man, and go as far as possible away, until you fall off the edge of the earth.
It seems an obvious point. Still, we had some idea this was possible; Futrelle reminded, last year:
Unfortunately, it's not only the famously misogynistic Nazis of the Daily Stormer who feel that way. These are views shared to some degree by many if not most incels and Men Going Their Own Way. And they have a disturbing resonance with a surprising number of men.
Indeed, this spring, after a self-identified incel deliberately ran down pedestrians with his van in a busy neighborhood in Toronto, killing ten, a number of prominent men – among them Canadian psychology-professor-cum-self-help-guru Jordan Peterson and New York Times columnist Ross Douthat – began to wonder aloud if the real problem underlying incel rage wasn't aggrieved male entitlement but the excessive pickiness of women who for some reason don't feel like dating the sort of maladjusted men who think mass murder is a reasonable response to sexual and romantic frustration.
Indeed, this spring, after a self-identified incel deliberately ran down pedestrians with his van in a busy neighborhood in Toronto, killing ten, a number of prominent men – among them Canadian psychology-professor-cum-self-help-guru Jordan Peterson and New York Times columnist Ross Douthat – began to wonder aloud if the real problem underlying incel rage wasn't aggrieved male entitlement but the excessive pickiness of women who for some reason don't feel like dating the sort of maladjusted men who think mass murder is a reasonable response to sexual and romantic frustration.
With Anglin apparently going his own way, we whould always remember the mgtow paradox: They still need women; it's just that mbsgtow doesn't really make an easy mouthful, and mwntbsaigtow is even worse. It's just that these men being seen going their own way, these men who need to be seeen as if going their own way, need to be seen by women as they pretend to go their own way. So, wait, what ... mwntbsbwaitragtow (munt-biz-bwait-rag-tau)?
So, yeah, for Nazis, we'll just stick with NaGTOW.
Anglin, Andrew. "Dispelling the 'Women are Like Dogs' Fallacy". The Daily Stormer. 26 August 2019. Archive.fo. 29 Augsut 2019. https://archive.fo/6mhTC
Futrelle, David. "Nazis Going Their Own Way: The Daily Stormer embraces celibacy because women are worse than dogs, apparently". We Hunted The Mammoth. 26 August 2019. WeHuntedTheMammoth.com. 29 August 2019. http://bit.ly/2ZHCGy8
—————. "The Daily Stormer calls for 'corrective rape' because women on Tinder are too picky". We Hunted The Mammoth. 9 December 2018. WeHuntedTheMammoth.com. 29 August 2019. http://bit.ly/2L3UV8B
River, Octavio. "Corrective Rape Will Save Us". The Daily Stormer. 3 December 2018. Archive.fo. 29 August 2019. https://archive.fo/c4Oxx