Portland, Ore

Discussion in 'Politics' started by mathman, Jul 21, 2020.

  1. sculptor Valued Senior Member

    If you go to a "peaceful"demonstration with bottles of gasoline, cans of spray paint, or rocks...............
    do we still assume that you are intending a peaceful law abiding demonstration?

    burning an american fag is legal
    burning a 1 dollar bill ain't
    spray painting your car is legal
    spray painting a federal courthouse ain't

    if the local politicians ain't protecting lives and property

    what happens next is on them
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  3. billvon Valued Senior Member

    Simple. In a revolution, the terrorists win.
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  5. Jeeves Valued Senior Member

    But lives and property are at risk all the time. No law-enforcement agency in the world can protect everybody from everything; they can only prosecute any law-breakers they catch. Or rather, that's all they can do legally. In reality, many police forces have been preemptively shooting and beating presumed potential lawbreakers, in a zealous attempt to protect all the presumed potential victims of crime.
    The highest rate of arson was in Florida in 2018 - yet no federal troops were sent there, or any state, in that entire year. (Only to protect the Beeyootiful Wall, which is supposed to be fireproof.)
    Other kinds of property destruction occur with some frequency, such as bombing or bulldozing of buildings, vehicular impact against fences, sign-posts and gates; the hitting of stationary objects with crowbars, rebars, bats and two-by-fours is always popular; garden plants are uprooted; statuary smashed, and windows, oh windows are a prime victim of projectiles. Also various merchandise, like bales of cotton and crates of tea tossed into harbours. Statues, too.
    No Federal troops required to deal with it - except that one time about the tea, but those were redcoats.
    Innocent people are getting killed all the time, and no agency is able to protect them. Yet no troops were sent into New Jersey or Ohio or Virginia.
    As for vandalism, it's as old as civilization. The earliest Christians indulged in it and were prosecuted (they say persecuted) by Roman law enforcement agencies. It's been a favourite pastime of many Americans armed with paint cans, to make a point, or art, or a political statement or to make an ethnic or a religious group afraid. Federal troops not rushing in to protect those communities.
    Are we detecting a certain inconsistency of response yet?
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2020
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  7. billvon Valued Senior Member

    Well, given that politicians have let right wing terrorists kill and murder indiscriminately - even calling them "very fine people" at one point - looks like what's happening now is on them. The death count now stands at 48 in the past four years - and that's not counting the cops who kill innocent blacks.

    This is the backlash and it indeed on them.
  8. pjdude1219 The biscuit has risen Valued Senior Member

    sorry my grandfathers experiences with nazis offends your fascist sensibilities. but he is not the ignorant one you are. funny how you are calling a nazi political prisoner a liar simply because you don't want do deal with reality they aren't simply "defending" federal property. they are shooting journalists, they are abducting protest leaders, they are doing things that would literally be warcrimes if done to the populace of another country. so please shut your lying as up. only ignorant garbage here is your worthless posts. what a surprise that you support fascist goon squads. how much longer you before you put your brown shirt on?
  9. RainbowSingularity Valued Senior Member

    keep in mind 99% of Republicans support that breach of the constitution because it suits their own political machinations toward them being the privileged friend of the dictator

    hitler used socialism to gain power over the people and institutions until they had no power left
    then he simply swapped out the boards, CEO's and other leaders for himself as being the god figure
    he turned himself into the religion
    his picture was everywhere
    he demanded obedience to his ego
    the ultimate narcissist

    you can easily see the similar ideology between the usa and socialist countrys where they display the face of a leader to be idolized as a law un to them-self as imagery

    when the system is soo corrupt that ideology holds no moral value
    the false image must be projected to take the place of the religion to be the power & authority model with no accountability

    be that through money or privilege
    both systems are identical

    as one of my high school physics teachers use to bemoan the class "pearls to swine"
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2020
  10. Vociferous Valued Senior Member

    So since there was no sudden change of power (per the definition of revolution), they obviously didn't win.
    Good. So we agree it was only terrorism.

    So since law enforcement can't protect everybody and everything, they might a well do nothing at all? That's idiotic.
    You know who they also can't prosecute? The law-breakers they don't even try to catch.

    Most sane people call that dereliction of duty.

    Not only false hyperbole, but also blatant whataboutism.

    Read my post again. You're the only one inferring that your grandfather is "a liar".
    Your grandfather may only be watching leftist media, giving him a very skewed perspective on what's going on now. It's no fault of his if once much more trustworthy news sources are now lying to him. Hence me saying "panicky leftists saying demonstrably stupid stuff". I have no idea if what you claim comes from your grandfather's personal experience of current events or secondhand leftist media.
    They are not "shooting" journalists, except maybe as collateral of crowd control with non-lethal rounds. But even so, that would still be a claim you'd need to support...which I know you never will. Nor are they "abducting" anyone, as long-existing law gives them the authority to detain and question persons of interest in a crime against federal property. No, enforcing long-existing law is not a war crime. Take a chill pill. The sky is not falling. You're just being duped by people who make money scaring you with lies. Legal law enforcement is not a goon squad, and it's the antifa/BLM thugs that are the brown shirts, using violence to suppress views they don't like.

    Crawl out of your ignorant bubble already.
  11. Jeeves Valued Senior Member

    Why bother?
  12. Vociferous Valued Senior Member

    Well, lazy is as lazy does.
  13. Jeeves Valued Senior Member

    That, plus, you seem so happy in there!
  14. Vociferous Valued Senior Member

    Leftists are so immersed in their bubble that they can't even fathom that conservatives can't avoid sources outside of their would-be bubble. Leftist sources are so ubiquitous that there's no avoiding them. They even slip their agenda into otherwise apolitical entertainment.
    And leftists ignorantly assume that the volume of the leftist bubble must mean there's no bubble at all. Yeah, I probably couldn't extricate myself from a bubble either, if I couldn't manage to see it's walls.
  15. river

    Authoritaranism , Fascism is in U.S. of A .

    The citizens Intellect of the U.S. is being challenged .

    All trumps buddies , on the World scene are dictators .
  16. mathman Valued Senior Member

    Latest news: more troops to Portland.
  17. billvon Valued Senior Member

    Yep. And by that definition, the people who fought in the Revolutionary War were terrorists, too - since they didn't win until the war was over. I am glad those terrorists fought. I bet you are, too.
    "False hyperbole" would be a phrase that sounds like it's hyperbole but isn't.

    I agree. It sounds hyperbolic - but the responsibility for this reaction is indeed on the politicians who allowed the murders to go on. Glad you agree.
  18. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    In Minneapolis the police were doing that - also in some kind of odd association with some strangers who came to town just in time to loot and vandalize black-owned businesses several blocks away from the demonstration, abet looting and instigate violence around the fringes of the demonstration, etc.

    And yes, most of us lefties assumed they were not intending a peaceful and law abiding demonstration. Same holds for their bringing tear gas and clubs and riot gear and rubber bullet guns to arrest graffiti vandals and sign wavers - their intention was clear long before they started cracking heads and putting out eyes and smashing testicles and so forth.

    Something similar happened a few years ago when the Republican Convention drew a crowd of protestors - in one famous incident the police withdrew their posted security guard at a temporary patrol car staging lot, and in the window of one or two hours the police weren't watching or using or visiting their own stuff "demonstrators" (the demonstration they were supposed to have come from was a long walk away, and nobody in it saw them or had any idea who they were) vandalized some of the cars.

    In the Vietnam War demonstrations the police used to select young women to focus their beatings on - the intent was to provoke violence from the young men, with the ancillary benefit of getting revenge on the women who were scorning them. As usual, the vast majority of good cops were somehow never around when the few rotten apples took their psychiatric problems out for a spin on the public streets.
    Like "umbrella man" in Minneapolis?
    Good term for never arresting the lawbreaking police, the lawbreaking Federal whoever they are in the unmarked vans, or the official instigators of all this police violence and police crime. Dereliction of duty - yep.
    You have no idea what's on leftist media. You don't even know what it is. Like most wingnuts, you also have no idea what's happening in the physical world of events and facts and history and stuff. How could you possibly know whether leftist media's perspective is "skewed"?
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2020
  19. billvon Valued Senior Member

    The reality right wingers live in was described eloquently by a GWB aide to a reporters:
    The aide said that guys like me were 'in what we call the reality-based community,' which he defined as people who 'believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.' . . . . 'That's not the way the world really works anymore,' he continued. 'We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors...and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do'.
    I am a proud member of the reality based community.
  20. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    Are you by chance saying the Chairman of the Reality based community would be the likes of Isaac Newton and not politicians per say?
  21. billvon Valued Senior Member

    No chairmen. Just the set of people that live in reality, vs the (in this case) Trump supporters who live in the reality that Trump defines: "Portland is burning down" "chloroquine cures COVID-19" "the wall is keeping immigrants out" etc etc.
  22. Vociferous Valued Senior Member

    No, the sudden change of power, revolution, is what precipitates the war. Sounds like you'd have us believe that there were never any failed revolutions, where there was a sudden change of power that was then retaken. Revolution is not the same as war, no more that it is the same as terrorism. How many more terms do you plan on conflating?
    Terrorism is not a change of power, and revolutions are not defined by their success.

    No, false hyperbole is you intending hyperbole to be taken literally. Hence you saying "it sounds hyperbolic - but...".
    Who "allowed" what murders? I certainly don't agree with your vague bs.

    Anonymous source, hence not even verifiable as a real.

    Too bad it's reality that determines you're not aligned with it.
  23. pjdude1219 The biscuit has risen Valued Senior Member

    lets not forget what every city trump sent his brown shirts had in common which wasn't protests that got violent. it was they all had either a democratic governor or mayor who criticized trump. not to mention things were on the wane until trumps thugs arrived.

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