Masturbation is for Losers

Discussion in 'Science & Society' started by Lori_7, Dec 10, 2005.

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  1. Happeh Registered Senior Member

    Funny how, when all the fireworks are over and there is nothing but the work of determining if my theory is correct or not, the thread dies. I see that a lot. As long as there is just talking and goofing off, people are happy. Tell them it is time to think and work, and they scatter to the 4 corners of the earth.

    I will tell you what. I will let you read the preview for my book. When you do, I want you to keep in mind that Happeh Theory says excessive masturbation can cause blindness. I said that waaaaay back about 5 pages ago.

    Health Warnings for Erection Enhancing Drugs corroborate the predictions of Happeh Theory

    Around the first half of the year 2005, news reports were released saying that the drug Viagra had been associated with sudden blindness in some of it's users. Viagra and similar Erection Enhancing Drugs allow a person to have sex for long periods of time. The drugs cause erections in people who have trouble attaining or maintaining an erection.

    When a person has trouble performing sex, there is a good reason for it. The person's body is telling them that they are too weak to engage in the physically strenuous activity of sex. Not being able to attain an erection is nature's way of protecting the person from damaging their health any further.

    When a man who has trouble with erections takes one of these Erection Enhancing Drugs, he is breaking the safety mechanism that nature built into his body. The penis is forced to become erect against it's will.

    What is the connection between Erection Enhancing Drugs and Happeh Theory?

    Happeh Theory predicts that a person who masturbates will go blind in one eye. A person who engages in too much sex will also go blind in one eye for the same reason a person will go blind in one eye from masturbation. A person who takes an Erection Enhancing Drug is engaging in too much sex. His body is telling him to stop having sex by refusing to get an erection. The man forces sex on his body anyways by taking the Erection Enhancing Drug.

    The public news reports stated that some users of Erection Enhancing Drugs were reportedly going blind in one eye. The exact same condition predicted by Happeh Theory for a person who masturbates. The situation was so serious that a new warning label for the drugs was necessary.

    It is my claim that these people are going blind because they have too much sex. If the people had not been able to have sex, as was the case when they had erection problems, their eyes would have stayed at the health level they were at before taking the drug. If a person cannot get an erection, any sex is too much sex. By taking the Erection Enhancing drug and forcing their body to perform sex, these people have caused themselves to go blind.

    This publicly verifiable current news corroborates the claims of Happeh Theory.
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  3. cole grey Hi Valued Senior Member

    Seriously, everyone is different, I'm tired of everyone trying to homogenize everything. Masturbate, or don't - there are problems inherent in either choice.

    I would write more, but it is hard to type these days, since I've gone blind in one eye.
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  5. Katazia Black Mamba Registered Senior Member

    Happeh -

    LOL. Possibly you can't see what everyone else can; you are simply an arrogant pratt and you are being ignored, not that anyone is actually taking you seriously. You might also consider that it is holiday time and would be posters have other things to do other than give you time.

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  7. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member


    So, you're famous for spamming message boards with your views. So what? Got anything solid, or just guesswork and wishful thinking?

    Yes, they'll believe anything. Yet, strangely, they don't believe you...

    I wonder what that means...

    Fine. But where are the "years of research" which show that excessive masterbation causes blindness, for example?

    There's nothing but the say-so of a self-proclaimed internet attention seeker.

    Or am I wrong?

    How do you get this amazing knowledge of what I do and do not know? The same way you get your other insights, I guess. You just make it up as you go along.

    I believe my penis is attached to my body. No need to be Einstein for that. Anything more, you will have to convince me.

    For example, can I affect my ear by manipulating my penis in some way?

    Know any good penis tricks I can use to impress my friends?

    But these are just your thoughts. Are they based on anything, or are you just guessing? Does ANYBODY agree with you?

    What do you mean by "depleted"? What is depleted, exactly?

    Ok, point me to the pictures, and the explanation that verifies your statements that they show what you say they show. I want an independent source, since you don't seem very reliable.

    Have you ever considered that people just get tired of talking to you? Have you ever considered that what you believe makes no sense?

    Have you ever tried talking to a delusional person? If so, you might understand why normal people don't want to hurt the mentally ill person by buying into his or her fantasy world.

    Who publishes your book?

    Does the penis have a will of its own?

    Did that happen to you?

    How much is too much? Is it ALL sex now, not just masterbation?
  8. Asguard Kiss my dark side Valued Senior Member

    lori, did god want you to be faithful to your lifes partner?

    if the answer is yes then think about having to live away from them for any length of time, is it better to get yourself off either singuly or together (over the phone for intance) or to get so antsy that you sleep with someone you will regret latter?
  9. Happeh Registered Senior Member

    OK. I needed to know that scientists, described as professionaly curious, would rather shout and call names than do actual science. Actually viewing evidence and reaching a conclusion.

    I never knew that about the people here. Now I do.
  10. (Q) Encephaloid Martini Valued Senior Member

    OK. I needed to know that scientists, described as professionaly curious, would rather shout and call names than do actual science. Actually viewing evidence and reaching a conclusion.

    Since you are no scientist and know nothing about science, have not provided and evidence to reach a conclusion, but instead have made plenty of ridiculous assertions that no one takes seriously, its little wonder you would have that view.

    I never knew that about the people here. Now I do.

    What, that we don't simply believe every silly assertion from every loud-mouth bass that posts here? What did you expect?
  11. Happeh Registered Senior Member

    I just laughed out loud. I think I have been polite to you because you asked questions. You are right. So what if I am famous for spamming message boards? So what? I agree with you. I was making a statement about reality.

    You are following Snakelords methods. You think I said that because I am bragging or proud, so, just like Snakelord, you are going to attack me, what it is that I believe, my self image. You are not going to attack the facts or the theory.

    I told you evil will rub off on you. You better avoid Snakelords posts before you get even more like him.

    It means the earth is in trouble. When the majority of the people who are supposed to be the elite, the intelligentisia, perform science or curious inquiry thru personal attack, it is all downhill from there.

    It means most of what you see and hear is lies. All the talk about how advanced the human race is etc. There is a thin veneer, 1 million people maybe, out of the billions on the earth, that are smart enough to actually run the planet. That breaks my heart. I really believed people in general were intelligent. Realizing I am one of the few smart people breaks my heart. It is very lonely being the only smart one in a crowd of apes and baboons.

    In my head.

    Are you a comedian for a living? You say that like you have caught me in a lie. I told you and everyone else that what I had was my own investigations. That the common wisdom you believe is lies put out by people who wish to make you weak so you do not challenge them for power, status or money.

    I behave like a scientist is supposed to. I observe. I think about my observations. I reach a conclusion. If I see something that does not fit, I change my conclusion and try again. It has taken me years to learn what I know.

    And a bunch of bozo's in a science forum are unhappy that I cannot give them years of experience in one paragraph in one post on an internet forums.

    I cannot convince you. I can tell you how it works. The only way for you to be convinced is for you to convince yourself. You will have to spend 5 or 10 or 20 years doing what you need to. At the end of that time, your body will reveal the proof to you.

    You guys are all lazy. Every single one of you. You want me to hand you a piece of gold thru one post on the internet. It doesn't work that way. If you are serious, you must commit yourselves to years of study. Just like any other scientific inquiry.


    Sure. Tell them you perform fellatio for free.

    Yes, people agree with various aspects of what I say. If someone would stop calling me names and saying I am some psychological problem or the other and actually talk to me, I might tell you some of it.

    Run down. Like you work 15 hours a day every day of the week. After awhile, your body is completed depleted by the physical demands placed on it.

    Here is how it works. I show you a picture. I point at the symptoms. I saw they are masturbation induced. I say I know this because of my expertise.

    If you understand that process and agree to it, then we can get somewhere. If you want an outside person to say "I agree with what Happeh is showing and telling you", I cannot give that to you. This is all about you seeing what I show you, wondering about the causes, then accepting my reasons are the causes for what you see.

    Oh sure. Most people in this world live their lives according to the interpersonal submission/dominance games. That means that no one talks to me about facts, they talk about my conviction. They don't attack my facts, they attack me and my conviction. It is how animals react. If you are interested, we could talk about that too.

    Most people are animals that behave unthinkingly. I come in here with my claims. Whoever is the big dog, Snakelord in this case, takes me on. We do battle. At the end, I win. I am not vanquished. My conviction is as strong as ever. People hate this. You saw Snakelord run away because his hate had no effect on my conviction. Now all the lesser people are taking a stab at attacking my conviction. What can you do? If my dog slobbers on me, I don't like it. But he is my dog so I tolerate it.

    It is about the energy that no one here believes in. If Snakelord or you or whoever vanquishes me, you gain my power. That is why Snakelord ran away. I took his power. Right now, you are in line to see if you can take some of my power. That is what human beings do. They thrive on energy. There are good and bad ways to get energy. Attacking someone else and taking their energy is usually considered wrong. Religion, meditation, good living are all ways to gain energy that are considered morally right.

    I know it doesn't make sense. How do you think I felt when I realized I had been lied to from the moment I joined school? I first had to rid myself of all the lies that had been put in my head. Then, on my own, I had to figure out the truth that was being hidden.

    That is why I continue to speak to people even if they are mean to me. I know I had a terrible time accepting that I have been lied to since a child. That my entire world view was false and that I didn't know anything about how the world really works. I know that every one of you must be feeling and thinking the same things I am. I have decided I will spend time helping other people realize they have been lied to. I want to speed them along the path to discovering the truth if I can.

    I don't think so. Of course the people I know might be considered delusional by the members of this forums. To me they are not deluded. To you they might be.

    I am hesitant to tell you. Snakelord is waiting in the wings for something to attack me with. I never know what direction people will come at me from. With my experiences here so far, I do not feel safe in giving out that information.

    In a way. Be more specific in your question if you want further information.

    I have never changed my words. Excessive masturbation, excessive sex, excessive physical exercise, injecting drugs and snorting drugs all cause the symptoms that I describe. Excessive masturbation is worse than excessive sex usually. There are a million special cases just like every other area of science.

    I learn everyday. I change my theory all the time. I might change something am saying now. You never know. My theory has been pretty stable for the last 2 years or so. I have not really learned anything new or had any new insights. I think I have it nailed down for the most part.
  12. Happeh Registered Senior Member

    You are right. I am not a scientist for a living. You are wrong that I know nothing about science. I have not provided much in the way of evidence because I first had to deal with submission/dominance attacks of snakelord.

    It is only in your head that it is silly. I get really bored repeating that people used to believe the earth was flat. There was some smarty pants named Q, back in the 1700's or whenever, who talked smart to the guy that proved the world was round, just like you are talking smart to me.

    It is the bane of the leader. The lesser people want the leaders power. They are so pathetic, they would destroy the leader to get that power. Losing all the wisdom the leader had and all the good influence the leader put on the tribe.
  13. (Q) Encephaloid Martini Valued Senior Member

    In my head. I change my theory all the time. I might change something am saying now. You never know.

  14. cole grey Hi Valued Senior Member

    Happ said, "Realizing I am one of the few smart people breaks my heart. It is very lonely being the only smart one in a crowd of apes and baboons."

    Hanging out with the family on christmas can be a rough time for some people.

    Seriously, everybody here likes to look at evidence (especially if they think they can find a hole in it), so...
    put up or shut up.
  15. Quigly ......................... ..... Registered Senior Member

    I was taught that everytime you touch yourself God kills a kitty.
  16. geeser Atheism:is non-prophet making Valued Senior Member

    well that explains it,does'nt it.
    you are the sum total of your own research, a tosser/wanker.
    I think it's lucky, you have a brail keyboard.

    sorry James for the flaming, but this guy is calling everybody else, including you.
  17. Godless Objectivist Mind Registered Senior Member

    *what gets me about this you seem to be intelligent.

    Any idiot can pass for intellegence with a dictionary on hand!

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  18. leopold Valued Senior Member

    no, happeh is no idiot. the structure of his sentences prove that.
    a dictionary would not help in that regard.
  19. Happeh Registered Senior Member

    I can't believe people can be so purposefully retarded.

    Any scientist investigating anything changes his mind daily as he searches for the answer.

    Fool. I am laughing out loud that you could really make such a foolish post. Don't you have any pride?
  20. Happeh Registered Senior Member

    U guys are like kindergartners. See. I know most of you are haters. It is part of being a scientist. For fun, I like to bait haters. I make some innocent and friendly comment like "in my head", because I know to the haters, that is like steak to a shark.

    Then I stand back and see who steps out from the crowd to grab the bait. You did. You are a hater. Thanks for exposing yourself to all of us.

    Please Register or Log in to view the hidden image!

    I am really beginning to think this forum should be renamed or There is maybe two people that can think and talk like a scientist here.

    If you go talk to a nuclear physicist, and ask him where his knowledge of nuclear physics is, what will he say? He will say it is in his head.

    But to you, the supreme intelligent scientists who is condemning Happeh, it is ludicrous that people keep intellectual thoughts in their head in their brain.

    Where do you keep your thoughts? In your posterior?
  21. Happeh Registered Senior Member

    Troll? Nope. Young? Nope. Naive? Probably. I don't think anyone gets over that on some level.

    I will make you a deal. You think this is malarkey. I am on the up and up. I have developed the ability to see masturbation symptoms in people as I said. It is quite easy to test me. Post a picture of yourself somewhere and I will examine it and tell you if you show any signs.

    If you are honest about the amount of masturbation, there should be no way the effects are not obvious. I am not god or superman. Sometimes I make mistakes just like every other human. I am 90% correct usually.

    I am not a liar. I do not wish to see your medical report. Those people are incompetents. Post a picture of yourself somewhere so I can examine it.

    If it does, then how do you explain the fact that my theory says that people go blind in one eye, Folklore says that touching yourself will make you go blind and the scientific study on users of Viagra showed they were going blind.

    How do you ignore all of that?

    I have not posted much evidence, I agree. I have spent the entire time fighting with people who are name callers, not scientists investigating new claims.

    You are very trying. I told you most people I know would walk away from a person who childishly repeats a question over and over and over. As an adult, you are supposed to be polite and respect the wishes of the person who is not answering your questions.

    As clear as I can be: It is none of your business.
  22. Happeh Registered Senior Member

    This is so disheartening. The thread degenerates because the scientist think they know it all. After 7 or so pages of nothing but personal attacks and aggressive demands, people walk away without ever talking about the subject.

    I made the post of the Viagra study saying people will go blind. All the "scientists" here pretend like the post doesn't exist. So let me give you people imitating scientists another scientific study to look at. No it does not "prove" what I say. It corroborates what I say just like the Viagra study says.

    Happeh Theory says one of the symptoms of masturbation is mental disturbance. Low intellect, Alzheimers, dementia, that kind of thing.

    If things go the way they have been, I fully expect all the "scientists" to completely ignore this post, and begin saying "Show me evidence" like they are parrots repeating a phrase they have been taught.

    MALE animals can produce a lot of sperm or grow big brains but cannot do both, according to a study that may confirm the suspicions of many women.

    The study of 334 bat species suggests that energy-hungry brains can evolve only at the expense of other tissues.

    Writing in Proceedings of the Royal Society, Biological Sciences, Scott Pitnick, of Syracuse University, New York, reported that species with promiscuous females had evolved extra large testicles but smaller brains.

    "The general rule that is emerging is that sperm production can be incredibly costly," said Dr Pitnick, who first found the relationship in insects. Male fruit flies, for example, can make sperm 7.5 centimetres long.

    "This led me to examine bats, as sperm competition is rife, and so testes can be ridiculously large," he said.

    "Brains are metabolically expensive organs to develop and maintain, so looking for a trade-off there seemed obvious."

    The most interesting implications of the study are for the co-ordinated evolution of brains, behaviour and extravagant sexually selected traits: ornaments such as the peacock's tail and armaments such as antlers.

    Dr Pitnick said: "The road to sexual success can lie in being clever, in being a dull yet well-armed brute that can fight for paternity, in being spectacularly ornamented, or in providing a rich cocktail of seminal fluids and costly sperm."

    Sexual selection could favour any combination of these.

    Dr Pitnick carried out the study with Kate Jones, of the London Zoological Society, and Jerry Wilkinson, of the University of Maryland
  23. leopold Valued Senior Member

    doing a web search of dr pithick yeilded what you just posted.
    my question is how does that say a person will go blind by masturbateing?
    it does not mention anything about loseing limbs by masturbateing.
    everything you have said about the adverse affects of masturbateing can also be applied to sexual intercourse.
    i found nothing to support your claim that masturbation causes blindness.and for you to say doctors are incompitent i agree some are frauds, some are quaks, and some only care about lining their pockets but that applies to all proffesions not just to doctors.
    as for the masturbating question, yes it was personal but i believe 99.99% of the people on this board masturbate but like you they feel it a personal matter. the only reason i mentioned mine was to dispell your notion that masturbation causes blindness
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