Gun control - US vs. rest of the world

Discussion in 'Politics' started by James R, Oct 1, 2007.


See first post for gun control measures. Are you for or against them?

  1. I am American and I would support the measures below, in general.

  2. I am American and I am against one or more of the measures below.

  3. I am NOT American and I would support the measures below, in general.

  4. I am NOT American and I am against one or more of the measures below.

  5. I have no opinion on this, or do not wish to express my opinion.

  1. shichimenshyo Caught in the machine Registered Senior Member

    I believe wiret tapping a persons phone without a warrant is unconstitutional as well but its been happening
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  3. VitalOne Banned Banned

    Well no, if you don't want the place to become a paradise for criminals
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  5. VitalOne Banned Banned

    Yeah thats why we need someone like Ron Paul, someone who's conservative and constitutional

    Ofcourse you could win in court against that
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  7. shichimenshyo Caught in the machine Registered Senior Member


    too bad he wont get elected
  8. VitalOne Banned Banned

    Probably not, but I'm still voting for him and supporting him
  9. Mr. G reality.sys Valued Senior Member

    Speaking of suggestion, what is suggested by the possibility that the shooter wasn't a Republican voter?

    By the actuality?

    Buy a vowel.

    Gun ownership is a constitutional right in the US.

    World opinion is irrelevant.

    We don't care what you think on the matter.

    You can't change our constitution by the shear force of your own self-esteem.

    Choose a windmill more vulnerable to your natural abilities.
  10. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    Mr. G:

    You are as predictable as clockwork.

    Yes, I know you have your precious second amendment. Yes, I know Americans will make their own laws.

    And I know that, despite your grandiose claims that you speak for all Americans, you actually only speak for yourself. And you do care what I think on this matter, or you wouldn't have bothered addressing me.
  11. mountainhare Banned Banned

  12. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    Are you finally coming out?
  13. Oniw17 ascetic, sage, diogenes, bum? Valued Senior Member

    If you're going to help your neighbor start a joint-stock company, don't you have to have money first?
    I don't think anyone is saying that people with mental health issues should be permitted to own guns(in fact, my dad isn't legally allowed to own a gun). That kid had a history of mental health problems.
  14. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    Interesting. He still had no problem getting a gun, though.
  15. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    But the point is, James, that he got that gun illegally! Yet you want to make another law ...which he would have violated, too!

    Baron Max
  16. shaman_ Registered Senior Member

    By reducing the number of firearms in the community you make it harder for someone to acquire a gun illeagally.
  17. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    Harder to acquire a gun? Like, what's that mean?

    In many of these shootings that occur, it's often the case that the gunman used illegal means to obtain the guns. So your idea is to not let anyone have guns thereby the criminals won't have any guns to steal? You're willing to infringe on the rights of all others so as to keep the guns away from a few fanatical madmen?

    Baron Max
  18. VitalOne Banned Banned

    ROFL...really so why is it so easy to illegally obtain handguns in DC and Chicago? Clearly you support criminals gaining power over law-abiding citizens (who would be required to never have guns), banning guns never works and it never will

    Why is it that Switzerland, one of the countries with the highest gun ownership also has one of the lowest gun crime rates? Why is that? Using your liberal idealogy that must mean there should be more gun crimes in Switzerland than in other countries like England with stricter gun control, right?

    Oh yeah, I guess its also really difficult to obtain marijuana, why, because its illegal!!! ROFL...great comedy
  19. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    It is certainly more difficult to obtain it than it would be if it were legal.

    Seems obvious to me.
  20. VitalOne Banned Banned

    Actually, its just as easy to obtain it illegally, if not easier, no age limit, no nothing, you just get it

    Its also easier to obtain guns illegally in DC than it is to get one legally!!!! There's no background checks, no age limit, no nothing

    Also your logic fails miserably, like I said, when a criminal illegally obtains a gun in an area where guns are banned, they have power over all law-abiding citizens, the law-abiding citizens by law must remain completely defenseless, its a criminals paradise!!!
  21. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member


    You really think it is easier to obtain illegal items than legal ones that you can buy over the counter at a shop?

    There's no need for me to actually argue with such a silly point of view. It's patently absurd on its face.
  22. VitalOne Banned Banned

    ROFL, are you serious?

    When you buy a gun legally they have to do multiple background checks, age checks, ID, might take days

    When you buy a gun illegally you just buy it, you give them the money, and thats it...

    In fact, people in DC say its very easy to illegally obtain guns, I know people there, they also say buying marijuana is just the same as buying milk

    So which is easier? Now you're using another one of your tactics "its just absurd because I say so"
  23. nietzschefan Thread Killer Valued Senior Member

    OMG. That is the stupidest thing I have ever seen posted here yet.

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