Atheism as a way of coping with cruelty of theists

Discussion in 'Religion Archives' started by wynn, Jun 3, 2012.

  1. wynn ˙ Valued Senior Member

    Atheism as a way of coping with cruelty of theists

    If theists would be nice and harmless people, there'd be no problem. One could let them be, despite their extraordinary claims.

    But this is not the case. Horrible atrocities have been committed in the name of God, by people who claim to believe in God, by people who claim to know God. And these horrible acts continue to this day. Anything from the Crusades to parents beating their children in the name of God.

    This is not to say that everything theists do is cruel.
    But when a theist performs a cruel act, this is egregious in ways that it wouldn't be were that same act performed by a non-theist. Theists are, after all, claiming to be those people who supposedly know better than everyone else - theists are the ones who supposedly know God, the Source of All, the Creator, Ruler and Maintainer of the Universe and everyone and everything in it.

    It is difficult to understand why God (if He exists) allows cruelty to happen in His name, in His infinite wisdom and goodness.

    It is difficult to understand why the theists, God's chosen people, resort to behavior that is ungodly, to say the least.

    If the theists are so special, so qualified, so advanced, so above the ordinary run-of-the-mill people, then why is it that theists need to behave like them?

    One way of understanding the lowly behavior of theists is to relativize the instance that theists refer to as the source of their justification, namely, God. This is done in various forms of atheism.

    If there is no God, then there is noone and nothing special to know, no special qualification to have, there is just an old myth.
    And so from that perspective, theists can be seen as merely human, as humans among humans. This way, the behavior of theists can be understood and forgiven.

    This is how for some people, atheism can be a way of coping with the cruelty of theists.
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  3. Balerion Banned Banned

    Even if all religions were based on the fluffiness of bunny tails, atheism would exist. It isn't an emotional reaction, it's an intellectual one. It isn't a reaction to cruelty, it's a reaction to irrationality.
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  5. SciWriter Valued Senior Member

    Wynn, all is as it is, including irrationality for some, as there are causes and effects leading to each of their human conditions. Currently, drones wipe many of them out, as this, too, is what is.
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  7. Neverfly Banned Banned

  8. Saturnine Pariah Hell is other people Valued Senior Member


    None of that is difficult to understand at all
    . It's the opposite i can understand why theist worship their gods. So long as theism exist atheism will be there to battle it.
    this video can pretty much sum up why humans created gods to explain a a terrifying world.
    Then there is living in a theist world as an atheist..openly admiting it in public is this :
  9. Saturnine Pariah Hell is other people Valued Senior Member

    The irrationality and cruelty of theist simply adds more fuel to the metaphoric fire that is the war between theists and atheists. I shall continue to fight even if it is against insurmountable odds. For I Am An Atheist and I'm Proud of It.
  10. Buddha12 Valued Senior Member

    By allowing for others to believe in what they want shows more maturity, tolerance and understanding than trying to tear those who think differently apart every chance we get. I've not been treated unkindly or unfairly by any religious person I've met but I'm sure there are some out there that will always cause a problem, on both sides of the fence. While I don't believe in the way they do, I do not pick arguments with them but try to discuss things rationally and factually with them only when the need arises.
  11. Neverfly Banned Banned

    While tearing people apart isn't the best way to go about things, it's not the method primarily being used. It shouldn't be. Debate is.

    I disagree: Tolerance?
    Tolerance of beliefs that are harmful, promote ignorance and regression? No, that's not to be tolerated... Maturity is not well defined here.
  12. wynn ˙ Valued Senior Member

    How did you come to be so sure that what the theists say is not true?

    Because theist-atheist exchanges aren't simply a matter of trying to get others see things the same way one does. Not even remotely.

    If the theists are right, then this will have consequences for all of us, and those consequences may not be favorable at all.

    So if theists come to drag you to burn you at the stake,
    you think that the mature, tolerant and understanding thing to do is to just let them kill you while you passively embrace your fate?
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2012
  13. kx000 Valued Senior Member

    Atheist have no reason to be high and mighty. What they believe is odd to me and maybe in general, and their members are at times mocking, and sarcastic.

    Muslims, Catholics, Jews, and other organized religions should be pointed out for their cruelty especially. I would be a theist for sure, but I by no means support any religion.

    NOTE: I argue with atheist more than religionist who are the majority of theist, they mock as well.

    Better argue belief in God-the truth of God is unknown than theism-atheism. However, this can not be possible, the truth of God is in the universe as are humans.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2012
  14. Balerion Banned Banned

    I see you've moved on to Pascal's way of thinking. It was just a matter of time.
  15. Buddha12 Valued Senior Member

    Do you live in the 16th or 17th century, they come with guns now.

    I've not seen to many times this has happened in America unless you take into account those who are ultra extremists and kill others because they don't like the way they walk, look, talk or whatever you want to conjure up. I've sen mass murderers kill many not for their beliefs but because the mass murderers were mentally deranged.

    I'm not as worried about them as much as I worried about the Wall Street thieves, lying bankers and crooked politicans who steal everything I have and never go to jail.

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  16. wynn ˙ Valued Senior Member

    You seem to be sure that God (as described in the major religions) does not exist. Or at least that if God does exist, you have nothing to fear from Him.

    How have you come to that certainty?
  17. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    The best way of dealing with the cruelty of theists would be to pretend to be a theist. By coming out as an atheist, you become their perceived enemy sometimes. I'm sure theist cruelty can be a factor in becoming an atheist, but it's more than just a coping mechanism, it's a rejection of their basic premises.
  18. kx000 Valued Senior Member

    Atheist in general are more informed than religionist.
  19. wynn ˙ Valued Senior Member

    Hence atheism.
  20. Grumpy Curmudgeon of Lucidity Valued Senior Member

    Atheism is only about what you do not accept as real, nothing more. It is the rejection of the supernatural claims of theists and gives you no clue about what else an Atheist thinks about anything else.


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