The 3rd HED's Sciforums Trimester Awards

Discussion in 'The Cesspool' started by thefountainhed, Feb 8, 2004.

  1. thefountainhed Fully Realized Valued Senior Member

    Best Poster:

    1. Makes well-developed and supported arguments devoid of obsessive generalizations and fallacies (especially ad hominen).
    2. Provides original and enlightening perspectives otherwise missed by the masses.
    3. Presents a valid viewpoint regardless of backlash
    4. Language
    5. Posts within the past 3 months (100+)

    Two examples of good posts:
    1. Author: Canute.
    Time: 11-30-03, 07:44 AM

    2. Author: lethe
    Time:11-22-03, 08:19 PM

    1. Canute
    2. Tiassa
    3. stryderunknown
    4. lethe
    5. BigBlueHead
    6. ProudSyrian
    8. undecided
    9. kmguru
    10. ConsequentAtheist

    1. everneo
    2. hypewaders
    3. river-wind
    4. Swedish Fish
    5. TheVisitor

    Drop Outs
    1. Rathiere -- not enough posts
    2. Ghassan Kafani -- not enough posts
    3. wesmorris -- not enough quality posts
    4..James R -- not enough posts
    5. Jan Ardena -- not enough posts

    Most Resourceful posters
    Definition: Main Entry: re·source·ful
    Pronunciation: ri-'sOrs-f&l, -'sors-, -'zOrs-, -'zors-
    Function: adjective
    Date: 1851
    : able to meet situations : capable of devising ways and means
    - re·source·ful·ly /-f&-lE/ adverb
    - re·source·ful·ness noun

    Describes the individual best adept at providing links to support his/her stance, most ingenuous, most clever, provides insightful views, etc

    1. Proud_Syrian
    2. BigBlueHead
    3. Spookz
    4. Porfiry
    5. gendanken
    6. okinrus
    7. ConsequentAtheist
    9. Don Hakman
    A. river-wind

    Best Moderator
    1. Application of sub-forum rules
    2. Sub-forum decorum

    1. Congrats -- Art and Culture
    2. CounslerCoffee -- Scifi, World Events, Pilitics
    3. goofyfish -- World Events, Politics
    4. James R -- Math, Religion
    5. Stryderunknown -- Comp Sci
    6. tiassa -- ethics
    7.Tristan --earth science
    8. wet1 -- gen sci, astronomy
    9. Xev-- philosophy
    10. Porfiry -- super mod

    Notable threads

    1. Topic, and its relevance



    Needs to be shot
    Amusingly, and pleasantly, the list keeps decreasing
    1. Xev
    3. Counselor Coffee
    4. Porfiry
    5. EI Sparks

    Best signatures
    1. Uniqueness
    2. Insightfulness
    3. Descriptiveness of member

    1. Raithere,
    "I come here to combat the fraud and illusion of your conventional, institutionalized religion. As with all such religions, your institution moves toward cowardice, it moves toward mediocrity, inertia, and self-satisfaction. ... You, priest, you are a chaplain to the self-satisfied. I come to challenge you! Is religion real when it costs you nothing and carries no risk? Is your religion real when you fatten upon it? Is your religion real when you commit atrocities in its name? Whence comes your downward degeneration from the original revelation? - "Children of Dune" by Frank Herbert"

    2. Dr Lounatic
    "How many more people need to die before nobody ever dies again?

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    3. Gifted
    "Greetings from outside the Sane Asylum!"

    4. NenarTronian
    "We'll go out through the kitchen"

    5. Cactus Jack
    "All types of knowledge ultimately leads to self-knowledge. So, therefore, these people are coming in and asking me to teach them, not so much how to defend themselves or how to do somebody in. Rather, they want to learn to express themselves through some movement, be it anger, bet it determination or whatever. So, in other words, they're paying me to show them, in combative form, the art of expressing the human body.'


    As always, the list will be updated to include or exclude some categories, nominees are set in stone, and the results shall be available within 4-7 days. All mistakes are obviously mine and perhaps unintended, and apologies to the geeks and nerds who post once every month, and the paranoids in pseudoscience.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2004
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  3. gendanken Ruler of All the Lands Valued Senior Member

    ...................and you mispelled my name.
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  5. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    Interesting that I'm not considered to have enough posts, despite the fact that I visit, on average, a couple of times a day. I'd like to think that quality counts for more than quantity. But they're your awards, hed.
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  7. BigBlueHead Great Tealnoggin! Registered Senior Member

    So... fountainhed... is there any exterior justification of these nominations? Or are they by way of your preference?
  8. thefountainhed Fully Realized Valued Senior Member

    Perhaps it was intended, in anycase, when time and interest permits, I shall change.

    Quantity must count. I cannot nominate a poster who has 30 posts even if they are all great posts. I simply do not have the time to go through all the members. The quantity simply limits the amount of posts I have to toil through. And yes, quality does count more than quantity.

    'exterior justification"? I am unsure what you mean by that. I have the awards simply as a gesture to those posters who take the time and effort to come up with good posts, etc. And no it is as objective as I could be within the context. Why else do I nominate WANDERER, when I think he is psychologically an insecure kid?
  9. BigBlueHead Great Tealnoggin! Registered Senior Member

    Awright. I await the results.
  10. Undecided Banned Banned

    HEHE! I AM NOMINATED! my thank you very much sir. What impressed you?
  11. gendanken Ruler of All the Lands Valued Senior Member

    No you don't.
  12. spuriousmonkey Banned Banned

    I nominate TFH for best asskisser.
  13. thefountainhed Fully Realized Valued Senior Member

    No you don't.

    Actually, I do.

    I nominate TFH for best asskisser.

    Damn man, don't tell me the monkey is again annoyed he did not get nominated. Besides, no offense to anyone, but stryder, lethe are the only ones smart enough to be actually praised by moi. The rest are simply the better posters on this forum.
  14. spuriousmonkey Banned Banned

    I think my ass is too hairy to be nominated.
  15. BigBlueHead Great Tealnoggin! Registered Senior Member

    Too hairy to be kissed? Maybe you should shave.
  16. spuriousmonkey Banned Banned

    I'm not allowed.
  17. Guyute Senior Member Registered Senior Member

    Oh dear.....

    So HED, this is gonna be a frequent thing I mean, This is the third but are you gonna keep it up......

    Cause I simply do enjoy them.....

  18. Flores Registered Senior Member


    Proud Syrian??.....for god sake, are you out of your freakin mind?? This guy is a disaster. I can't believe you remove Raithere and James and put Proud Syrian/Muslim......What the hell are you NOT smoking?
  19. outlandish smoki'n....... Registered Senior Member

    why not?
    He's the only one presenting info which is the anithesis of the anti-islam crap I see on this board.
    You may not like his methods, or his personality, but he does present valid information.
  20. Dr Lou Natic Unnecessary Surgeon Registered Senior Member

    Hed can you make a "most drlounaticish" category?

    And is proud syrian the same person as proud muslim?
    From what I've seen of proud muslim he's a joke. Most definately should not be any where near any list that isn't criticising him.
    Like "lamest pansy" for example would be fine.
    I pretty much think all the islam/muslim people are lame here because all they talk about ever are muslim issues, can't they go to I mean really.
  21. thefountainhed Fully Realized Valued Senior Member

    As long as I can maintain an interest in it..

    This is the criteria I used:
    1. Makes well-developed and supported arguments devoid of obsessive generalizations and fallacies (especially ad hominen).
    2. Provides original and enlightening perspectives otherwise missed by the masses.
    3. Presents a valid viewpoint regardless of backlash
    4. Language
    5. Posts within the past 3 months (100+),

    in which particular category do you think he is an inferior? Although he is definitely a fanatic, he presents very different viewpoints which he supports, and presents logical (context driven) arguments that stand on their own. He is a very good poster.

    Hed can you make a "most drlounaticish" category?
    I always think about putting you in the most resourceful category, but you don't post nearly as much as you should lou. In any case, perhaps wierdest members would do?
  22. spuriousmonkey Banned Banned

    2. Provides original and enlightening perspectives otherwise missed by the masses.

    It is always the same message

    4. Language
    To many capitals
  23. Dr Lou Natic Unnecessary Surgeon Registered Senior Member

    Yeah spurious is right if he's talking about the muslim.
    And obsessive generalisations is his middle name, if I wanted to show someone what an obsessive generalisation looked like I'd direct them to proudmuslims posts.
    I think that was poor form on your part hed, picking him, and just as an aside I still don't understand how you can try to justify your selections as unbiased. I mean you are just a human being. You're not a machine that can select on purely objective factors.
    I still think members voting for nominees makes more sense, yes it might be a popularity contest, but at least that is a broad all encapsulating thing, what you have is a list of people who's posts you have read lately.
    like seriously its not worth much.
    How much of this forums happenings could you possibly monitor? (keep in mind I will judge you harshly by your response to that question, ie, too much and I lose all respect for you etc)

    I'm just fuckin with you for the most part hed, you're a fairly awesome dude, but my main points have to be considered here, can't you see how this just doesn't work?
    Oh and I honestly have no desire to seriously be involved in this, it makes me laugh that i even have to say this, but i just know you'll think I'm pissed that I didn't get nominated.
    I'm not pissed, i don't care, i just think there are enough phony award ceremonies on this planet, why not have a legit one?

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