11000 scientists warn re climate change


Valued Senior Member
I kept seeing this warning.
Sounds odd.
I do think it's this type of propagandah that has folk thinking climate change is BS.
Any thoughts.
Where did you see that?
It appeared on my phone when I go to Google..I get what I suppose you would call a list of news items. I just looked and it's not there now but was yesterday or the day before. I wonder who puts stuff like it out.
Probably a Google would bring it up and if I get a chance I will do that.
It just sounds made up to me
I will have a look.
It appeared on my phone when I go to Google..I get what I suppose you would call a list of news items. I just looked and it's not there now but was yesterday or the day before. I wonder who puts stuff like it out.
Probably a Google would bring it up and if I get a chance I will do that.
It just sounds made up to me
I will have a look.
I just saw it elsewhere, yeah, it's not helpful. It has a bunch of names on there that aren't even scientists. It's not a reputable list. It sounds more like it is put out by climate deniers.
It appeared on my phone when I go to Google..I get what I suppose you would call a list of news items. I just looked and it's not there now but was yesterday or the day before. I wonder who puts stuff like it out.
Probably a Google would bring it up and if I get a chance I will do that.
It just sounds made up to me
I will have a look.
Got air time on all major national broadcasters. ABC, SBS, etc.
I just saw it elsewhere, yeah, it's not helpful. It has a bunch of names on there that aren't even scientists. It's not a reputable list. It sounds more like it is put out by climate deniers.
That was my second response. If it originates from supporters of climate change etc I think it can only be BS as I very much doubt there would be that many climate change scientists world wide...well maybe there is but presenting science like it's a democracy is wrong in my view.
I would love to know who is behind the "news". When I did a goggle there are many hits and frankly smacks of propagandah rather than news.
Here is a video.
I have just found one saying it's fake so I am going to what that ..maybe exposing a climate denier being tricky.
No wonder folk think climate change is BS when you find stuff like this.
Just think of the damage this nonsense has done.
Appeared on national tv.
That is a reasonable presentation unlike the other ones I have found under the 11000 scientists scare.

I was very happy not to hear any mention of NP just renewables.

What would be nice is a survey of the 11,000 folk who clearly are not scientists to ask how many have solar panels on their homes and what size car they drive.

But the 11,000 scientists claim is BS and it does seem to be uncalled for propaganda.

And the leader of the world fails to lead in this area.

And I have said it before..why can't anyone fixate upon the waste in car racing etc...I was watching the V8s on Sunday and wondered how could you work out the carbon foot print of one race team..the car build, the maintenance, the fuel tyres etc, the transport of men, materials and machines from one end of the country to the other...and that is just one form of racing in one very small country.

What would the footprint of car racing be in USA or Europe...why do folk simply ignore this aspect...what are we to do put in thousands of panels so big little boys car still play cars.

Or maybe we work on population reduction so the big little boys can still play cars.

Then on top of the failure to address waste we get this 11000 scientists BS.

The problem this behaviour creates is not able to be measured but I have no doubt it will be a long time before the 11000 scientists lie goes away.

Anyways I don't care. I don't care which side the originators are really on...it is just another thing to muddy the waters.
What is encouraging is the number of countries actually trying to act responsibly.
We can only wait and hope USA joins in but until then it would seem a case of a lot of folk bailing the boat whilst one passenger explores better ways of drilling holes in the boat....no doubt to let the water out if you ask them.