A language fluency scale for use in this subforum

description of british sailors because they are the ones that started carrying limes to combat rickets during long voyages.
shit on a shingle is an amercan navy term for british sailors because they were called tars.

bit of trivia, no offense intended.
None taken. (We boys in the correct shade of blue have been known, on occasion, to be less than flattering to the senior service). I knew about the "limey", but I'd only ever come across shit on a shingle as the *cough* meal.

Besides, when it comes navies I recall the messages passed between a pair ships of each nation at the close of WWII.
USN to RN: Greetings to the second largest navy in the world.
RN to USN: And greetings to the second best. ;)
there is little doubt about britains mastery of the seas prior to WW2.
carriers would still be in the dark ages if it wasn't for the steam catapult.
and let's not forget all those obscure british naval terms such as sister hooks.
shit on a shingle is an amercan navy term for british sailors because they were called tars.

Really? I'd always heard it to refer to the legendary Mystery Meat served in kitchens-chipped beef on toast.


Of course limes keep forever, so sailors ate them to prevent scurvy.

(Rickets=vitamin D deficiency, scurvy=vitamin C deficiency...although looking them up, they actually both cause the runs-severe diarrhea-I just knew rickets caused bowlegs, while scurvy causes bleeding gums, tooth loss, infection.)
Really? I'd always heard it to refer to the legendary Mystery Meat served in kitchens-chipped beef on toast.
yes,really. it's actually a derogatory term because british sailors were called tars and shingles were coated with tar hence shit on a shingle.
Of course limes keep forever, so sailors ate them to prevent scurvy.

(Rickets=vitamin D deficiency, scurvy=vitamin C deficiency...although looking them up, they actually both cause the runs-severe diarrhea-I just knew rickets caused bowlegs, while scurvy causes bleeding gums, tooth loss, infection.)
must have been.
not sure about limes shelf life though.
not sure about limes shelf life though.
I can assure you, quite true. I purchased a bag of them...and the bag was buried in the fridge.
When I found them again over two months later, they were still fine, if brown on the outside.
@Spud. Tough test. There were some I wasn't sure of,
And a few others I didn't know at all.


The test was set in the 1920's and some words may have fallen out of use or changed spelling.
That's my excuse anyway.

Tret is an obscure legal word.
Staminody, a botanical word.
For polypus we would now use polyp, and for weazened, wizened. I'll give myself them.
I thought a hoyden was a prostitute, and it ain't.
As for Kail, it doesn't exist. Unless he means Kale.

Springe, sounds like something that gets lost when you are repairing a watch.
Xiphoid. I know that's a shape, but no further.
Plantigrade. I should know that word but I don't.
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Unmoor? means to undock a ship...untie the mooring lines. Right?
Vertex is where two lines(usually on a graph) intersect?

I admit to giving myself cred for torose because I know the word torus...err rather thought I did...oop, had to remind myself...it's a donut. a 3-d ring.

So maybe being too generous to myself again....

So I guessed that something that was torose was "like a torus," and since I've read "The Integral Trees "and "The Smoke Ring", I very vaguely remembered what a torus was.

Can't say too much about those two books, absolutely gorgeous.
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I admit to giving myself cred for torose because I know the word torus...err rather thought I did...oop, had to remind myself...it's a donut. a 3-d ring.

Yes that's what I thought.
It's wrong.
Torose means
a. bulging, knobbly; muscular. torous, a. torosity, n.

The word you are thinking of is toroidal.

As for Winston Churchill having a huge vocabulary, I don't think that's true.
He was a great orator, but that comes from using common words well rather than from using unusual words.
His was the poetry of
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.
Masterful, and simple.

Once you go much above 20,000 words, your vocabulary is more likely to confuse than inform.
You can salt your speech with a few jawbreakers, but use too many and you sound ridiculous.

They can be used deliberately.
A doctor might talk to another doctor about a torosity instead of a tumour, if he doesn't want you to understand.
Parents use long words to talk over the heads of their children.

Words like tret and springe are useful for Scrabble, but not much else.
They may have been more familiar in the 1920s, when Latin legal phrases were admired, and hunting was still in vogue.

A clever way to slip in a nice word that is likely to be misunderstood, is to surreptitiously define it.

The valetudinarian habit of discussing his health had grown on Rose... -- Florence Anne Sellar MacCunn, Sir Walter Scott's Friends, 1910, p. 234

Is valetudinarian used these days at all? People say hypochondriac don't they?
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As I say, much of it was biological, which was a bias. I did check some words and found I'd gotten about four wrong. And I realized I actually rounded up on my K-score. So 80 words.
It wasn't irony. I was genuinely amused at your error.
My error of generosity in assuming someone meant to say
he knew more rather than less than he did when he got out
of school? I would think tears more appropriate, but not on
account of my error.

I did. I gave a link to that source.
I know you provided a citation. I was asking that you address
the contradicion between your source and mine. I see now
that you make certain assumptions about and automatically
prefer the most recent.

I fail to see how a link to "un admirable" refutes my link to "admirable" (which was the example I gave).
Pardon me, wrong link, and "ur" was my misreading.

Here is the right link:


That would be incorrect. More modern sources tend to be regarded more favourably. If not I wonder how science manages...
In this context meaning etymology, not physics, chemistry, etc.

Really? Blind?
Couldn't a computer have done it?
Yes, but your source does not mention the word "computer",
and even if it did some blurred vision might be expected.
I know you provided a citation. I was asking that you address the contradicion between your source and mine.
I don't. How do you?

In this context meaning etymology, not physics, chemistry, etc.
And you don't think that as time goes on we have more resources available? Better methods of establishing what is and is not the case?

Sorry, but I cannot disentangle what you are getting at.
You asked why I didn't address my answer to you. It was because it wasn't you that asked the question.
If we're counting distinctly spelled words then we're including not only do/does/did/done but want/wants/wanted and dog/dogs/dog's/dogs'. We can't know what the people who made up your Victorian Era vocabulary test were thinking, but I think it's most likely that they had no intention of counting inflected forms. If we count them because they are "distinctly spelled" then suddenly we're all up in the 60K+ range. I did not mean to imply that when I developed my scale, but perhaps that's the professional standard so I should have. It certainly rescues my calibrations!
My impression is that do/want/dog would be counted
as one word each in professional vocabulary size evaluation.

It has validity at the bottom of the scale. For quite a while, when you're first learning a language, inflected forms are just as much work as the basic form. But this would make it difficult to compare fluency in a heavily inflected language like Spanish with a lightly inflected language like English or with an inflection-free language like Chinese.
I don't know about inflection, but Chinese has at least four tones.

Just pick a hundred words at random and look up their etymologies. I'll get around to it, but not soon.
Such information must be available without having to go to so much trouble.

If it shows up in the funnies it must be more widely known than that.
No way of telling other than by a survey/test.

Crappy metaphor, you could write Obama's speeches. Everyone agrees on what a rotten egg is. We don't all agree on what's great literature. Virtually everyone can smell the rot in an egg.
I accept that the metaphor may be too inexact to get
my point across. It was was meant as an allusion to the
fact that anyone can tell Joyce's writing stinks.

The problem is that there is a tiny academic cottage industry
which has been trying to tell us for 90 years that there is some
merit to his jibberish, and thay they are the only people wise
enough to recognize it.

Millions of people, like yours truly, can't understand highbrow literature well enough to distinguish great from sophomoric, and those who can don't always agree.
I think you probably underestimate yourself, and I have no doubt
about my own ability to tell good writing from bad writing.

So why should we take your word that the entire literary community is wrong about Joyce? This sounds an awful lot like a situation we encounter on SciForums rather often: the precocious teenager with two semesters of college physics telling us that he's found a flaw in the Theory of Relativity. The difference is that the scientific method can be used to test his hypothesis.
Also, I seriously doubt that the entire literary community is
on board in favor of Joyce. If they are so much the worse
for them.

We can't test your hypothesis so easily, but we can at least ask you to elaborate on your reasons for dismissing Joyce as well as your own rebuttals to the literary community's praise for his work.
Put simply Joyce is boring. Besides that he is deliberately
obscure, with no redeeming feature in the form of lofty
or stirring language.

For example in contrast, Blake's poem The Tyger contains
passages as as obscure (in bold red) as anything in Joyce:

Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

In what distant deeps or skies
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand dare sieze the fire?

And what shoulder, & what art.
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand? & what dread feet?

What the hammer? what the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? what dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?

When the stars threw down their spears,
And watered heaven with their tears,

Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb make thee?

Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?

Now, most of us have no idea what is it for a Tiger
to aspire to wings, or for a star to throw down a spear
and weep, yet the expression is so penetrating that
one read is enough for many of us to remember it forever.
Hence the poem is one of the best-known works in
English Literature.

I learned that word in 1959 in my second-year Spanish class. We had just been taught the Spanish word limosnero for "beggar." Someone asked the origin of this odd word and apparently the teacher had been asked this before, because she explained that it came, via the same path through Latin, from the same Greek word as English "eleemosynary."
I first encountered it in about 1972-73 in John Fowles' novel
The French Lieutenant's Woman.

Do I get a million bucks from you too,

to add to the million James owes me for "plantigrade?"
Good luck.

Apparently not in my case unless we've agreed to count inflected forms.

Hmm. By putting my knowledge in a favorable light you managed at the same time to accuse me of misusing a word that is common among scientists and engineers. A backhanded compliment for sure.
I did not exactly accuse you of misusing a word, I thought
you meant to use a different word.

I'm as capable of modesty as the next person.Yes, we should definitely avoid using obscure five-syllable words whenever possible. Glad to see you have a sense of humor. :)
I have a slight tendency toward bravado. Very slight.

"Parsimonious" is funny? Not all 5-syllable words are bad,
and "Parsimonious" is one of the good ones.
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I don't. How do you?
I don't either.

I would say it is a standoff except for having stumbled
up this Wiki site which makes a claim for 2000 words
first attested in Chaucer, and it names over 1000 of them,
and maybe all of them. Furthermore, brief persusal leaves
the impression on me that most are in use today.

Words first attested in Chaucer

The footnoting indentifies this as the source for the number

Cannon, Christopher, The making of Chaucer's English: a study of words, Cambridge UP, 1998

Our Messrs Crace and Cannon obviously need to get together,
especially since they are both asociated with Cambridge U, and
the Dean must wish for more scholarly concord than the two
seem to have shown so far.

And you don't think that as time goes on we have more resources available? Better methods of establishing what is and is not the case?
All methods rely ultimately on researchers who have
slogged through hardcover texts.

I could see adding or substracted a handful of words,
but not several hundred in the case of authors who
have been closely read for as long as Milton and Shakespeare.

You asked why I didn't address my answer to you. It was because it wasn't you that asked the question.
Fine, I don't care enough to keep going on this one.
Although it will be difficult to locate authoritative citation
on the internet, I am quite sure that the OP scale vastly
overestimates vocabulary size, even for Shakespeare.

Googling indicates that Shakespeare uses a total of over
800k words, but gives vocabulary sizes for unique words
ranging from 17k-29k.

Even the higher number is so far short of 100k that I wonder
if any English speaker aside from a few lexicographers has ever
had a vocabulary that big.

Try Part C this vocabulary test on for size if you think you
know more than about 10-12k words:

Vocabulary Test

I am Phi Beta Kappa college graduate and lifetime reader.
Giving myself the benefit of all doubt I scored 60/100 correct
for an implied vocabulary of 15,000 words, and I think I was
stretching it.

I would be willing to bet less than 1% of all college graduates
have a 30k-word vocabulary, and I might be willing to throw
in their professors as well.

13250 on test c
did i win?

i see Schrödingers dog is foaming at the mouth
probably rabies
probably gotta be put down
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Aaargh! Although the word may have gradually moved that way (apparently - when it is used) that's not the meaning. "Tomboy" would be closer - displaying an "unladylike" enthusiasm or energy, given to "talking back".

OMG I am a hoiden! I think I will change my name to quinnhoiden!:p
I would be willing to bet less than 1% of all college graduates
have a 30k-word vocabulary, and I might be willing to throw
in their professors as well.

I'd agree with that.
A good general vocabulary would put you on 15,000.
Add words from whatever your field of expertise is, and other subjects you are familiar with, and you will be up to 20,000.
Above that, you are exceptional.

Shakespeare having a vocabulary of 100,000. Mmmh.......
According to Marvin Spevack’s concordances to Shakespeare’s works, Shakespeare’s complete works consist of 884,647 words and 118,406 lines.

On average, each line he wrote would have to have one of those unique words in it.
This source, http://math.ucdenver.edu/~wbriggs/qr/shakespeare.html , says that in his works he used 30,154 words.
That sounds more plausible.

Of those 30,534 words, he uses 14,376 just once.
It doesn't say how many of those words he made up himself, but my guess is that it would be a fair proportion.
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