A question from a new member

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This so called forum is a fraud...
Registered Senior Member

My name is Futilitist and I am new here. This is my first post. I am curious about the list of members at the bottom main forum page. What's with all the cross outs? Thanks.

Hello Futilitist

First, welcome to sciforums.

Now on to your question. The names that are crossed out are those who are banned from this site. At present, you will see quite a few names with the cross out because those individuals are spammers. It should also be noted that we are able to hide all of the spammer's posts and delete and ban them without their posts ever being made public. This forum, as with the majority of other forums, will immediately ban all spammers. Anywho, the crossed out names are spammers who are banned from this site the moment they post anything here.
Hello Futilitist

First, welcome to sciforums.

Now on to your question. The names that are crossed out are those who are banned from this site. At present, you will see quite a few names with the cross out because those individuals are spammers. It should also be noted that we are able to hide all of the spammer's posts and delete and ban them without their posts ever being made public. This forum, as with the majority of other forums, will immediately ban all spammers. Anywho, the crossed out names are spammers who are banned from this site the moment they post anything here.

Hello Bells,

Thank you. It's good to be here.

As to your answer to my question, that was kind of what I thought. I've just never seen a list like that displayed on a main page.

Also, at the top of the page, there is a "Ban List" button next to the "Community" button, which seems perhaps a bit ironic at first glance.

Like I said, I've never seen heads on pikes so prominently displayed, especially on a science forum. Do you guys have a particularly bad problem with spammers? If so, why?

This forum is somewhat unique in a number of the features that are visible to observers and members compared to some others I attend. It is the forum that most prominently features it's ban list and visitors to other forums from this one are quick to point out that it is easy to incur an infraction here if one is a blatant troll and spammers are summarily put to the sword without question.

They had a upgrade. And spamming here got worse.
This forum is somewhat unique in a number of the features that are visible to observers and members compared to some others I attend. It is the forum that most prominently features it's ban list and visitors to other forums from this one are quick to point out that it is easy to incur an infraction here if one is a blatant troll and spammers are summarily put to the sword without question.


Hello scheherazade,

I have seen you but never talked directly with you before on the science forum dot com. I am not familiar with any of your serious postings on that other forum, because I guess we must have different areas of interest. I don't believe we have ever had any disagreements. If it is OK, I want to ask you a few questions about this site, that site, science forums generally, and possibly internet forums generally, depending on how it goes.

Please take a look at this thread if you have the time:


How do you think I will fare on this forum?

They had a upgrade. And spamming here got worse.

Hello R1D2,

Good to meet you.

I don't mean to be too literal here, but do you mean a software upgrade?

And why did the spamming get worse?

Also, what is the exact definition of spamming being used here? It can be applied quite vaguely and broadly at the same time. An original, narrow definition of spam would seem to contradict the idea that it would serve any purpose to display the crossed out posters the front page.

I'm new here, but I've been around the block once or twice. I just want to know who I'm gettin' hitched to, before it goes too far.

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Hello R1D2,

Good to meet you.

I don't mean to be too literal here, but do you mean a software upgrade?

And why did the spamming get worse?

Also, what is the exact definition of spamming being used here? It can be applied quite vaguely and broadly at the same time. An original, narrow definition of spam would seem to contradict the idea that it would serve any purpose to display the crossed out posters the front page.

I'm new here, but I've been around the block once or twice. I just want to know who I'm gettin' hitched to, before it goes too far.
Sciforums has upgraded. It took time to adjust. But it seems better now than before. And for some reason all types of spam. From bots, to kids lashing out with lots of profanity, to solicitors.
That's why there is a new member first post introduction. To put a stop to it. Its worked so far. Most crossed out names are bots as far as I understand stuck in limbo. Eventually those bots of spam programing do go away. There is a glitch that pops up that's randomly takes a members post and holds it for mod approval. Its trying to be fixed. Sometimes just let the mods know and they will look into it faster.

This is fairly decent site. Don't shy away. Or be a scared about spam. Do come back often. We don't see much of it any more. And they are working to make this a spam free zone. Hopefully I helped you and others with this post.
The mods are doing a good job about the spam imo.....
Hello R1D2,

Good to meet you.

I don't mean to be too literal here, but do you mean a software upgrade?

And why did the spamming get worse?

Also, what is the exact definition of spamming being used here? It can be applied quite vaguely and broadly at the same time. An original, narrow definition of spam would seem to contradict the idea that it would serve any purpose to display the crossed out posters the front page.

I'm new here, but I've been around the block once or twice. I just want to know who I'm gettin' hitched to, before it goes too far.
Sciforums has upgraded. It took time to adjust. But it seems better now than before. And for some reason all types of spam. From bots, to kids lashing out with lots of profanity, to solicitors.
That's why there is a new member first post introduction. To put a stop to it. Its worked so far. Most crossed out names are bots as far as I understand stuck in limbo. Eventually those bots of spam programing do go away. There is a glitch that pops up that's randomly takes a members post and holds it for mod approval. Its trying to be fixed. Sometimes just let the mods know and they will look into it faster.

This is fairly decent site. Don't shy away. Or be a scared about spam. Do come back often. We don't see much of it any more. And they are working to make this a spam free zone. Hopefully I helped you and others with this post.
The mods are doing a good job about the spam imo.....

Thank you for answering.

I am not as concerned about spam as I am about oppression. The list of crossed out members on the main page creates a very dark first impression. And I have never seen a "Ban List" button next to the "Community" button anywhere before! The folks who run this site should not be surprised by the problems they have here. People tend to rebel against unfair treatment and overly tight control.

It feels a though an iron curtain has descended here. Shhh ... be careful what you say.

Would you say you are trying to give us all a reality check here?

Hello Prometheus,

Good to see you again, your Honor.;)

Clearly I do think you all need a reality check, but I am not so interested in trying to give you one. I just can't help but be curious as to why all these forums seem so paranoid, and this one so overtly so. I don't think that you get that people like me don't actually start the trouble you all seem so fear so much. You are creating a sick culture that that spawns it's own problems. This proposition is backed up by mimetic theory and common sense.

I'm not a viral invader. Just a friendly potential member. Treat me with respect and I will reciprocate. All humans are basically wired this way.

---Futilitist :cool:
Hello scheherazade,

I have seen you but never talked directly with you before on the science forum dot com. I am not familiar with any of your serious postings on that other forum, because I guess we must have different areas of interest. I don't believe we have ever had any disagreements. If it is OK, I want to ask you a few questions about this site, that site, science forums generally, and possibly internet forums generally, depending on how it goes.

Please take a look at this thread if you have the time:


How do you think I will fare on this forum?


Hello Futilist,

I have taken the time to read the whole thread. Let's just say the discussion would not have lasted as long on this forum.
Where controversial topics are concerned, you can expect both sides will show up, armed with their own facts and tables.
If you choose to engage, debate with facts, not feelings, is the best advice I can offer, for this forum or the other.


I personally like that ban list. Tells me if a member is banned. Why, by who, and for how long. You don't find that information anywhere else on here. And as I have tried to say to you and the readers. Most crossed out names are bot programing stuck until mod removed. No worries on my end. The only effect I have seen is in the banned area. Its a tad slower at times because of the load...
Hello Futilist,

I have taken the time to read the whole thread. Let's just say the discussion would not have lasted as long on this forum.
Where controversial topics are concerned, you can expect both sides will show up, armed with their own facts and tables.
If you choose to engage, debate with facts, not feelings, is the best advice I can offer, for this forum or the other.




Thank you so much for taking the time to check out what I was talking about and to post your comment. The only trouble with these science forums generally is that the two sides are basically me vs. the mods. And the mods are not just similar, they are the very same people on all the forums. The mods are fine with both sides presenting facts and tables. They get upset when you press valid points and do not take their threats as a hint to stop. In other words, don't actually try to win the argument and watch out what you say. I was just banned for quibbling with the mods. Over scientific data.

For example, Prometheus was the Judge in the mock trial of iNow. KALSTER was there as a mod. He is an Admin. at the science forum dot com. MarnixR was deeply implicated in the charges I made. SkinWalker owns the science forum dot com. Do you see a pattern here? I do.

Across all the science sites, these same moderation teams argue with folks like me who are passionate about certain issues. The mods always take the same highly conservative positions. Here are the issues that I have found that the mods hate:

1. Peak oil

2. Social collapse

3. Climate change

4. Arguments questioning concepts of free will

5. Arguments concerning human nature especially, group dynamics

6. Arguments against technological triumphalism

What the hell is going on? Are these places corporate science disinformation sites? This is not a far fetched idea. Most people here think that is what theoildrum.com is. Who really owns these sites?

I just can't help but be curious as to why all these forums seem so paranoid, and this one so overtly so.

This is the only paranoia I have seen on this forum lately:

The only trouble with these science forums generally is that the two sides are basically me vs. the mods. And the mods are not just similar, they are the very same people on all the forums. ...

For example, Prometheus was the Judge in the mock trial of iNow. KALSTER was there as a mod. He is an Admin. at the science forum dot com. MarnixR was deeply implicated in the charges I made. SkinWalker owns the science forum dot com. Do you see a pattern here? I do.

What the hell is going on? Are these places corporate science disinformation sites? This is not a far fetched idea. Most people here think that is what theoildrum.com is. Who really owns these sites?
Hello Prometheus,

Good to see you again, your Honor.;)

Clearly I do think you all need a reality check, but I am not so interested in trying to give you one. I just can't help but be curious as to why all these forums seem so paranoid, and this one so overtly so. I don't think that you get that people like me don't actually start the trouble you all seem so fear so much. You are creating a sick culture that that spawns it's own problems. This proposition is backed up by mimetic theory and common sense.

I'm not a viral invader. Just a friendly potential member. Treat me with respect and I will reciprocate. All humans are basically wired this way.

---Futilitist :cool:

Sadly, that last part is not true... many human beings nowadays don't understand the concepts of respect, dignity, or common sense. It's a very sad state of affairs - it is especially prominent in services industries ( I work in PC repair, and you wouldn't believe how much people will yell at the repair agents and blame them for their computer getting infected... it's astonishing really.)

I am an observer on many threads and forums and I observe that you post passionately and with detail but you do not argue from logic. Where data is not in agreement, neither side may claim final proof.
In many cases, there is no definitive answer and so both sides must respectfully agree that they do not agree.

The reason that I seldom post to such threads is that I consider them a waste of my time.

When anything new is learned, I shall soon be made aware.

As far as the state of the planet and the challenges we face, I expect change, that it may come from a quarter that is unexpected, and that we will muddle through to the best of our ability.

If one is prudent, one may want to reassess their short term and long term plans and adjust where necessary.
Hello R1D2,

Good to meet you.

I don't mean to be too literal here, but do you mean a software upgrade?

And why did the spamming get worse?

Also, what is the exact definition of spamming being used here? It can be applied quite vaguely and broadly at the same time. An original, narrow definition of spam would seem to contradict the idea that it would serve any purpose to display the crossed out posters the front page.

I'm new here, but I've been around the block once or twice. I just want to know who I'm gettin' hitched to, before it goes too far.



The exact definition of spamming used here in this particular instance are usually people who sell ugg boots or penile enlargements or viagra. I mean if you are interested in such things, I can send you the links that they are filling the threads they start on this site with and trying to 'spam' it into every other thread on this site.

A spammer, by any sense of the imagination, is one who just keeps posting the same thing over and over again (as with the numerous individuals who join forums trying to sell their wares).

I am not as concerned about spam as I am about oppression. The list of crossed out members on the main page creates a very dark first impression. And I have never seen a "Ban List" button next to the "Community" button anywhere before! The folks who run this site should not be surprised by the problems they have here. People tend to rebel against unfair treatment and overly tight control.

It feels a though an iron curtain has descended here. Shhh ... be careful what you say.
Why should you feel concerned that we are oppressing people trying to flood this forum with drug, shoes, handbags, electronic and penile enlargement sales?

I do not know of one forum that allows or encourages spammers to post on their sites, nor do I know of anyone who would view the banning of such spam bots as being akin to oppression.

The list of crossed out members and the ban list shows that the moderators on this site are doing their jobs in making sure members are able to post without their threads and posts being flooded and made to almost disappear in a flood of spam posts.

As for being careful what you say...

If you are able to back up your claims or support your argument with scientific proof without resorting to emotion and ignoring all scientific proof and evidence to the contrary, you should not have much of a problem here or anywhere else for that matter. Here, like other forums, expect people to be able to back up their claims with scientific proof and research.

And the mods are not just similar, they are the very same people on all the forums. The mods are fine with both sides presenting facts and tables. They get upset when you press valid points and do not take their threats as a hint to stop. In other words, don't actually try to win the argument and watch out what you say. I was just banned for quibbling with the mods. Over scientific data.

Most who are banned for such reasons are unable to validate their argument or back up their claims with scientific studies or proof and instead resort to a 'well I think it should be this way or is this way'.. In short, if you cannot back up your claims and you keep pushing that you are right because you believe in your mind you are right and it is clear that you are wrong and the other side has proof that you are wrong and you keep ignoring that proof.. then yes, people get annoyed and they do file complaints and reports and moderators are then forced to act.

There is a simple solution to this of course, back up your claims and do not just rely on emotion and expect to be taken seriously and certainly do not then troll moderators and keep opening threads or bringing other threads off topic because you believe you are right but you are unable to back it up.. We, like all other science forums out there, expect people to be able to back up their claims with links, reports, studies, etc. It is not much to ask for.

I also find it extraordinary that you are a new member here and you are complaining about moderation and banning spammers and attempting to portray a conspiracy theory on this site...

For example, Prometheus was the Judge in the mock trial of iNow. KALSTER was there as a mod. He is an Admin. at the science forum dot com. MarnixR was deeply implicated in the charges I made. SkinWalker owns the science forum dot com. Do you see a pattern here? I do.
It also pays to not see a consipiracy with everything and anything.

Having known SkinWalker for many many years on this site (he moderated here for many years), I actually trust him implicitly. Again, because he respects and expects people to be able to back up their claims instead of relying on a 'believe me because I told you so' style of argument that many who find themselves going up against moderators seem to rely on. I see no evidence that he owns that forum. He, like many of us here, have membership there going back many many years (hell I can't even remember my password for that place anymore). You should also keep in mind that many moderators of science forums are scientists themselves, most holding Phd's in their respective fields and who know when someone is trying to pull the wool over their eyes and they do expect people to support whatever claims they may be trying to make.

There comes a point where people who consistently find themselves banned from numerous forums should possibly start asking themselves if it is them or everyone else that has the problem?

Across all the science sites, these same moderation teams argue with folks like me who are passionate about certain issues. The mods always take the same highly conservative positions. Here are the issues that I have found that the mods hate:

1. Peak oil

2. Social collapse

3. Climate change

4. Arguments questioning concepts of free will

5. Arguments concerning human nature especially, group dynamics

6. Arguments against technological triumphalism

What the hell is going on? Are these places corporate science disinformation sites? This is not a far fetched idea. Most people here think that is what theoildrum.com is. Who really owns these sites?
My advice?

Don't rely on 'woo woo' evidence and rely on respected scientific studies and journals to back up your claims. Or as scheherazade correctly commented. Argue from a point of logic.
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