Abiogenic Oil

And your right - Kenney didn't actually drill at the siljan ring - he was drilling manager - again in data that you've already been supplied with.
Siljan Ring produced 80 barrels of oil but I'm not sure your source knows the difference between J. Kenney and T. Gold.


Although the preliminary scientific investigations which preceded the drilling of the deep wells were conducted with competency, the subsequent exploration activities delivered almost no value scientifically and none commercially. The drilling of the first well, Gravberg 1, was an engineering fiasco, and many of the most important of its scientific investigations were badly mishandled. The project for drilling the second well, Stenberg 1, in December 1991 degenerated into an "opera buffa" accompanied by financial chicanery.

The scientific information generated by the Swedish deep gas project has previously been mishandled particularly such connected with the observations of hydrocarbons.

"Natural petroleum has no connection with biological matter." -- JF Kenney et al.

"There has not been any 'debate' about the origin of hydrocarbons for over a century. Competent physicists, chemists, chemical engineers and men knowledgeable of thermodynamics have known that natural petroleum does not evolve from biological material since the last quarter of the 19th century." -- JF Kenney, 2002

"The suggestion that petroleum might have arisen from some transformation of squashed fish or biological detritus is surely the silliest notion to have been entertained by substantial numbers of persons over an extended period of time." -- Fred Hoyle, 1982
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Your reference is about diamondoid in the context of building materials for nanotechnology components, not crude oil, man made diamondoid.

Research, and reading comprehension.

i have. diamondiods never came up with anything involving oil. That was kinda the point
"Burying the sediments, or the oil, deeper than 15,000 feet continues the molecular breaking until the remaining product has only one carbon atom per molecule. That gas, almost pure methane (CH4) is often referred to as "dry" natural gas. The limit of 15,000 feet is the bottom of the oil window." -- Kenneth Deffeyes

This doesn't predict what you think it predicts - the key word in the passage is continues - you assume that a conversion to methane happens istantaneously. Neither your messy hypothesis nor the theory of a biotic origin of oil predicts an instant transformation - proved by the very fact that the oil is there.
Therefore this does not lend any support to you and does not violate a biotic origin of oil.

The temperatures and pressures above 15,000 feet TVD aren't sufficient to create petroleum. That would violate the laws of thermodynamics.
Kenney's assertion ignores the fact all of life relies on being in thermodynamic disequilibrium with its environment - as such it is merely an unproven assertion.


Unfortunately for you water is heavier than oil and oil migrates up not down which is why we used to see blowouts not blowdowns.
You have been proven wrong on this on 3 separate occasions now - if you continue to simply repeat arguments you have lost parrot fashion, then the continued owning of you by me is going to lose its entertainment value.

"The bulk of the world's production comes from organic-rich deposits laid down in two exceptional epochs of extreme global warming 90 and 150 million years ago." -- Colin Campbell

"The bulk of the world's oil was formed at just two very brief moments of extreme global waming 90 and 150 million years ago." -- Colin Campbell

Nevermind the fact that oil has been drilled from precambrian sediments.

Only an idiot indeed.

The key word you are looking for here is bulk - yet again an example of poor comprehension of the english language - or a selective mental filter that prevents you from seeing anything that disagrees with you.
Have you ever heard of Morton's Demon?

Kenney named as drilling manager of siljan ring project here:

The 80 barrels of oily sludge (not oil) recovered from the siljan ring was made up of the diesel pumped into the hole to lubricate the drill bit.
Even if it had been abiotic, the price of extraction was $750,000 per barrel.


so the quotation from I provided some time ago Barry Katz, a ChevronTexaco Fellow still stands utterly uncontested by you - and contradicts several of your assertions.

Katz said Western science recognizes that abiogenic hydrocarbons can result from natural processes, including the possibility of hydrocarbons originating at great depth.

"I don't think anybody's arguing that gas couldn't be generated from the mantle," he said.

However, even the Russian scientists he has worked with accept the organic origin of petroleum found in large, commercial accumulations.

"I have yet to have anyone show me that there are commercial quantities of these hydrocarbons," Katz said.

"I'm a scientist, so I have to keep an open mind. But I need to see some evidence."

May I suggest that if you want a robust discussion, you take a time out - learn some geology - actually read your sources, and then start from the beginning by writing an integrated synthesis of the current state of abiotic origin research in your own words.

Ps - I checked some of your earlier posts out this morning - I laughed so hard that I sprayed coffee all over my computer screen when I saw you pretend that you teach petroleum geology - some even came out of my nose
The only job you'll ever get in the petroleum industry is working as a gas station attendant:D
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Do you do any research? the information of hydrocarbons on Titan, are in open publication, and a simple Google search will reveal that fact, OilIsMastry seems to know how to do simple research, something that I see you fail at.

Now tell us how hydrocarbons are formed on a moon at minus 178 degrees C (minus 289 degrees F) and no source of biological matter to form biogenic hydrocarbons.

ESA - Cassini-Huygens - Hydrocarbon lake on Titan?
Jun 29, 2005 ... The NASA/ESA/ASI Cassini spacecraft has identified an intriguing dark feature that may be the site of a past or present lake of liquid ...

Titan's Mysterious Methane Comes From Inside, Not The Surface ...
Nov 30, 2005 ... Nevertheless, Niemann's team of scientists used Goddard's GCMS instrument to rule out a biological source for Titan's methane. ...

Oh my.. most everyone knows about the methane lakes at Titan.
I certainly don't have to do research for that.
It is kind of a coincidence that the both of you use the very same inane example, don't you think ?
Fancy another coffin nail?

Here's one from the most prestigious natural science journal in the world

Abiogenic formation of alkanes in the Earth's crust as a minor source for global hydrocarbon reservoirs

Here, using carbon and hydrogen isotope analyses of abiogenic methane and higher hydrocarbons in crystalline rocks of the Canadian shield, we show a clear distinction between abiogenic and thermogenic hydrocarbons. The progressive isotopic trends for the series of C1–C4 alkanes indicate that hydrocarbon formation occurs by way of polymerization of methane precursors. Given that these trends are not observed in the isotopic signatures of economic gas reservoirs, we can now rule out the presence of a globally significant abiogenic source of hydrocarbons.

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There has never been a single instance of an organic organism somehow miraculously generating hydrocarbons in the Earth's crust.

"The suggestion that petroleum might have arisen from some transformation of squashed fish or biological detritus is surely the silliest notion to have been entertained by substantial numbers of persons over an extended period of time." -- Fred Hoyle, 1982.
There has never been a single instance of an organic organism somehow miraculously generating hydrocarbons in the Earth's crust.

"The suggestion that petroleum might have arisen from some transformation of squashed fish or biological detritus is surely the silliest notion to have been entertained by substantial numbers of persons over an extended period of time." -- Fred Hoyle, 1982.

Your sources are as questionable as ever.
Hoyle was also an evolution denier -and not even a very good one - you can hardly hold a great deal he says with particularly high regard

Hoyle was right: no animal has ever evolved into a another animal through natural selection. DNA prevents that from ever happening.
Oh my.. most everyone knows about the methane lakes at Titan.
I certainly don't have to do research for that.
It is kind of a coincidence that the both of you use the very same inane example, don't you think ?

Well as you say, it is a well known fact, so any one with a modicum of awareness would be cognoscente of that information.

Should I accuse you of being a sock puppet because you post the same oid worn information as synthesizer-patel, pjdude1219, spidergoat,.............
Well as you say, it is a well known fact, so any one with a modicum of awareness would be cognoscente of that information.

which you have yet to make any attempt to refute - you may or may not be a sockpuppet (frankly I don't care) - however your status as a lightweight is not in question
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which you have yet to make any attempt to refute - you may or may not be a sockpuppet (frankly I don't care) - however your status as a lightweight is not in question

I have said that I am not a sock puppet, now how about you, being the accuser, and the principle of being innocent until proven guilty, you prove that I am guilty of being a sock puppet.

Accusation isn't proof of guilt.

One of the standard modus operandi of people like you, is that when you can't win a debate on points, is to accuse your opponent of being a, sock puppet, raciest, bigot, homophobe, neo-con,............. and stop debating by information, and make it a trial of personalities.