Are plants conscious?

Dualism is spiritualism. No reference to the non-physical is part of psychology.
If you had said that spiritualism is substance dualism then you'd be correct, I think.
However, property dualism stems from substance monism.
If you are an advocate of emergentism, for example, then you would consider there to be just one kind of substance (substance monism) but you would accept that a property might emerge from that substance that is irreducible to the properties of that which gives rise to it (property dualism).
because in rain you cant get the same living animal circulating back to its own dna.
Sure you could. Rains come and hydrate a puddle. Water rises and overflows into another small puddle. Sun comes out and the water recedes; the small puddle is now disconnected and dries up a bit, concentrating the material. Rains come again and reconnect the small puddle to the larger puddle.

A lot like a tide.
an organism .. yes, not many .. maybe cold & flu viruses may survive being turned into rain.. but certainly not dolphins or whales, or dinosaurs.
frogs.. yes.. fish... yes but not many and probably not enough to seed a species that can survive past 1 or 2 years.
Frogs, fish, dolphins, whales and dinosaurs did not evolve in puddles (or tidal pools.) The very first organism, however you define that, may have.

Cold and flu viruses certainly did not. They evolved in people (and similar animals.)
the tidal wash is required for a breeding cycle to enable evolution of the dna/species.
Nope, sorry. Nothing about breeding or evolution requires tides.
Show me where science proves the soul.
Science records the existence of inclusive or "higher logical level" patterns, apparently built from (abstracted from) or at least inclusive of the substrate of patterns comprising logical reasoning and semantic processing and the like, involving widely spread and otherwise apparently separated brain regions, that affect the coordination and mutual interactions of that substrate of thought.

Science records the existence of large scale, whole brain involving, and apparently significant patterns researching scientists have labeled "brain waves" - theta waves, gamma waves, etc, at least five different ones that in combination characterize states of mind such as "attentive" and "sleeping". Their profound effects on memory formation and the like, along with their usefulness in diagnosing mental disorders of various kinds, have been recorded and demonstrated.

These features of the functioning mind vary consistently and characteristically by person within their range - they can be used to identify a particular person under observation.

Whether such observations demonstrate the existence of "soul" or similar concepts would depend on definitions and approaches to such concepts.

Afaik nothing truly analogous has been found in plants - although patterns of signal and response on higher levels than simple stimulus response have been observed in plants.
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All sounds like physical phenomenon.
Of course - if by physical one includes relationships between patterns of action, abstract entities without a defined mass, shape, location, dimension, momentum, etc.

In which case the implications of something being a "physical phenomenon" must include the implications of that logical level of relationship. The concept of "cause and effect", for example, will need major extension and sophistication from its origins in collisions and consequences to begin to apply.

If one is intent on remaining materialist, the properties of "material" are going to need attention beyond what most reductionist approaches seem willing or able to bring to the task.
Nope, sorry. Nothing about breeding or evolution requires tides.
that is your opinion.

my opinion is that tides are critical to what we recognise as life evolving into complex animals like mammals/birds and other animals with brains.

Sure you could. Rains come and hydrate a puddle. Water rises and overflows into another small puddle. Sun comes out and the water recedes; the small puddle is now disconnected and dries up a bit, concentrating the material. Rains come again and reconnect the small puddle to the larger puddle.
what is an example ?
show 1 (only 1 out of how many hundreds of thousands of animals with brains?)
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