Are we made in God's image?

Honestly Jan... Paddo, although not a professional scientist is about as into science as one could get.
As long as he can make it fit with his beliefs.
That’s not science.
I first started coming here because each day he would faithfully post interesting science news and is so supportive of mainstream science folk often refer to him as a gate keeper for science ... You are joking right?
I am not joking.
As long as he can make it fit with his beliefs.
I am pretty sure it's not about beliefs Jan..Science is lays out the evidence such that we get a wonderful understanding of the world and indeed the Universe. Science is about confidence rather than belief.
I am not joking.
OK pick from the following as it pertains to your call.
Do you claim ignorance of the facts..or
Are you lieing?
I am pretty sure it's not about beliefs Jan..Science is science..
That’s why he is not about science. He’s interested as long as it fits with the philosophy.
Just like you.
lays out the evidence such that we get a wonderful understanding of the world and indeed the Universe. Science is about confidence rather than belief.
For you guys materialistic philosophy comes first.
Are you lieing?
It is the idea that matter is all there is.

To the exclusion of energy?

That’s what atheists have to accept.

I can't speak for atheists as you know I am a I suppose I enjoy a "realist philosophy" I only accept reality which must be a good thing.

All the spiritual people I have had anything to do with either believe some nonsense unrelated to reality and they can't back up their wild claims or they just make stuff these folk rattling on about god given rights..they heard the phrase and think it sounds good so they use it but I tell you I have looked and I can not find anywhere where it is written that there are any god given it's just made up.

And for me it's not even a case of not believing in a god but more just thinking that humans make up all sorts of myths a d the god or gods thing is just more made up stuff...just think of the various gods through out history the list is extrodinary yet folk come along and their god is different,'s real..sure it's such a non event for me...

As a realist I don't think about anything really that has no basis in reality and so your god which ever one it is out of the cast of thousands is just so non existent it's not even a case of not's just a not on the table for me.

And folk may think I am disrespectful but it is not even that ..there is just nothing for me to disrespect...I am sure if there was a God that humans would never had to invent a single one.

It’s not science.
You’re not for science.
You support a materialist philosophy.
More baseless, vengeful, senseless rhetoric from someone at desperation times. Of course its science. You know that, I know that, I accept that, you are in denial.
Thank Christ though that there are many christian out there, that at least take an honest approach, unlike your own. You need to take a leaf out of their book.
Not that I give any credence your claim, but why do you think the bible is the seat of information with regards to man?
I bet you’ve been waiting to use that line, and you finally got your chance. Well done!

Your question is off-topic.
Plus I’m curious to see what James has in store, now that I’ve answered the op.
I bet you’ve been waiting to use that line, and you finally got your chance. Well done!

You often offer many such hypocritical statements.

Your question is off-topic.

Nope. It's a question directly connected to the OP and is a response to YOUR post, which means YOUR post was off topic, based on your logic.
More baseless, vengeful, senseless rhetoric from someone at desperation times.
Vengeance: punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong.
What have you done, why you are so paranoid?
You know that, I know that, I accept that, you are in denial.
Paddo, you’re about as much for science, as I am for darwinism.
Thank Christ though that there are many christian out there, that at least take an honest approach, unlike your own. You need to take a leaf out of their book.
What is their approach?
You often offer many such hypocritical statements.
So it is hypocritical to not give credence to someone’s claim?
Can you explain?
Nope. It's a question directly connected to the OP and is a response to YOUR post, which means YOUR post was off topic, based on your logic.
I f that were true, you would respond with an answer, as my quote was a question.
Here it is again: So man is created in the image of God, as it says in the Bible. Now what?
So it is hypocritical to not give credence to someone’s claim?
Can you explain?

It's comical how the statements you make to others can so easily be turned back at you.

I f that were true, you would respond with an answer, as my quote was a question.
Here it is again: So man is created in the image of God, as it says in the Bible. Now what?

I answered with a rhetorical question. Of course, the answer is probably the other way round, God was created in the image of man, at least, the image of the barbaric, ignorant and gullible man of those times.
It's comical how the statements you make to others can so easily be turned back at you.
Given that any statement can be turned back on any person that makes one, I wonder why you single me out.
I answered with a rhetorical question. Of course, the answer is probably the other way round, God was created in the image of man, at least, the image of the barbaric, ignorant and gullible man of those times.
So you don’t believe man was made in God’s image. I guess all we can do was s wasn’t t and see where the thread goes.
So you don’t believe man was made in God’s image.

Show me God's image, not a painting or depiction of course, but a real picture of God?

Better yet, tell me where I can find God so I can go and see His image in person. Then, I'll give that claim it's due merit.
Show me God's image, not a painting or depiction of course, but a real picture of God?

Better yet, tell me where I can find God so I can go and see His image in person. Then, I'll give that claim it's due merit.
That’s ok. We don’t need to argue over God’s existence. We both know where we Stand in the theism atheism range.
That’s ok. We don’t need to argue over God’s existence. We both know where we Stand in the theism atheism range.

I was merely asking for an image of God to see where you get your information that man is made in His image. I suppose that's why you operate on a belief system and I don't.
I was merely asking for an image of God to see where you get your information that man is made in His image. I suppose that's why you operate on a belief system and I don't.
Do you need an image of the artist, to prove the image of his painting?
Or can you easily surmise that it came from someone who created it?