Blue Eyes = Inbred??

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OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
Well, as a person with blue eyes, I'm a bit taken aback by this. :eek: I wonder where this one person was from and how this one person was treated by her fellow brown eyed friends/family.

Genetic mutation makes those brown eyes blue Scientists find that blue-eyed individuals have a single, common ancestor

A team of scientists has tracked down a genetic mutation that leads to blue eyes. The mutation occurred between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago, so before then, there were no blue eyes.

"Originally, we all had brown eyes," said Hans Eiberg from the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine at the University of Copenhagen.

The mutation affected the so-called OCA2 gene, which is involved in the production of melanin, the pigment that gives color to our hair, eyes and skin.

"A genetic mutation affecting the OCA2 gene in our chromosomes resulted in the creation of a 'switch,' which literally 'turned off' the ability to produce brown eyes," Eiberg said.

The genetic switch is located in the gene adjacent to OCA2 and rather than completely turning off the gene, the switch limits its action, which reduces the production of melanin in the iris. In effect, the turned-down switch diluted brown eyes to blue.

If the OCA2 gene had been completely shut down, our hair, eyes and skin would be melanin-less, a condition known as albinism.

Eiberg and his team examined DNA from mitochondria, the cells' energy-making structures, of blue-eyed individuals in countries including Jordan, Denmark and Turkey. This genetic material comes from females, so it can trace maternal lineages.

They focused on the OCA2 gene and the genetic mutation associated with turning down melanin production.

Depending on the amount of melanin in the iris, a person can end up with eye color ranging from brown to green. Brown-eyed individuals have considerable individual variation in the area of their DNA that controls melanin production. But they found that blue-eyed individuals only have a small degree of variation in the amount of melanin in their eyes.

"Out of 800 persons we have only found one person which didn't fit — but his eye color was blue with a single brown spot," Eiberg told LiveScience, referring to the finding that blue-eyed individuals all had the same sequence of DNA linked with melanin production.

"From this we can conclude that all blue-eyed individuals are linked to the same ancestor," Eiberg said. "They have all inherited the same switch at exactly the same spot in their DNA."
It wouldn't be racism, it was different. If a person was born with gills today, do you think he would just be welcomed into the fold? Hell no. Mr Gill Man would be seperated from others and studied. In those days, I think Miss Blue Eyes would be seperated and stoned.
It wouldn't be racism, it was different. If a person was born with gills today, do you think he would just be welcomed into the fold? Hell no. Mr Gill Man would be seperated from others and studied. In those days, I think Miss Blue Eyes would be seperated and stoned.

Eh.. that racism remark was a joke..

And slightly deviating looks are usually experienced as attractive, which also goes great lengths to explain how blue eyes became so wide spread.
It's was a "sex selected" trait. It's probably on it's way out.

Same reason chinese men have white flaky ear wax. Cause long ago chinese women wouldn't even look at someone with yellow ear wax.
It wouldn't be racism, it was different. If a person was born with gills today, do you think he would just be welcomed into the fold? Hell no. Mr Gill Man would be seperated from others and studied. In those days, I think Miss Blue Eyes would be seperated and stoned.

Well apparently miss blue eyes got screwed repeatedly instead. Blue eyes is a recessive trait. Breeding selection outweighed genetics in this case.
heh if you think at 4000 BC, northern people were the only ones fucking their cousins you really are as dumb as I think you are.
It wouldn't be racism, it was different. If a person was born with gills today, do you think he would just be welcomed into the fold? Hell no. Mr Gill Man would be seperated from others and studied. In those days, I think Miss Blue Eyes would be seperated and stoned.
It's much more likely she would have been held up as a god.
She perhaps might have been in danger of being fucked to death by countless insatiable males worked into an aroused frenzy by her amazing blue eyes, but that's about it, and realistically the sensible males would have felt a desire to protect her (ofcourse only with intent to impress and ultimately fuck her).

I'll let you in on a little secret, which has been kept a secret because it's politically incorrect-
Blue eyes, blonde hair, etc, are traits which are objectively more desirable.
Now I don't say this as someone who personally prefers blonde hair and blue eyes mind you, nor as someone with blonde hair and blue eyes trying to make out like I'm superior.
I have neither. I have brown hair and hazel eyes, and a sexual abnormality which makes me prefer pale redheads and dark negro women.

But, generally speaking, blonde hair and blue eyes are more desirable.
It's constantly shrugged off as "the media makes people THINK they like blonde hair and blue eyes, but really they like drab fat women", no, people (and then some, which I'll get into later) truely innately prefer blonde haired, blue eyed, women.
The media favours them because that's what people want.

You say it was unusual then, it's still relatively unusual. Nearly every woman fakes having blonde hair and blue eyes, yeah, but there aren't that many real blondes with genuine blue eyes, it's not the dominant norm so that can't explain it's appeal.
And it's not just our "media brainwashed" culture, there's been many cases of white women with blonde hair and blue eyes coming into contact with primitive tribes who have had nothing to do with our culture, and sending all of them, men and women, crazy. The men were sexually attracted and the women were fascinated and couldn't stop touching the hair.
A white family went to stay with a himba tribe in northern namibia for a lame tv show I can't remember the name of, but I remember the old mother with blonde hair had all of the women sitting near her all the time, almost competing to get close, and she didn't understand why, it turned out they believed if they sat near her their hair might turn blonde too.
The more genuinely attractive young brunette daughter got much less attention.

Remember the study "pick the better doll"? and tragically all of the black kids didn't pick the black doll, they picked the white doll with blond hair and blue eyes. Awww....
Well, this study apparently proved that the media brainwashes little black kids into thinking white people are better than black people.
Seems a scientifically sound conclusion, umm no, it isn't.
The same test could be done with black kids in western papua who have never seen white people before, and they would all pick the white doll.
The features appeal more to the primal senses of a human.
And, for that matter, primates in general. There has been quite a few cases of chimps and orangutans raised in captivity who, when they reached the sexual age, refused to have sex with other chimps and orangutans, instead only showing interest in human women with, you guessed it, blonde hair and blue eyes.
Also ask anyone in the dog-porn industry, nothing is easier than getting a dog to fuck a blue eyed blonde haired chick, they'll ignore food for days on end fucking a train of blonde haired blue eyed women.

It is somewhat sad to think this truth getting out might lead to even more women dying their hair blonde, I find it really f*cking irritating.
Like I said, I'm quite unusual.
That said, it's not that it doesn't work on me on a primal level, even I do notice the platinum blonde first, but then I check if she's genuinely attractive, most males don't, they simply begin the courting process.
I envision them with mousey brown hair, and I've found this often results in me cringing, because as it would turn out they weren't attractive at all. They were pretending using blonde hair (and sometimes blue contacts).
I don't like to be tricked into finding someone attractive, I treasure my seed and deeply analyse the quality of a female using cues such as bone structure, distribution of meat, quality of skin, femininity of facial features, thickness of hair, and even personality if I have time.
There's lots of other connoiseurs of women out there, and they too will say they don't prefer blondes. But this doesn't disprove that most organisms with the sense of sight innately do.

Seriously, I'm not saying they're actually better, it's just more visually striking, and not in a discernably unpleasant way, so ofcourse it's attractive in the purest sense of the word. It litterally attracts your eyes, and then from there one notices that "hey, I could fuck that", and women notice "hey, I could get fucked alot if I looked like that".
I'll let you in on a little secret, which has been kept a secret because it's politically incorrect-
Blue eyes, blonde hair, etc, are traits which are objectively more desirable.
Now I don't say this as someone who personally prefers blonde hair and blue eyes mind you, nor as someone with blonde hair and blue eyes trying to make out like I'm superior.

You're only considering the West, and it only holds there because there aren't enough asians around. I'm half-serious about that. I've seen what happens when white people arrive in asia fresh off the boat.

In any case, only a terribly unsophisticated person, or someone with in place fetishes, like you, judges on hair and eye color heavily. They are just one of many factors.
Also, don't bother replying to my post if you're going to stop reading it one 15th of the way through.
So namibia and western papua and dog society are "the west" to you? Fairly broad definition.
And I explicitly said I don't judge heavily on hair and eye colour, just that most people do.

You're right though, blonde hair and blue eyes are a huge turn off in the east.
They only fantasise about blonde haired girls with blue eyes to the point where they're inspired to paint them while weeping and masturbating:

Obviously they're totally immune to the appeal, must be all those hot asian chicks running around, it's not like only fat white nerds prefer asian chicks due to how they will drop their standards to be with a white guy.
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So namibia and western papua and dog society are "the west" to you? Fairly broad definition.

You're right though, blonde hair and blue eyes are a huge turn off in the east.
They only fantasise about blonde haired girls with blue eyes to the point that they're inspired to paint them while weeping and masturbating:

There is a flaw in your argument...

They also fantasise about blue eyed white children with pink and purple hair? And green eyed white children with blue hair?
Yeah, there's my argument out the window.

It's the same basic thing- white people with hair and eyes that aren't dark. Yes, in the realm of fantasy this can go beyond the boundaries of blonde hair blue eyes, but it's inspired by blonde haired blue eyed western women (and children, evidently).

Why haven't I seen an asian girl in a japanese cartoon by the way? Every now and then one of the old comic relief characters will be asian, but never the hot chicks.
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