Bush's Unanswered Letter - A Strategic Mistake

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Solve et Coagula, May 14, 2006.

  1. Solve et Coagula Banned Banned

    Bush's Unanswered Letter - A Strategic Mistake

    By Tom Porteous

    The first reaction of the Bush administration to the extraordinary letter from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been to dismiss it out of hand on the grounds that it does not offer any compromises over Iran's nuclear enrichment program. That's a strategic mistake, because the biggest complaint of Middle Easterners about the United States is precisely that it has consistently failed to listen to concerns of the kind outlined by Ahmadinejad.

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  3. mcmoebius Registered Member


    The letter from Ahmadinejad--interpreted by people familiar with the culture and then confirmed by Ahmadinejad a day later, although with different verbage--is actually a da'wa or a call to Islam which a Muslim "must" give to an enemy before attacking.
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  5. Sock puppet path GRRRRRRRRRRRR Valued Senior Member

    Nice try mcmoebius but solve is not actually a person it is some sort of low level AI spambot which has now been banned.
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  7. leopold Valued Senior Member

  8. leopold Valued Senior Member

    that explains why they never participated in the discussions
  9. Mr. G reality.sys Valued Senior Member

    That's not anywhere near to being the first adjective to come to mind.
  10. GeoffP Caput gerat lupinum Valued Senior Member

    Does one normally respond to letters from a lunatic?

    Please, use some sense.

  11. mountainhare Banned Banned

    Obviously he's not a lunatic if he's managed to keep his country stable and prosperous. That's more than can be said for the American lunatics dicking around in Iraq.
  12. madanthonywayne Morning in America Registered Senior Member

    The Iran-US conflict began Nov. 4, 1979, when a group of "students" raided the American embassy compound in Tehran and seized its diplomats hostage.

    Since that time Iran has been branded as an international pariah and has seen it's economy shrink to half what it was before declaring war on the great Satan. The U.S., on the other hand, is now four times richer, in constant dollars, than it was in 1979.

    So whose country is stable and prosperous?
  13. mountainhare Banned Banned

    Iran is quite stable and prosperous, considering that she was involved in a devastating war in the 1980's. Oh, you happened to leave that little bit of history out. How... convenient.

    Because we all know that Iran's 'declaration' about America being the Great Satan was the major reason for its decline in economic status, and not the war it fought from 1980 to 1988 against Iraq, huh? I mean, an 8 year wouldn't be responsible for a declining economy, right?

    And yet the countries they occupy are shitholes, which are in constant turmoil and civil strife. America can't even give its poor citizens adequate welfare, let alone help those darn Arabs.

    Certainly not Iraq. And America will soon merely be a dog to be kicked around. I can't wait for that day.
  14. Neildo Gone Registered Senior Member

    No, it started in 1953 when a coup was forced against Iran ousting democratically elected Mohammad Mosaddeq due to enforcing the Oil Nationalization Act and instead replaced him with the Shah.

    - N
  15. Buffalo Roam Registered Senior Member

    Nieldo, define you political philosophy, were are you coming from besides hate of everything, explane exactly what you want?
  16. Buffalo Roam Registered Senior Member

    Oh by the way the over throw of Mohammid Mosaddeq was a opperation run under the Democrats, so why do I feel that your are blameing this on Bush, And what don't you understand about the danger of Islamic terroist establishing a world wide Caliphate,
    "The essential concept of the Caliphate was that one Caliph rules every Muslim on earth. Every Muslim is therefore part of a single nation under divinely-given Islamic Sharia law. And it is divinely destined that someday the entire world will become Muslim and be ruled by one Caliph after another."
    and then what will become of you precisous freedom ( I'm not being sarcastic) have you ever looked at Sharia Law, it is totally contrary as practiced to day by extreamist to Constitutional Law, and were are you then?

    ps: a foot shorter at the top.
  17. Neildo Gone Registered Senior Member

    I'm an independent that leans heavily towards conservative. I stand behind the Constitution. The only liberal part in me is for social issues in that people should be allowed to do whatever they want so long as it doesn't harm others against their will.

    And where have I said I hated anything? You think because I reveal the truths behind lies or correct people when it comes to certain things they say, that I hate this country? You couldn't be further from the truth. The less misguided viewpoints that I have to correct, the less it may seem like I'm anti-American for disagreeing with others. It only seems that way due to most topics of late being the same. Go ahead and creative a positive topic about America, and you'll see me agreeing and chiming in, but if all the topics are gonna be what's being discussed now, there is going to be a lot of disagreements otherwise.

    Where did I mention Bush in any of this? Where did I mention republican or democrat in any of this? I could care less if that operation was done under the democrats. Done is done. In my opinion, democrats and republicans are the same. They both work towards the same agenda, the only thing they bicker about is who gets to be in control.

    I actually dislike democrats more than I do republicans. While politicians are sleezeballs, at least republicans have some sort of brains behind them while democrats spout off some pretty ignorant things. So if you want to say I hate anything, go ahead and say I hate politicians, but that in no way means I hate my country.

    - N

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