Can former atheists explain what atheism is?

Atheism doesn't require a defense - there's nothing to defend, any more than one might need to defend their lack of belief in Santa or leprechauns.

Presumably, you have since experienced something that has caused you to conclude that God exists. Frankly, you don't need to defend that either. (Unless you assert in public that it is somehow objective, thus opening it up to analysis.)

I would respectfully disagree. Any worldview needs defence if one wants to assert its truth because they all cannot be truth simultaneously.

I consider atheism a religion. It fits the definition. In light of all the evidence I would say atheism is indefensible. The evidence for God is objective. The experience each Christians has is varied but similar so subjective to a degree.
All theists are former atheists. There are as many different kinds of atheistic belief, atheistic religion, atheistic culture and personality, as there are different kinds of these things. In Ireland the differences between a Protestant and Catholic atheist are familiar enough to be the source of many jokes.

So the answer is no.
Why are you in so much fear?
The Abrahamic fundie two-step on a science forum - misrepresent, pivot on that to personal attack.
They all - all of them - do it. It's not just Jan. They are all dishonest posters, in bad faith at all times on a science forum. The only interesting question is why.
That's the standard line, isn't it? God doesn't make Himself known in an obvious way because He wants us to have faith in Him.

Not really from my experience as a “standard line”. He makes himself known, in spades. I would say its very obvious, even scripture agrees. We don’t believe based on just nothing, he has proved much facts to pull the faith train.

19For what may beknown about God is plain to them, becauseGod has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood from His workmanship, so that men are without excuse.…Romans 1
All theists are former atheists. There are as many different kinds of atheistic belief, atheistic religion, atheistic culture and personality, as there are different kinds of these things. In Ireland the differences between a Protestant and Catholic atheist are familiar enough to be the source of many jokes.

So the answer is no.

No they’re not.
Atheism is the result of a subconscious affirmation, that there is no God. That affirmation can also be the result of indoctrination as well. Otherworldly se there is absolutely no reason for one to become an atheist.

The Abrahamic fundie two-step on a science forum - misrepresent, pivot on that to personal attack.
They all - all of them - do it. It's not just Jan. They are all dishonest posters, in bad faith at all times on a science forum. The only interesting question is why.

All of them?” ;) I would be open to being shown a post where I was dishonest, misrepresented or did a personal attack. Well-placed salt perhaps tho....
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He makes himself known, in spades. I would say its very obvious...
If it's obvious, you should be able to demonstrate it.
... even scripture agrees.
That doesn't really mean anything, does it? There is scripture that claims Long John Silver is real but we know he isn't.
We don’t believe based on just nothing, he has proved much facts to pull the faith train.
Then show the facts.
If it's obvious, you should be able to demonstrate it.

In what way would you consider acceptable? Call him down and demand he display himself for you and all to see?

That doesn't really mean anything, does it? There is scripture that claims Long John Silver is real but we know he isn't.

Depends what you consider the Bible is. Love to see those verses. :rolleyes:

Then show the facts.
In what way would you consider acceptable? Call him down and demand he display himself for you and all to see?
Why not? That's how we determine the existence of anything else.
Depends what you consider the Bible is. Love to see those verses. :rolleyes:
Are you under the impression that the Bible is the only "scripture"?

And in any case, we can't take the Bible itself as evidence of God's existence. That would be circular.
Why not? That's how we determine the existence of anything else.

He already done this.

Are you under the impression that the Bible is the only "scripture"?[/QUOTE]

There are many “scriptures” but since they all say diametrically opposing truth claims, they all cannot be true truth. The only true scripture that describes what actually happened, ( big picture ) is the Bible. Yes I am sayin that.

And in any case, we can't take the Bible itself as evidence of God's existence. That would be circular.

Agree, but if it can be demonstrated that the Bible is more than just “another scritpure” then it carries with it a greater weight. Does other evidence agree with the Bible assertions? Yes.
Agree, but if it can be demonstrated that the Bible is more than just “another scritpure” then it carries with it a greater weight.
That's a big "if". Since it's the Bible that claims the Bible is the word of God, the argument is - as SSB points out - circular.
So, no evidence that is is more than just another scripture.
He already done this.
There are many “scriptures” but since they all say diametrically opposing truth claims, they all cannot be true truth. The only true scripture that describes what actually happened, ( big picture ) is the Bible. Yes I am sayin that.
And you're wrong. There are plenty of things in the Bible that are demonstrably false.
Does other evidence agree with the Bible assertions?
I would respectfully disagree. Any worldview needs defence if one wants to assert its truth because they all cannot be truth simultaneously.
Did you read all my post? I said "unless one wishes to assert it publicly as objective".

I consider atheism a religion. It fits the definition.
Then you do not understand how rational people think about things for which they ask for - and do not receive - evidence.

Most atheists don't believe God doesn't exist, they simply do not see convincing evidence that it does.

You - like anyone - hold the same idea. You don't believe in things without sufficient evidence every day. (Unless you believe in leprechauns).
But, by your logic, you belong to a leprechaun-disbelieving religion. It fits your definition.
Sorry Baldeee, you must have copied the OP before Dave brought an error to my attention.
Read the amended version please. Thanks.
As I said in my post, I was answering the thread title.
It has nothing to do with the OP.
I see nothing in the OP that alters the question in the thread title.
Hence I answered the thread title.
There are many “scriptures” but since they all say diametrically opposing truth claims, they all cannot be true truth. The only true scripture that describes what actually happened, ( big picture ) is the Bible. Yes I am sayin that.
The Bible "says diametrically opposing truth claims".
(The characteristic inability to write grammatical English prose seems connected with the basic bad faith stance of the fundies who post on science forums)
There are many “scriptures” but since they all say diametrically opposing truth claims, they all cannot be true truth. The only true scripture that describes what actually happened, ( big picture ) is the Bible. Yes I am sayin that.

I’m afraid you are mistaken on this.
