Carcano's Dating Tips for Girls!

Discussion in 'Free Thoughts' started by Carcano, Apr 22, 2012.

  1. Cavalier Knight of the Opinion Registered Senior Member

    And then there were another 20 million Soviets, counting both military and civilian dead. I'm not sure how one gets to 70 million, but I would suspect that's in the ballpark if you include casualties on all sides, military and otherwise.

    So I take it this thread is about Nazism and the folly of eugenics now, rather than dating advice for this particular girl. It seems to me no one is going to convince Carcano of the error of his beliefs so the argument there may be somewhat pointless. Neither he nor his niece seem to think the support of Nazi ideology and eugenics is anything to worry about.

    Granted, her ideology will make it very hard for her to find a long term relationship, especially since she's evidently non-racist. Racists are the only people people who'd tend to accept her position on Nazism (and only a subset of racists at that), but they would balk at her having friends who are minorities.

    At least in terms of long term romantic prospects, that will make life tough, as she would need to stifle her beliefs for life (not a good road to happiness), change her beliefs (not something we have a voluntary control over), or find a nearly perfect mate in the severely restricted dating pool that consists of non-racist, pro-eugenics Nazi sympathizers. (She could also be one of the rare people for whom political affinities are not a material element in long term happiness within a relationship, but studies suggest that politics do matter in that context.)

    Rather than suppress the majority of her political beliefs, she may find it easier to feign racism and antisemitism in order to date a more traditional Nazi sympathizer. From what I read, that should be relatively easier for her than abandoning the rest of her ideology for the sake of marital harmony (or at least harmony within a long term romantic relationship).

    For purposes of short term dating success, though, which can then lead to a pattern of dating success that could aid her in the long run, I'd go with my earlier advice, as I suspect there are not a large number of pro-Nazi suitors for her in her locality.
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  3. Bells Staff Member

    Don't you mean "alpha males"?

    Which leads one to actually raise one's brows as to what kind of "alpha male" she is looking for? The Nazi idea of the perfect male specimen or other? We already know she won't date a Jew, as he has said that she would not. She has friends who are minorities, but how much do they know of her actual beliefs? Would she be willing to date a minority?

    How can I put this...?

    I do not disagree that if she wants to get a date, then she will have to realise that she may have to lower her ideals and possibly change her ideology, or lie about it and hide it so that no one knows, which can and will lead to other issues in the long term. I do not disagree with you in that regard.

    There are too many questions unanswered than answered in this thread. Frankly, the whole premise of this thread is skewed from the outset. If she logged on and asked for dating advice, sure. But her uncle and guardian, the father role in her life at present is the one asking how to get her a date. It has the makings of a reality 'find my daughter a man' type of show.

    And I was not talking about military casualties, but civilian victims of the Nazi regime.
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  5. Asguard Kiss my dark side Valued Senior Member

    Bells that's not the only deaths caused by the NAZI party though is it? No NAZIs more than likely no WW2 and the total death tole from WW2 including from death and disease related to the war was over 70 MILLION and all that on both sides, even the German dead can be laid at the feet of the NAZI party.

    Didn't pull that figure out of my ass bells, it came from here

    All laid out in tablet form
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  7. Asguard Kiss my dark side Valued Senior Member

    BTW does anyone else think that the very problem this girl apparently has isn't in itself a form of "eugenics" in that because of her dangerious viewpoints no sensible, intelligent guy would touch her and her own ideals get in the way of her finding anyone else there by effectively killing off these ideals slowly with no deaths, the very viewpoint that he says she believes in. Can anyone say "irony"
  8. Cavalier Knight of the Opinion Registered Senior Member

    It did occur to me that her uncle's search for his niece's future mate is an odd one, and reminiscent of the purported Aryan breeding camps of the SS (or at least so goes the myth of Nazi bordellos where young healthy Aryan women and SS officers would cavort in hopes of producing Aryan babies at state expense). I am simply taking it on his word that she believes in the same ideology he seems to (or at least the same one he has chosen to defend here), and she is concerned with finding the right kind of suitor. I don't really believe he is trying to produce an Aryan child by getting advice on the internet, just that the thought crossed my mind, given his and her shared ideology and the strange position he's in of trying to get her dates (even though she seems to have male attention...just from the wrong kinds of males, apparently).

    I still think the major oddity is that a girl with such a low opinion of humanity that she thinks large swathes of them shouldn't be permitted to breed complains that others are too cynical for her tastes. That sounds, by the modern definition, pretty damned cynical.
  9. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    Assuming she's not humoring her uncle in certain ways, she's possibly set up for a real bastard, even a clinical psychopath.

    Political maturity is the last attribute before wisdom - the purity kink may be outgrown by second year in college. Plenty of time - and much safer - to postpone serious romance.
  10. adoucette Caca Occurs Valued Senior Member

    Well that is based on the assumption that no Nazi's no WW2, but the war in the Pacific may very well have happened regardless, and certainly the ~15 - 20 million deaths of the Chinese and Koreans happened regardless of the War in Europe.

    To avoid getting so much flack for your number in the future, maybe use ~40 million for the war in Europe and ~30 million for the Japanese side of the conflict as they really were pretty separate wars that occurred at the same time.
  11. Asguard Kiss my dark side Valued Senior Member

    If there was no pact between Germany (who the US wanted to fight) and Japan then there would be no reason for the US to blockade the Japanese oil supplies, no pearl habour attack, no bombing of dawin, no attack on south east asia. there also would have been no fleeing scientists from eroupe to tell the US that Germany was building an atomic bomb so no manhattan project so no bombing of nagisakie and horoshima. At most Japan would have taken china and if the rest of the world objected then they wouldn't be fighting a massive war in eroupe so all there resources would have been available. For instance Australia wouldn't have been basically empty of solders who were all in eroupe instead of here.
  12. Balerion Banned Banned

    Natural selection, for all its illusory cruelty, is, at the least, natural. And, lacking agency, morally neutral. What you're promoting is unnatural and immoral, as well as inherently racist.

    That's nothing more than a euphemism for what I said.

    So it was essentially a homemaker's summer camp, as the only learned skills relevant to their lives involve subservience.
  13. scheherazade Northern Horse Whisperer Valued Senior Member

    I glanced in on this thread at the outset and then was startled to see the number of responses when I looked in today so I read the whole thing just out of curiosity.

    A few things grabbed my attention, especially her age and that she and her sister are dealing with the most significant loss one will encounter. (Loss of the female parent is traumatic for most adults of any age.)

    My IQ is not as high as that of your niece but it is sufficiently above average that I did not find the common pursuits of my age group to be of interest and so did almost no 'dating'.

    We meet people in all manner of circumstances and it is from these varied meetings that we will often find the one who 'clicks'. My first husband was a customer who bought dog food from me. Though he resided in Dawson City, 353 miles away, we managed to connect through a shared interest in the activity of sled dogs.

    I met my present husband at a social event in an adjoining hamlet, the one and only time I have gone to an event there and that was almost 15 years ago now.

    I would not be too worried about your niece having high standards. Time and experience will realign her priorities. She has more opportunity in this day and age to chart her own course, and to decide upon a mate or not. At my workplace there are several folks who are friendly and gregarious yet not at all interested in having a relationship even though they are in their thirties.

    As for her current topics of interest, I see no need to comment. An intelligent mind will examine many things. Curiosity is a hallmark of our species.

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  14. adoucette Caca Occurs Valued Senior Member

    No, the war with China became an all out war in 1937, and the pact wasn't signed until late in 1940.

    ~15 to 20 million of those deaths (Chinese and Koreans mostly) you accounted for occurred before the pact you speak of.

    At to the oil embargo, it was specifically because of the Japanese attack on French-Indochina, nothing to do with the Germans.
  15. Carcano Valued Senior Member

    What has been skewed from the outset is that some members have read more into Shelley's (my niece's middle name) ideology than what is on the page and what is actually there.

    Its a classic example of small misunderstandings taking on a life their own and snowballing into HUGE misunderstandings...which are then endlessly repeated until they are assumed as facts.

    People read the word Nazi and automatically assume every criminal mentality ever attached to the word.

    For example, I said it was unlikely she would date a Jewish guy because shes "not the biggest fan of the old testament". Those were the exact words. I also said Jewish is defined as someone who actually practises Judaism, which means it is not a race. There are no Jewish genes.

    And yes, Shelley would date a minority. She likes a Lebanese guy in one of her classes.

    People have read the word 'eugenics' in this thread and AGAIN automatically assume every negative association the word has ever had. Eugenics has nothing to do with race in this has to do with qualities. A range of qualities are found in ALL races.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2012
  16. Cavalier Knight of the Opinion Registered Senior Member

    Actually, there are genetic sequences that are specific to certain jewish groups. The Cohanim (priestly class) for example can be identified through specific genetic markers.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2012
  17. keith1 Guest

    Since the OP, "Carcano's Dating Tips for Girls!", has a fictitious Carcano, no dating tips for girls, and the poster with the username "Carcano" drifting away from their own focus as well (making one question the poster's credibility of claims, especially of upper-intelligence levels--at least from the poster's side of the family tree), I should be safe to follow the adjusted topic:

    The Aryan/Celtic migration across Euro-Asia resulted in massive cross-breeding, and this is the basis of their healthy blood misunderstandings?....

    I know of a healthy pure-blooded German couple, of pure German parents (and pure German grandparents as well). All lived into their nineties. However, after those few generations, the healthy German couple gave birth to seven seemingly healthy children. Perhaps not because of the inclusive breeding, adding a margin of error to include modern environmental/living habits, etc., but only one child lived to their nineties, the rest dying of genetic/conditional heart defects, one child in their teens, from a contagion.

    One of those children with a genetic heart condition (valve prolapse) lived to retirement age, marrying and having seven children with a healthy English/German gentleman (who outlived her by 15 years). All of those seven children (the oldest in their late fifties) are healthy and all of high intellect.

    This scenario would seem to hint at the disability and source of the degradation of family health being from these pure race breeding tactics.

    Too, the German people's "ease of gullibility" to follow into certain defeat, like sheep, incompetent boneheads like Hitler and his top staff (following the loser Napoleon's playbook), questions all credibility of those who cling to such nonsense realities as virtues.

    All pure-bloods who are also "athletically excessive compulsives" have multiple reasons to get a complete medical check-up.

    The Aryan / Celtic Migration über Europa-Asien führte zu massiven Kreuzung, und dies ist die Grundlage ihrer gesunden Blut Missverständnisse?....

    Ich weiß von einem gesunden reinrassigen deutsches Ehepaar, rein deutschen Eltern (und rein deutschen Großeltern als auch). Alle lebten in ihre neunziger Jahre. Doch nach diesen wenigen Generationen, gab der gesunden deutschen Ehepaar Geburt bis sieben scheinbar gesunde Kinder. Vielleicht nicht wegen des integrativen Zucht, das Hinzufügen einer Fehlerquote zu modernen Umweltschutz / Lebensgewohnheiten usw. umfassen, sind jedoch nur ein Kind lebte, um ihre neunziger Jahre, der Rest stirbt der genetischen / bedingter Herzfehler, ein Kind im Teenageralter, aus eine Ansteckung.

    Eines dieser Kinder mit einer genetischen Herzleiden (Mitralklappenprolaps) lebten vor dem Rentenalter, heiraten und sieben Kinder mit einem gesunden Englisch / Deutsch Gentleman (der ihr um 15 Jahre überlebte). Alle diese sieben Kinder (die älteste in ihren späten Fünfzigern) sind gesund und alle von hohem Intellekt.

    Dieses Szenario scheint an der Behinderung und der Quelle des Abbaus von Familie Gesundheit wobei aus diesen Rassereinzucht Taktik anzudeuten.

    Too, des deutschen Volkes "Leichtigkeit der Leichtgläubigkeit", um in eine sichere Niederlage folgen, wie Schafe, inkompetente Holzköpfe wie Hitler und seine Top-Personal (nach dem Verlierer Napoleons Textbuch), alle Fragen Glaubwürdigkeit derer, die solchen Unsinn Realitäten als Tugenden zu klammern.

    Alle Reinblütern, die auch "athletisch übermäßige compulsives" haben mehrfache Gründe, eine komplette medizinische Check-up erhalten.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2012
  18. Bells Staff Member

    So it is her ideology (and it seems yours) or just a passing interest?

    You see, as weird the whole premise of this thread is, that is you, her uncle trying to find her an 'alpha male' to be her date and/or boyfriend, the thread actaully became weirder when you then, of your own volition, decided to let everyone know that she was interested in Nazism, that she wanted an 'alpha male', that she was into eugenics while being quite vague about it, as though eugenics in principle is a good thing. Not to mention you then gave us extra details of her interests and what she is not into, which includes Jewish males.

    So in short, you skewed the thread when you decided to divulge this kind of information about her and yourself. You have been posting here long enough to know that we do not approve or actually like Nazi ideology. This is not Gates of Vienna.

    A small misunderstanding?

    You see a small misunderstanding would be say, people thinking you're a girl for example. What is not a small misunderstanding is declaring one's niece, that one is trying to get a date with an "alpha male" for, is into Nazism, eugenics, Hitler Youth and then going 'oh by the way, she has minority friends and doesn't make her ideology known to those around her' and that she goes so far as to look at people's posture and what noises they may make to determine whether one is an alpha male or not.. In the middle of all this, you seem to be defending Nazi ideology yourself. You see, we can only go by what information you provide to us.

    I'm sorry, but that is not a small misunderstanding.

    Let me guess, this is a "small misunderstanding" as well?

    Nazi and Nazism is what led to the deaths and genocide of millions of people. You'll have to excuse us if we don't see that as being good qualities one should embrace. The same goes for eugenics.

    You said that while declaring she was into Nazism.

    So you might understand just how and why people took it the wrong way.

    As for the genes, well, they speak for themselves.

    Well good for her. She best make sure he's not a Christian or a Muslim, since you know, she's not a fan of Abrahamic religions. Also, does he know her ideology?

    Oh that's right, she doesn't make such things public. How lucky for her you are there to do it for her.

    Are you saying there is something positive about the term?

    You just made the hole you dug for yourself that little bit deeper. Keep digging.
  19. Bells Staff Member


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  20. wynn ˙ Valued Senior Member

    Yes ...

    It's just that these are very delicate topics to talk about, esp. in public.

    Alan Watts made some good points in The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are (there's a free ebook somewhere online; Scribd has it for sure, and there's another source).
  21. Ickyrus Registered Senior Member

    If she really is intelligent then forget about dating and the usual social pressure to conform with what all the other girls do. Only Two principles matter, 'The only thing you truly own in life is now' and 'You can only ever be yourself and the adventure of life is discovering yourself'. Victor Frankl Said 'The last of human freedoms is that in any situation you can choose your attitude' and he survived WWII death camps. I like to reduce this to 'You got two choices to be either happy or sad'. Yes I know there is anger and jelously and desire but they all eventually lead to being happy or sad.

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