Christianity = Communism

Discussion in 'Religion Archives' started by Bob T, Oct 19, 1999.

  1. Bob T Registered Member

    Monotheism is the only form of totalitarianism that exists. Its purpose is to give ONE answer to all question on all subjects at all times in all places for all people under all conditions for all reasons, etc, etc. Religionists have one stock answer: god. To reduce the manifold cosmos to a single idea is the very essence of totalitarianism. If this were not so there would be no need for blind submission to totalitarian religious tenets.

    There is not a church that is NOT an oligarchical collectivism. And, even if you could find one it would not negate the fact that the rest ARE oligarchical collectivisms. There are no democratic churches, churches that vote on their dogma. There is only one Capitalistic church = Scientology.

    There is a debate as to why it is said, in the New Testament, that Christianity should be taught to the 'churches' when there were no 'churches' even in existence. The word 'churches' is a corruption of the Greek word Churlich. A Churlich were groups of Greeks sent out to form Greek colonies. They were communist style collectivisms as are all churches today.

    Heaven is NOT portrayed as a Democracy but is a merciless dictatorship. Jesus did not champion capitalism. He overturned the tables of the moneychangers. The Essene "held all things in common". See Acts 4:32. The Catholic Church fought capitalism throughout history. From the Middle Ages on the church enforced "The Cannon Law against Usury". Its greatest effect was not merely against interest on loans. Its greatest effect was against making a PROFIT! If you bought a horse for 20 shekels and sold it for 30 shekels you would incur the 'sin' of Usury (called "increase" in the bible and called "relative surplus value" by Karl Marx).

    Anyone that supports churches or religion supports the world's oldest form of totalitarianistic communistic oligarchical collectivism. They say their bible is a higher law then the Constitution and Bill of Rights. All those I have asked which they would trashcan first the bible or the Constitution and Bill of Rights always say they would gladly trashcan Constitution and Bill of Rights. Then they have the audacity to call themselves patriots.
    Here is a paraphrase of the principles of the oligarchical collectivism practiced by INGSOC (from George Orwell’s 1984.):

    "In accordance with the principles of doublethink it does not matter if the war is real or whether it is not. Victory is not it’s purpose or intent. The war is not meant to be won it is meant to be continuous. A hierarchical society is only possible on the bases of poverty and ignorance. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not victory over EurAsia [crime] or Eastasia [drugs] but to provide a continual excuse for keeping the hierarchical structure of society in tact."
    (Pg. 152-9.)

    I am NOT wrong in saying that the greatest threat to America are the Christian communist Constitution killers that will soon force on America The One World (HOLY) Order. Goals 2000, World bank, IMF, GATT, WTO and the other Globalist ideas are stages and preludes to the New World (HOLY) Order and the death of America the free.

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