Cool Pics by a Sf member

I wish that your website would show the pictures at a higher resolution.

Also, you should totally be making money out of these. Posters, postcards, etc.

Thanks Varda :)
I don't show them at a higher resolution because then they could be used for stuff (without my consent) more easily.
Well, I just wanted to look at them, but now I have the urge to use some of them without your consent.

Well, I just wanted to look at them, but now I have the urge to use some of them without your consent.

You can use them for private (non-commercial) use.

Violators will be reported to their hosting provider who will discontinue their service, and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the civil and criminal law by for copyright infringement, punitive damages and responsibility for all legal fees!

lol ;)

But seriously, what website are you looking at ?
Hey they are really good, maybe you should come out with me to the African bush when I go next and take some pics there and you can give me half your profit (not joking about half. 50/50). we cans ell them on postcards and print them onto mugs/cups etc.

Awesome work. I also photograph. I might make a sight soon. I'm currently using a Pentax Super ME (SLR).
Awesome work. I also photograph. I might make a sight soon. I'm currently using a Pentax Super ME (SLR).

Thanks Kat :)
Maybe you could post a few of your pictures here (on in your own thread) when you reach a post count of 20. That would be awesome :)
What kind of stuff do you photograph?
Mountain ranges mostly. I won't be able to post my newest photos yet (of Mt. Rushmore) but I can post my stuff from my old digital camera (crappy quality)...
Nice pictures bro. You def. have an eye for things. I may not agree with your posts but I sure do like your photography. Keep posting please!
I'll give it a try as soon as the weather clears up.. ;)
I'm in Europe though and it isn't going to clear up anytime soon here I'm afraid.
I'll look at the weather map next week and if there is some chance of a clear night on the 13th I'll send you a reminder. Thanks for accepting the request.

Nice pictures bro. You def. have an eye for things. I may not agree with your posts but I sure do like your photography. Keep posting please!
I agree with the part about the photography but will not comment on the other part until after the 13th :D.
I'll give it a try as soon as the weather clears up.. ;)
I'm in Europe though and it isn't going to clear up anytime soon here I'm afraid.
How is the weather looking. It is the night of Dec. 13 EST, but Dec 14, ~5:00 UT. I don't know when that is for you; take some hot chocolate out with you (laced with whiskey).

Predicted Maximum: December 14, ~5:00 UT (=Dec. 13, 9pm PST; =Dec. 14, 12am EST)
Moon: New Moon (no interference)
(radiant map from IMO)

WHEN TO WATCH: The Geminids have a fairly broad maximum, so viewing should be productive throughout the entire night of December 13/14 (late Sunday evening into Monday morning). New Moon this year allows coverage of the entire night.

Sunday morning, December 13, should be worth watching as well. A rule of thumb for the Geminids is that rates remain above half the maximum value for about 24 hours before and 12 hours after the actual peak. While rates will probably have dropped dramatically by Monday evening, an increase in the proportion of bright meteors is often noted after the peak.

The Geminids are accessible from the entire Northern Hemisphere and from many Southern Hemisphere locations as well. The radiant is highest in the sky at around 2am, but from mid-northern latitudes it is at a decent elevation from around 10pm until the beginning of morning twilight. The Geminids can produce observed rates of over 100/hour at maximum, and are reliable (for a meteor shower) as well as spectacular.

Geminids are medium-speed meteors. Most of them don't leave glowing trains, but the brighter ones are often colored (yellow, green and blue are most common). The Geminids seem to produce quite a few fireballs.
How is the weather looking. It is the night of Dec. 13 EST, but Dec 14, ~5:00 UT. I don't know when that is for you; take some hot chocolate out with you (laced with whiskey).

Predicted Maximum: December 14, ~5:00 UT (=Dec. 13, 9pm PST; =Dec. 14, 12am EST)
Moon: New Moon (no interference)
(radiant map from IMO)

WHEN TO WATCH: The Geminids have a fairly broad maximum, so viewing should be productive throughout the entire night of December 13/14 (late Sunday evening into Monday morning). New Moon this year allows coverage of the entire night.

Sunday morning, December 13, should be worth watching as well. A rule of thumb for the Geminids is that rates remain above half the maximum value for about 24 hours before and 12 hours after the actual peak. While rates will probably have dropped dramatically by Monday evening, an increase in the proportion of bright meteors is often noted after the peak.

The Geminids are accessible from the entire Northern Hemisphere and from many Southern Hemisphere locations as well. The radiant is highest in the sky at around 2am, but from mid-northern latitudes it is at a decent elevation from around 10pm until the beginning of morning twilight. The Geminids can produce observed rates of over 100/hour at maximum, and are reliable (for a meteor shower) as well as spectacular.

Geminids are medium-speed meteors. Most of them don't leave glowing trains, but the brighter ones are often colored (yellow, green and blue are most common). The Geminids seem to produce quite a few fireballs.

It's reasonable now, but it's still before noon here.
I have to go away for the day and I'll be back between midnight and 1:00 AM, I'll have a look then :)
It's a really clear night, but..
I have just been outside filming for the greater part of an hour and I have seen two meteors. One big one right when I stepped outside, which I missed because I didn't have my camera set up yet, and one that was barely visible. I missed that last one as well because I had my camera aimed at another part of the sky.
On top of that it's -2 degrees Celsius (28.4F) out! I'm sorry but I stopped trying. *frostbite*

Wow, good try. The sun has been down here for about two hours, its 7:30 and I am waiting for a couple of hours to go out. Of course it is 70 degrees here :). Thanks for trying.
Wow, good try. The sun has been down here for about two hours, its 7:30 and I am waiting for a couple of hours to go out. Of course it is 70 degrees here :). Thanks for trying.

Good luck, Quantum :)
That big one was pretty awesome by the way!