Dark Matter explained by PP


Registered Member
In another thread in the science section dark matter came up. Pincho Paxton said that he knows what dark matter is, I assume through his model somehow(?). As I'm curious to hear this explanation of what dark matter is, Paxton suggested to create a new thread in this section of the forum where he is free to post his ideas.

So here it is, what is dark matter Paxton? :)
Einstein some years ago added a cosmological Constant to his theory of Relativity. It was a sort of equalization of Gravity. He had the usual Gravity, and envisaged an out flow. Not bad. His outflow however should meet. And I will now explain how...

There are proposals that space-time is a grain. In my theory it is a grain. It is infinite. It obeys Newtons Kissing problem laws, so it obeys ball stacking rules. It self scales UP until it touches a particle, and then self scales DOWN. This self scaling is a bump, and we call the bump TIME.

The reason that the particle can self scale is because scale is relative. The very first particles had no other particles relative to themselves, they also contained a negative mass hole. The total sum of these particles works like this...

+1 + - 1 = 0

Which is a particle with a shell volume identical to its hole volume. It's central hole is negative mass. Negative mass, is Dark Matter. This is a hole with properties that we are not familiar with, but it is very simple to understand.

A hole in the fabric of space-time is actually a negative sphere. A spherical particle inside a shell. You can think of it as a black particle inside a white particle. The black particle works like a hole in the white particle. We can't see the black particles even if they are streaming past us.. they obey the rules of holes, but also obey the rules of black sphere. They are holes that can bump one another.

Anyway the description isn't that important. It is the rules that are important...

An atom contains holes. Gravity flows into, and around atoms. Gravity is a flow from space like a liquid. The flow into the atoms creates weight. The flow towards the Earth creates a weight which holds us to the Earth. We act like a sponge, the Earth acts like a bigger sponge.

The atoms then squeeze Gravity (which is like a liquid). And Gravity scales down. Gravity which was positive, now scales down to negative. So the white particle slowly becomes a black particle. The black particle obeys the rules of a hole. It can now escape the flow towards the Earth. The black particles are now flowing out, away from the Earth.

Gravity IN... Magnetism OUT.

The Magnetism is Dark Matter. Magnets attract because firstly they let Gravity in, then they release holes, and holes are not substantial except to other holes.

So we have an outflow. The outflow starts to scale back up, but it takes quite a long time. It will travel quite a distance away before it becomes a force again. It then becomes a bubble membrane. A positive force again. Two Galaxy forces will eventually work against one another, and you get expansion of the Universe. You get a valley in the middle of two Galaxies, you also get a valley around atoms. The valleys are quickly filled by Gravity liquid. Virtual particles can also pop into valleys.

So the fix required to the Cosmological Constant is the outward push of magnetism changing up to become valleys in space-time that are quickly filled by gravity, and virtual particles.

There are other important things about dark matter. It flows from particles due to scaling down inside atoms. The scaling down is speeded up by velocity. This slows down clocks, and also creates a bow shock. A bow shock is the release of faster negative mass holes that fold out to become a positive mass wave at a distance from the original particle.

My ideas often cause confusion, so I'm used to it. :D
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Sometimes it is kind of cute how you seem to actually beleive the inane garbage you spew, other times it is just annoying.
Einstein some years ago added a cosmological Constant to his theory of Relativity. It was a sort of equalization of Gravity. He had the usual Gravity, and envisaged an out flow. Not bad. His outflow however should meet. And I will now explain how...

What an arrogant clown. You have less chance of understand Einstein's physics than you do of out playing David Beckham on a football field. That is actually a fairly good analogy.

There are proposals that space-time is a grain. In my theory it is a grain. It is infinite. It obeys Newtons Kissing problem laws, so it obeys ball stacking rules. It self scales UP until it touches a particle, and then self scales DOWN. This self scaling is a bump, and we call the bump TIME.

This explains nothing and is a waste of space. Clown college stuff.

The reason that the particle can self scale is because scale is relative. The very first particles had no other particles relative to themselves, they also contained a negative mass hole. The total sum of these particles works like this...

+1 + - 1 = 0

meaningless drivel. At least we got a demonstration of your most advanced mathematics.

Which is a particle with a shell volume identical to its hole volume. It's central hole is negative mass. Negative mass, is Dark Matter. This is a hole with properties that we are not familiar with, but it is very simple to understand.

Dark matter is negative mass? Then why does it act like normal mass? Oops, why would I encourage more garbage - never mind just more garbage piled on garbage.

A hole in the fabric of space-time is actually a negative sphere. A spherical particle inside a shell. You can think of it as a black particle inside a white particle. The black particle works like a hole in the white particle. We can't see the black particles even if they are streaming past us.. they obey the rules of holes, but also obey the rules of black sphere. They are holes that can bump one another.

Another way to think of it is, 'an utterly stupid idea developed by a deluded individual who is completely ignorant of all physics and reality.

Anyway the description isn't that important. It is the rules that are important...

No they are both completely devoid of importants and rational meaning.

An atom contains holes. Gravity flows into, and around atoms. Gravity is a flow from space like a liquid. The flow into the atoms creates weight. The flow towards the Earth creates a weight which holds us to the Earth. We act like a sponge, the Earth acts like a bigger sponge.

Crap, crap, clown crap and crap. Useless absurd psychotic trash.

The atoms then squeeze Gravity (which is like a liquid). And Gravity scales down. Gravity which was positive, now scales down to negative. So the white particle slowly becomes a black particle. The black particle obeys the rules of a hole. It can now escape the flow towards the Earth. The black particles are now flowing out, away from the Earth.

Great mounds of crap mingeling with garbage infiltrated with rivers of Santorum.

Gravity IN... Magnetism OUT.

Darn, I just threw up in my mouth.:(

The Magnetism is Dark Matter. Magnets attract because firstly they let Gravity in, then they release holes, and holes are not substantial except to other holes.

I thought negative mass was dark matter? Is magnetism negative mass - wait don't explain for the love of god don't explain! This is becoming a mountain of stinking putrid crap.

So we have an outflow. The outflow starts to scale back up, but it takes quite a long time. It will travel quite a distance away before it becomes a force again. It then becomes a bubble membrane. A positive force again. Two Galaxy forces will eventually work against one another, and you get expansion of the Universe. You get a valley in the middle of two Galaxies, you also get a valley around atoms. The valleys are quickly filled by Gravity liquid. Virtual particles can also pop into valleys.

The only valley are the valleys in the entire mountain range of clown crap that has spewed so freely from your lips. You have typed words but the word are deviod of anything even remotely having the faintest hint or wisp of a scintilla of meaning. Pure unadulterated clown crap.

So the fix required to the Cosmological Constant is the outward push of magnetism changing up to become valleys in space-time that are quickly filled by gravity, and virtual particles.

This is becoming the Mons Olympus of crap.

There are other important things about dark matter. It flows from particles due to scaling down inside atoms. The scaling down is speeded up by velocity. This slows down clocks, and also creates a bow shock. A bow shock is the release of faster negative mass holes that fold out to become a positive mass wave at a distance from the original particle.

How is it possible for each new sentence to be more absurd and crap filled than the last? This is exquisitly horrific!

My ideas often cause confusion, so I'm used to it. :D

I would not classify your ideas as confusing I think they are more along the lines tramatic brain injured, persistent vegatative state, mind numbingly ignorant.

The really terrifying part is you think they make some sort of sense! Damnit, I threw up in my mouth again.
Sometimes it is kind of cute how you seem to actually beleive the inane garbage you spew, other times it is just annoying.

What an arrogant clown. You have less chance of understand Einstein's physics than you do of out playing David Beckham on a football field. That is actually a fairly good analogy.

This explains nothing and is a waste of space. Clown college stuff.

meaningless drivel. At least we got a demonstration of your most advanced mathematics.

Dark matter is negative mass? Then why does it act like normal mass? Oops, why would I encourage more garbage - never mind just more garbage piled on garbage.

Another way to think of it is, 'an utterly stupid idea developed by a deluded individual who is completely ignorant of all physics and reality.

No they are both completely devoid of importants and rational meaning.

Crap, crap, clown crap and crap. Useless absurd psychotic trash.

Great mounds of crap mingeling with garbage infiltrated with rivers of Santorum.

Darn, I just threw up in my mouth.:(

I thought negative mass was dark matter? Is magnetism negative mass - wait don't explain for the love of god don't explain! This is becoming a mountain of stinking putrid crap.

The only valley are the valleys in the entire mountain range of clown crap that has spewed so freely from your lips. You have typed words but the word are deviod of anything even remotely having the faintest hint or wisp of a scintilla of meaning. Pure unadulterated clown crap.

This is becoming the Mons Olympus of crap.

How is it possible for each new sentence to be more absurd and crap filled than the last? This is exquisitly horrific!

I would not classify your ideas as confusing I think they are more along the lines tramatic brain injured, persistent vegatative state, mind numbingly ignorant.

The really terrifying part is you think they make some sort of sense! Damnit, I threw up in my mouth again.

Unfortunately you need to be intelligent to understand my theory.
Please provide a rigorous model which outputs the correct galaxy rotation profiles, the correct black body spectrum perturbation profile of the CMB and accounts for observations of the Bullet cluster. Until then you don't have an 'explanation of dark matter' because you cannot account for the phenomena in the real world pertaining to it. Until then you have nothing but vacuous claims and delusions of grandeur.
Please provide a rigorous model which outputs the correct galaxy rotation profiles, the correct black body spectrum perturbation profile of the CMB and accounts for observations of the Bullet cluster. Until then you don't have an 'explanation of dark matter' because you cannot account for the phenomena in the real world pertaining to it. Until then you have nothing but vacuous claims and delusions of grandeur.

That isn't what science is about. Science is about finding out where everything came from. If you create a self building model of the Universe, even if some of the patterns are a bit different, you have still shown how the Universe began. So long as you have all of the parts, they can be a bit different. Then for some time, people can work on getting the perfect balance, but by then, everyone already knows that the program works. They are really just looking to build stuff with it. For example, I know I have Dark Matter, because I predicted it, I know I have the bubble around the Galaxy, because I predicted it. I know I have the push force on Voyager, because I predicted it. I know I have the ingredients, I don't know if they are 100% same scale.
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There are proposals that space-time is a grain. In my theory it is a grain. It is infinite. It obeys Newtons Kissing problem laws, so it obeys ball stacking rules. It self scales UP until it touches a particle, and then self scales DOWN. This self scaling is a bump, and we call the bump TIME.

This might be a bit trickier to understand than I originally thought. I am quite unfamiliar with most of the terms you are using, so I feel I can't accurately gauge what you're saying.

What do you mean by a "grain"? I am unfamiliar with that term. I am also unfamiliar with Newton's Kissing problem. I found something on wiki that talks about a kissing number problem of a ball that Newton worked on, but I don't see how that ties into the discussion.

The reason that the particle can self scale is because scale is relative. The very first particles had no other particles relative to themselves, they also contained a negative mass hole. The total sum of these particles works like this...

+1 + - 1 = 0

I understand that the total net energy within the universe is 0, and mass/energy are two sides of the same coin. But I don't get this self scaling thing. It may be relative to other particles, but that relativeness doesn't change the substance of that particle as far as I know.

Which is a particle with a shell volume identical to its hole volume. It's central hole is negative mass. Negative mass, is Dark Matter. This is a hole with properties that we are not familiar with, but it is very simple to understand.

Just making sure I understand what you're saying: Dark Matter is negative mass and is present in the center of at least some particles? What particles are these, all of them, a select few, theoretical particles?

What are the properties of negative mass? I've heard of the concept before; is it where mass attracts and negative mass repels proportionally?

A hole in the fabric of space-time is actually a negative sphere. A spherical particle inside a shell. You can think of it as a black particle inside a white particle. The black particle works like a hole in the white particle. We can't see the black particles even if they are streaming past us.. they obey the rules of holes, but also obey the rules of black sphere. They are holes that can bump one another.

What is a negative sphere? What are the rules of holes? Are the white particles the "shells" around the black particles, which seem to be the holes?

Anyway the description isn't that important. It is the rules that are important...

An atom contains holes. Gravity flows into, and around atoms. Gravity is a flow from space like a liquid. The flow into the atoms creates weight. The flow towards the Earth creates a weight which holds us to the Earth. We act like a sponge, the Earth acts like a bigger sponge.

Are the holes in the atom the same as these negative spheres? Are these negative spheres the negative mass and consequently the dark matter?

The atoms then squeeze Gravity (which is like a liquid). And Gravity scales down. Gravity which was positive, now scales down to negative. So the white particle slowly becomes a black particle. The black particle obeys the rules of a hole. It can now escape the flow towards the Earth. The black particles are now flowing out, away from the Earth.

Gravity IN... Magnetism OUT.

What do you mean by atoms squeeze gravity? I'm afraid I don't comprehend your explanation. What makes gravity scale down, what does that mean? How does changing gravity change this white particle to a black particle?

The Magnetism is Dark Matter. Magnets attract because firstly they let Gravity in, then they release holes, and holes are not substantial except to other holes.

If I understood you so far, magnetism is negative mass as dark matter is negative mass and magnetism is dark matter?

One problem I see with gravity and magnetism coming from the same source is that I know of no correlation between gravity and magnetism; shouldn't we see a correlation between mass and magnetism proportionally?

So we have an outflow. The outflow starts to scale back up, but it takes quite a long time. It will travel quite a distance away before it becomes a force again. It then becomes a bubble membrane. A positive force again. Two Galaxy forces will eventually work against one another, and you get expansion of the Universe. You get a valley in the middle of two Galaxies, you also get a valley around atoms. The valleys are quickly filled by Gravity liquid. Virtual particles can also pop into valleys.

I don't think I understood half of what you said here. But I am confused as to how galaxies cause the expansion of the universe. As far as I know, the expansion is more or less uniform across the universe, and since galaxies (or clusters of galaxies) are not sprinkled in the universe uniformly, I am seeing a disconnect between model and data. If galaxies are the cause, shouldn't we see a larger expansion rate near clusters of galaxies, and a smaller expansion rate in the depths of space?

So the fix required to the Cosmological Constant is the outward push of magnetism changing up to become valleys in space-time that are quickly filled by gravity, and virtual particles.

There are other important things about dark matter. It flows from particles due to scaling down inside atoms. The scaling down is speeded up by velocity. This slows down clocks, and also creates a bow shock. A bow shock is the release of faster negative mass holes that fold out to become a positive mass wave at a distance from the original particle.

My ideas often cause confusion, so I'm used to it. :D

I am quite confused. Perhaps it would be best to take this idea one or two steps at a time, there is a lot in there I am simply not familiar with.
D-9: . . . ditto for me . . . . simply not having a full understanding of PP's hypothesis . . . is no reason for the SM-ers to try and sh*t-can his ideas . . . at the very least PP is an original thinker who doesn't strictly adhere to the staus quo
This might be a bit trickier to understand than I originally thought. I am quite unfamiliar with most of the terms you are using, so I feel I can't accurately gauge what you're saying.

What do you mean by a "grain"? I am unfamiliar with that term. I am also unfamiliar with Newton's Kissing problem. I found something on wiki that talks about a kissing number problem of a ball that Newton worked on, but I don't see how that ties into the discussion.

I understand that the total net energy within the universe is 0, and mass/energy are two sides of the same coin. But I don't get this self scaling thing. It may be relative to other particles, but that relativeness doesn't change the substance of that particle as far as I know.

Just making sure I understand what you're saying: Dark Matter is negative mass and is present in the center of at least some particles? What particles are these, all of them, a select few, theoretical particles?

What are the properties of negative mass? I've heard of the concept before; is it where mass attracts and negative mass repels proportionally?

What is a negative sphere? What are the rules of holes? Are the white particles the "shells" around the black particles, which seem to be the holes?

Are the holes in the atom the same as these negative spheres? Are these negative spheres the negative mass and consequently the dark matter?

What do you mean by atoms squeeze gravity? I'm afraid I don't comprehend your explanation. What makes gravity scale down, what does that mean? How does changing gravity change this white particle to a black particle?

If I understood you so far, magnetism is negative mass as dark matter is negative mass and magnetism is dark matter?

One problem I see with gravity and magnetism coming from the same source is that I know of no correlation between gravity and magnetism; shouldn't we see a correlation between mass and magnetism proportionally?

I don't think I understood half of what you said here. But I am confused as to how galaxies cause the expansion of the universe. As far as I know, the expansion is more or less uniform across the universe, and since galaxies (or clusters of galaxies) are not sprinkled in the universe uniformly, I am seeing a disconnect between model and data. If galaxies are the cause, shouldn't we see a larger expansion rate near clusters of galaxies, and a smaller expansion rate in the depths of space?

I am quite confused. Perhaps it would be best to take this idea one or two steps at a time, there is a lot in there I am simply not familiar with.

Well yes, that's why I didn't post it in the other thread.

Space time grain is quite a common term in science. It's just what it says, space time could be a grain.

Kissing problem is particle physics of same size sphere.

Scale is inflation, so not much different to science apart from it can scale down as well.

Dark matter is negative mass inside the first particles. I only have 1 type of particle in my theory.. it just repeats.

Negative mass is a hole. I have no attractive forces. You fall in a hole. Magnetism is a hole, iron filings fall into it.

Atoms are the same particle. It's the bonding, and scale of them that has changed. They have been forced to share a location due to a flow that doesn't give them enough space to move apart.

Scale of Gravity is the same as scale of zero, you can scale my particles, its free energy.

1 + -1 = 0
2 + -2 = 0
3 + -3 = 0

See, scale is free energy.

Yes, magnetism is Dark Matter, this is Alternative Theories. It doesn't have to obey the standard model. That's why it's in here.

Gravity, and magnetism, are mass, and negative mass. One will hide the other. You will not notice the correct amount of change. For example two bodies of different weight fall in a vacuum at the same speed. The magnetism is flowing out faster from the heavy body, and the Gravity is going in faster. The net result is no change. I predict that it will slow a clock down in the heavy object however. because an atomic clock works on bump pulses, and more negative mass will result in less bumps, because negative mass doesn't bump mass.

I don't think I understood half of what you said here. But I am confused as to how galaxies cause the expansion of the universe. As far as I know, the expansion is more or less uniform across the universe, and since galaxies (or clusters of galaxies) are not sprinkled in the universe uniformly, I am seeing a disconnect between model and data. If galaxies are the cause, shouldn't we see a larger expansion rate near clusters of galaxies, and a smaller expansion rate in the depths of space?

I have something called a bow shock that compensates for that. It is like things falling on the moon, but works proportionally to velocity, and weight. This also slows down clocks.
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Lol by default you are the audience. Ok audience! :D

That is the problem - I know 10X (that means 10 times) the physics and math that you do and it is plainly obvious to me that you do not have a clue.;)

You really struggle with paradox don't you...

I don't really see any paradox, what I do see is a pathetic case of self delusion.
That is the problem - I know 10X (that means 10 times) the physics and math that you do and it is plainly obvious to me that you do not have a clue.;)

I don't really see any paradox, what I do see is a pathetic case of self delusion.

But that's a bad thing, not a good thing. I write computer models like Neural Networks. I am deliberately trying to remove the maths, and physics from my computer models to get them to self build. This project of mine is to write a self building simulation of the Universe with no formulas.

See, I did some tests, and it looks very active, which is what I hoped for, and needs finishing...
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But that's a bad thing, not a good thing. I write computer models like Neural Networks. I am deliberately trying to remove the maths, and physics from my computer models to get them to self build. This project of mine is to write a self building simulation of the Universe with no formulas.
Could you build something a little smaller than the universe for a start? Will it produce something? Even graphically. For it is one thing to write it out but to make it work in real life. There could be some useful application that the program. :)
Could you build something a little smaller than the universe for a start? Will it produce something? Even graphically. For it is one thing to write it out but to make it work in real life. There could be some useful application that the program. :)

It will be a repeating loop, so writing a Universe Generator is the same as writing a Galaxy Generator, the same as writing a sun generator, and the same as writing a planet generator. Whatever you end up with depends on how fast your computer is, and how long you want to sit, and watch.

This test was just to see if a small loop could do much...
Unfortunately you need to be intelligent to understand my theory.

Pincho, your 'theory' is nonsensical garbage.

It always has been, and unless there's a drastic incorporation of actual science, it will remain so.
Pincho, your 'theory' is nonsensical garbage.

It always has been, and unless there's a drastic incorporation of actual science, it will remain so.

Well my version of science is to write a Universe Generator from as few formulas as possible. That's my project. I want to re-create what particles can do, and I think they only bump together. So that's all I want in my simulator.