Defining trolling

Yes, I do that too.
But you can only persuade, not demand that they comply with scientific rigour.
If we want that, we shouldn't have these sections.
They have nothing to do with science.

I can see why you might get annoyed when there are claims that such beliefs are scientific, which of course they are not.
But I'm afraid that goes with the territory.
If we want these sections, we must accept that the people who believe such things think that they are objectively true.

:) I havn't really opposed that.

It's like saying that England are going to win back the Ashes later this year... :)
So when posters argue a point of view that others perceive to be against the scientific method, and refuse to back down to these others, that's trolling? I don't think so...

No - the trolling aspect is when said poster handwaves away all evidence that shows the level of crackpottedness in his/her theory and instead adamantly proclaims that they are correct and the world is wrong.
It's not evidence though, it's just wishful thinking and assumption.

If it was truly "evidence" then we wouldn't even be having this discussion and it would be verified fact.

You assume everybody agrees on what evidence is. Skeptics for example earn their paychecks denying ufos and ghosts and bigfoot till they are blue in the face. They assume that saying it is a hoax or a hallucination is more likely than evidence of these phenomena. Ofcourse that in itself is an unevidenced claim. They basically deny that evidence for these things can even exist. Which is basically begging the question, DO they exist? Anyone honestly asking that will be prepared to accept the evidence when it is presented. Anyone who has already concluded that they don't exist will never accept any evidence, no matter how convincing.
No - the trolling aspect is when said poster handwaves away all evidence that shows the level of crackpottedness in his/her theory and instead adamantly proclaims that they are correct and the world is wrong.

No..trolling isn't disagreeing with everybody about what is valid evidence and what isn't. That's essential ly argumentum ad populum--that when you disagree with the majority, then you must be a troll.
Are you kidding?

The first person to give objective, verifiable evidence of ghosts, alien spacecraft, bigfoot, etc. would win a dozen Nobel prizes and become an overnight mega-celebrity and be world famous for the rest of time.
Are you kidding?

The first person to give objective, verifiable evidence of ghosts, alien spacecraft, bigfoot, etc. would win a dozen Nobel prizes and become an overnight mega-celebrity and be world famous for the rest of time.

No he wouldn't. He'd be laughed out of a career and blackballed everywhere he goes. That's how science operates: conform to the conventional view, or be cast out.
Uh, no.

Not if he had PROOF.

That's what you seem to be missing, and it explains your entire modus operandi. You have no idea what "proof" really means.
No..trolling isn't disagreeing with everybody about what is valid evidence and what isn't. That's essential ly argumentum ad populum--that when you disagree with the majority, then you must be a troll.

Right, right... and you wonder why nobody takes you seriously. You don't even know what an actual fallacy is... such a shame. If you were to put this energy you have towards something productive... ah well, c'est la vie

To be honest, I'm not sure there's a point to having this thread... after all, it is abundantly clear you will not accept ANY definition of the word "trolling" that doesn't somehow paint you and your apparent fixation (fetish maybe?) for the paranormal in a positive light.
Right, right... and you wonder why nobody takes you seriously. You don't even know what an actual fallacy is... such a shame. If you were to put this energy you have towards something productive... ah well, c'est la vie

To be honest, I'm not sure there's a point to having this thread... after all, it is abundantly clear you will not accept ANY definition of the word "trolling" that doesn't somehow paint you and your apparent fixation (fetish maybe?) for the paranormal in a positive light.

What do you mean by "fetish"? Are you trollishly insinuating something sexual about me? What might that be?

In point of fact other posters have reduced this thread to personal issues about me. Just as you are doing. MY intent is as was stated--WHAT is the definition of trolling, and why aren't mods enforcing it properly?
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We have whole subforums devoted to these topics here. So obviously threads on these are accepted and encouraged. If you don't like them, then don't read them. Simple as that..
You misunderstand.

We may have a whole sub-section of this site portioned off to these topics, but that does not mean that you get to ignore scientific evidence that disproves your pet beliefs in that sub-section. It also does not mean that you can get away with not backing up what you are posting with actual evidence. And no, fake youtube videos and fake re-enactments don't count as evidence. And posting the same thing over and over and over again, page after page, with the exact same words even, is trolling and spamming.

Most importantly, you completely misunderstand why we have those sub-sections. They are there to ensure that people did not flood the science sections with quasi religious woo about ghosts, spirits, etc. Just because it is there does not mean we wish to encourage posting of woo there. It is there because if it wasn't, people would be posting that woo in the science forums.

Most my threads in the fringe section are simply derided and trolled with no proof to the contrary, usually culminating in outright flaming and insulting me as ignorant, stupid, or foolish. Very few times has the evidence I presented ever been refuted here.
Right.. Because the people who spend time posting actual science to refute your posting that fairies exist through to your UFO's and ghosts exist, and even your anti-vaccination conspiracy theories are not refuting it.

Video, audio, and eyewitness testimony IS extraordinary evidence.
Your videos are usually fake. That level is not "extraordinary evidence".

"Unexplained at that time" isn't a scientific explanation. It's nothing. So when I say the evidence points to paranormal or extraterrestrial or whatever, I'm simply providing the best explanation we have. And that's not trolling. It's backing up my thread with logical argumentation.
Dude, you have even gone so far as to throw a fit when we wouldn't take your claims that fairies and gnomes are real seriously and that it pointed to "paranormal" or "whatever".

Posting a photo of insects and saying they were fairies is not you providing the best explanation you have. You were posting the silliest explanation that one could find.

Like I said, we have subforums where posting and discussion of these topics is encouraged. Doing so isn't disrupting, annoying, or provoking anyone who doesn't want to be provoked. Posting a thread doesn't "disrupt" anything. Noone is being targeted and nothing is being sidetracked. Jumping into a new thread otoh and insinuating sarcastically that the poster is gullible or stupid IS disrupting. It's disrupting the conversation of that thread. And that IS trolling.
We don't encourage or invite those topics. If we wanted to encourage it, it would be further up the list on the front page. There is a reason why it is right down the bottom of the list of forums. Because we do not wish to invite or encourage woo woo posting on this site.

As I noted above, the only reason it is there is because it reduces the amount of woo we get in the science forum.

Only if it wasn't paranormal or alien or bigfoot to begin with. Many that AREN'T can be refuted. Many others can't. The ones I post here are ones that convince me the most and defy scientific explanation.

Like the fairy thread you posted......

No..deriding posters is off-topic trolling designed to disrupt serious conversation. Nobody has the right to do that here.
Frankly, it comes with the territory. If you are going to post total BS, then people will laugh at it and deride it for the BS that it is.

For all of your carrying on about how you feel you are entitled to post whatever you want because it is in that sub-section, you missed out on one very important thing..

I will tell you what nobody has the right to do here.

And that is to endanger the lives of people or to post rubbish that is so dangerous that it could lead others to believe in an ideology that could and does endanger the lives of others.

We don't mind if people have questions about things. The problem that has arisen in your case is that you are using this site and the Fringe sub-section of this site as your personal platform to post your personal conspiracy theories, along with your ridiculous stories about ghosts, fairies, goblins, bigfoot, UFO's and all the rest of the idiocy you appear to feel you are entitled to post. And in one instance, recently, it was to post about your personal conspiracy theories and perpetuating a dangerous ideology that does endanger lives.

The fringe section is not an open door, nor are you entitled to post whatever you damn well feel like on this site.

If you do not want to be accused of trolling, then the solution is simple. Stop feeling that you are entitled to post whatever you feel like and call it fact. It doesn't work that way.
The fringe section is not an open door, nor are you entitled to post whatever you damn well feel like on this site.

I post what I post in the subforums appropriate to it. And yes the Fringe section exists for precisely posting on the topics I post there. It's a discussion subforum that encourages discussions on ghosts, ufos, and monsters. Period! If it were mean't as a cesspool for displaced threads, then it'd be called Cesspool. It isn't. Get that thru your head. And btw, dragging in off-topic personal issues about me from other threads IS trolling. So don't do it. I'm asking what trolling is, and how we should be avoiding it here. Posting in the Fringe thread is NOT trolling. Why don't you answer the OP instead of trollishly whining about my totally legit posts in the Fringe section like others here are doing?
Yes, and this being a science forum - those discussions are going to be subject to scientific scrutiny.

You can't provide scientific scrutiny to an event you weren't present at. All you can do is offer speculations. That's all you have. Speculations of what MIGHT have happened. That's not science. It's assuming you know more about an event than the people who were actually there do. I'm not buying that assumption for one second.