Did Nothing Create Everything?

I took a look at the website you recommended, and started looking into his first candidate, Horus, at the website below. That website claims that such claims are unfounded.


What do you want me to do next?
Check into his second candidate?

I will if you want me to, Alex!

We have snow here.
Hope you have a great day!

Keep looking.

I think you will find counter positions so consider the motivations of folk behind the sites you visit.

I also have found counter "Horus" positions.

However it seems that you looked at something at least and I must say that I am very impressed that you did so.

And I have been thinking, worrying a little actually, that I may be responsible for destroying your faith and the community benefits it no doubt entails where you live and really I don't want to do that and so perhaps it is best that you don't look further as you can't win ...you will only accept sites like the Horus site visited at best or at worst you will be convinced that Jesus was a myth and won't get all this happiness out of your scientific evidence discovery and addressing like minded folk on the subject.
I should not have put the prospect in front of you.
I am sorry.
Snow eh...you know I have only seen snow twice in my life and only once touched it...it looks fun but thinking about it I don't want to see it for a third time.
Goodbye and have a wonderful life.
Prophecy might provide some evidence, but we'd need some solid evidence that the supposed predictions were made before the events that they predicted, rather than afterwards. Predicting stuff after the event turns out to be a lot easier than predicting it before it happens.

The problem with a lot of prophecies is that we can't verify that the prophecy came before the events that "confirm" the prophecy. For example, there are certain supposed prophecies in the bible that have been shown to be very likely later editions to the text, made after the "prophesied" events. In some other biblical examples, there is evidence some of the details of later accounts have been altered to match an earlier "prophesy".

Another common problem is that prophecies are extraordinarily vague. The prophecy almost always says something like "In times to come, a great calamity will fall upon your people". They almost never say things like "At 12:53 pm on Tuesday 13 October, 2021, there will be an earthquake of magnitude 7 whose epicentre is San Franciso, causing the Presidio to collapse into rubble." Obviously, there are lots of "calamities" that might fit the description in the first example prophesy - a shark ate the President who everybody loves; a blackout at a hospital kills patients as life-support fails; climate change makes the town of Timbuktoo uninhabitable; somebody who everybody hates wins American Idol; etc. etc.

I think that is all fair, as a beginning point. I feel like things are usually interrelated and should be looked at on a larger more complex scale than just that.
But not sure we need to chase this trail all the way down right now. Maybe later? Yes, I know I brought it up!

Yeah. So you said. And I ask you how you know God healed your Dad.

Then some tumbleweeds blew past and the silent desert kept its lonely vigil.

I like tumbleweeds, especially in the old western shows.

My Dad’s healing had a profound impact on him personally and on me as his son growing up in his household.

My Dad got to the point where he could not work and earn a living for our family. According to both my Mom and Dad, God healed him immediately at the exact moment my Mom was praying for his healing, and he was able to get up and go back to work. That was in the 1950’s, he is in his 90’s now and that problem never came back.

Que the tumbleweeds...

I can’t prove it!
So go ahead and dismiss it.
And character assasinations of both my parents will work really well! Not!

How do all those people know it was God?

Apparently, and I know this sounds out there, people have been seeing Jesus Christ appear right in front of them.

Que the tumbleweeds...

I can’t prove it!
So go ahead and dismiss it.
I don’t automatically buy it, but I also don’t automatically dismiss it either.

It is just sitting out there?

So you're saying that we can't tell at this stage whether a natural process caused the rock to split or whether it was God, because more study is needed.

If that's the case, what convinces you it was God? What convinces you that this particular split rock in Arabia is the fabled Rock of Exodus?


A ton of scientific research still needs to be done at all of the related Sites. For example, there is a Mass Graveyard that needs to be analyzed. Who is buried there? What nationality were they? Were most of these people buried all at once, which would match the Exodus narrative exactly, or were they buried over centuries? The “camp” area needs to be excavated to see if more camp rings are there. Is there any Egyptian pottery or jewelry below the surface? The need for scientific research just goes on and on at these Sites.

What hooks me?

This Hypothesis involves the study of multiple locations spread out over several countries, which appear to match the Exodus account in the Bible exactly. There is a trail to investigate and follow here. The Exodus account gives an order of events, and provides place names for locations and those locations appear to exist on the ground in Saudi Arabia in great detail. And these locations appear to match the events described in the text. The writings of the Jewish historian Josephus even describe the location of the Mountain of God. And that is exactly where it does sit on the ground in Saudi Arabia.

Anyway there is so much more!

No one has to or should take my word for anything!
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Keep looking.

I think you will find counter positions so consider the motivations of folk behind the sites you visit.

I also have found counter "Horus" positions.

However it seems that you looked at something at least and I must say that I am very impressed that you did so.

And I have been thinking, worrying a little actually, that I may be responsible for destroying your faith and the community benefits it no doubt entails where you live and really I don't want to do that and so perhaps it is best that you don't look further as you can't win ...you will only accept sites like the Horus site visited at best or at worst you will be convinced that Jesus was a myth and won't get all this happiness out of your scientific evidence discovery and addressing like minded folk on the subject.
I should not have put the prospect in front of you.
I am sorry.
Snow eh...you know I have only seen snow twice in my life and only once touched it...it looks fun but thinking about it I don't want to see it for a third time.
Goodbye and have a wonderful life.

I looked up his second candidate Attis, and have not been able to confirm his claims, at least so far.

Do you have any other sources I can check out?

Thank You, Alex!
Keep looking.

I think you will find counter positions so consider the motivations of folk behind the sites you visit.

I also have found counter "Horus" positions.

However it seems that you looked at something at least and I must say that I am very impressed that you did so.

And I have been thinking, worrying a little actually, that I may be responsible for destroying your faith and the community benefits it no doubt entails where you live and really I don't want to do that and so perhaps it is best that you don't look further as you can't win ...you will only accept sites like the Horus site visited at best or at worst you will be convinced that Jesus was a myth and won't get all this happiness out of your scientific evidence discovery and addressing like minded folk on the subject.
I should not have put the prospect in front of you.
I am sorry.
Snow eh...you know I have only seen snow twice in my life and only once touched it...it looks fun but thinking about it I don't want to see it for a third time.
Goodbye and have a wonderful life.

Krishna is number 3 on his list, but again, I cannot find anything or anyone else who will confirm his claims.

If you have another source, please let me know.

Thanks, Alex!
Keep looking.

I think you will find counter positions so consider the motivations of folk behind the sites you visit.

I also have found counter "Horus" positions.

However it seems that you looked at something at least and I must say that I am very impressed that you did so.

And I have been thinking, worrying a little actually, that I may be responsible for destroying your faith and the community benefits it no doubt entails where you live and really I don't want to do that and so perhaps it is best that you don't look further as you can't win ...you will only accept sites like the Horus site visited at best or at worst you will be convinced that Jesus was a myth and won't get all this happiness out of your scientific evidence discovery and addressing like minded folk on the subject.
I should not have put the prospect in front of you.
I am sorry.
Snow eh...you know I have only seen snow twice in my life and only once touched it...it looks fun but thinking about it I don't want to see it for a third time.
Goodbye and have a wonderful life.

Dionysus is next on his list, and I can’t see how he is like Jesus Christ really in any way.

Need a source for him as well, that confirms this guy’s view.
Keep looking.

I think you will find counter positions so consider the motivations of folk behind the sites you visit.

I also have found counter "Horus" positions.

However it seems that you looked at something at least and I must say that I am very impressed that you did so.

And I have been thinking, worrying a little actually, that I may be responsible for destroying your faith and the community benefits it no doubt entails where you live and really I don't want to do that and so perhaps it is best that you don't look further as you can't win ...you will only accept sites like the Horus site visited at best or at worst you will be convinced that Jesus was a myth and won't get all this happiness out of your scientific evidence discovery and addressing like minded folk on the subject.
I should not have put the prospect in front of you.
I am sorry.
Snow eh...you know I have only seen snow twice in my life and only once touched it...it looks fun but thinking about it I don't want to see it for a third time.
Goodbye and have a wonderful life.

Mithra is next, and again, this man’s claims see to be without external support.

Sorry, I am quitting this line of research since it appears to be baseless.

I wish you all the best Alex!!!
Sorry, I am quitting this line of research

I am very happy to hear that to continue would no doubt be life changing and I really do not wish to be responsible for that.
You are clearly happy with what you are doing and my suggestion is to keep at it as there is nothing better than a hobby to make life just that much better.
I wish you well and hope you are still around when I return as I do enjoy your style and apparent decency.

Thanks for your reply.

So, to sum up, you're saying:
  • You're not sure if prophecy is likely to help you prove that God is real.
  • You have no direct personal experience of your Dad being healed by God, but only the reports of that healing from your parents. In other words, anecdotal evidence.
  • You can't be sure if your Dad was healed by God or if he just made a spontaneous recovery by natural means, or if aliens cured him, or whatever.
  • You have heard other anecdotes about Jesus appearing right in front of people, but you have no good evidence that ever actually happened.
  • You're on the bandwagon that some location in Arabia corresponds to an account in Exodus. However, this is unverified.
You also mention Josephus's description of the location of the Mountain of God. I am interested in that. What's the exact quote from Josephus, and how did you pin down the exact location in Saudi Arabia?
Sorry, I am quitting this line of research since it appears to be baseless.
I post this knowing that it will not change your mind, if I thought it would, I wouldn't ...... But I sincerely hope it is of interest...it's only a YouTube video so doesn't prove anything...atheist will day it's right and theists will day it is wrong...but the thing to remember is it does not come with evidence such that I think you will change your brand of cigarettes and get a tattoo.

Mmmmm it just finished and there is something else I must watch about exodus...

Now Seti you have so far passed the tests.
It if you can watch this one all the way thru you can then indeed call yourself a true believer...it's the work of Satan few can't watch it all the way thru.
I post this knowing that it will not change your mind, if I thought it would, I wouldn't ...... But I sincerely hope it is of interest...it's only a YouTube video so doesn't prove anything...atheist will day it's right and theists will day it is wrong...but the thing to remember is it does not come with evidence such that I think you will change your brand of cigarettes and get a tattoo.

Mmmmm it just finished and there is something else I must watch about exodus...

Thanks for the video Alex!

These claims appear to be unfounded and Jesus was not born on December 25th.

Now Seti you have so far passed the tests.
It if you can watch this one all the way thru you can then indeed call yourself a true believer...it's the work of Satan few can't watch it all the way thru.

Do I get a Gold Star or something?

I enjoyed watching this film!

Much of this film is built on assumptions and speculations. Which can be correct or in error, with no way to prove either. Sometimes it is assumption built on assumption, built on assumption, built on assumption, and on and on.

The beginning assumptions are that God does not exist, and that He does not act in history. Which has never been proven!

Another assumption is that the Bible is only contrived literature instead of actual history. Which has also never been proven!

The existence of the Mountain of God in Saudi Arabia and the existence of the Red Sea Crossing Site and many other related Sites of the Exodus, blows that theory into sub-atomic particles in my humble opinion. And I am the most humble person who has ever lived, just kidding!

Jesus was not born on December 25th. Christmas and Easter were both Pagan Holidays that were adopted by Christianity in order to replace those Pagan practices with Christian practices. Easter is also not the actual day Jesus rose from the dead. I think most people know these things already.

The Shroud of Turin is real evidence for the reality of the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The Arch of Titus depicts certain artifacts of the Jews which should not exist, if the Exodus account is only literature, and not history. Basically, that work of art testifies that the Romans saw, touched, and held all these items, evidence they were real, which implies that their history may also be real.

One of them, is a rather prominent depiction of the Menorah. This very real Menorah (as testified to by the Romans) was made by the command of God at the Mountain of God. And as it turns out, there just happens to be a Petroglyph of this very same Menorah at the Mountain of God, in Saudi Arabia.

Apparently, this was made by a person who saw the same artifact that the Romans saw, touched, and held in their hands. They both depict the same artifact in the same proportions. Both show seven curved branches, the correct number as specified in the historical accounts. Both even depict the base of the Menorah with two levels, which I think, only an eye witness would know. This ancient Menorah Petroglyph is located in Saudi Arabia, at the Mountain of God, where it was made over 1400 years before the Romans captured the very item depicted. So we have one or more eye witnesses on each end of the Menorah accounts, both when it was made and also when it disappeared from recorded history. One other detail of interest, a candidate for the Burning Bush, a very ancient (still living) cedar, at the Mountain of God also has exactly 7 major branches or limbs. Both represent the light of God.

The Catholic Church is extremely corrupt, always has been corrupt, and they are extremely manipulative of their people. I agree with that piece. The links between them and Pagan Sun God worship, are very likely at least partially accurate.

We know that Jesus Christ predated the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD.
This alone destroys many of the claims in this video.

If you wish, Please See…

Thank You Alex!
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Do I get a Gold Star or something?

I enjoyed watching this film!

Much of this film is built on assumptions and speculations. Which can be correct or in error, with no way to prove either. Sometimes it is assumption built on assumption, built on assumption, built on assumption, and on and on.

The beginning assumptions are that God does not exist, and that He does not act in history. Which has never been proven!

Another assumption is that the Bible is only contrived literature instead of actual history. Which has also never been proven!

The existence of the Mountain of God in Saudi Arabia and the existence of the Red Sea Crossing Site and many other related Sites of the Exodus, blows that theory into sub-atomic particles in my humble opinion. And I am the most humble person who has ever lived, just kidding!

Jesus was not born on December 25th. Christmas and Easter were both Pagan Holidays that were adopted by Christianity in order to replace those Pagan practices with Christian practices. Easter is also not the actual day Jesus rose from the dead. I think most people know these things already.

The Shroud of Turin is real evidence for the reality of the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The Arch of Titus depicts certain artifacts of the Jews which should not exist, if the Exodus account is only literature, and not history. Basically, that work of art testifies that the Romans saw, touched, and held all these items, evidence they were real, which implies that their history may also be real.

One of them, is a rather prominent depiction of the Menorah. This very real Menorah (as testified to by the Romans) was made by the command of God at the Mountain of God. And as it turns out, there just happens to be a Petroglyph of this very same Menorah at the Mountain of God, in Saudi Arabia.

Apparently, this was made by a person who saw the same artifact that the Romans saw, touched, and held in their hands. They both depict the same artifact in the same proportions. Both show seven curved branches, the correct number as specified in the historical accounts. Both even depict the base of the Menorah with two levels, which I think, only an eye witness would know. This ancient Menorah Petroglyph is located in Saudi Arabia, at the Mountain of God, where it was made over 1400 years before the Romans captured the very item depicted. So we have one or more eye witnesses on each end of the Menorah accounts, both when it was made and also when it disappeared from recorded history. One other detail of interest, a candidate for the Burning Bush, a very ancient (still living) cedar, at the Mountain of God also has exactly 7 major branches or limbs. Both represent the light of God.

The Catholic Church is extremely corrupt, always has been corrupt, and they are extremely manipulative of their people. I agree with that piece. The links between them and Pagan Sun God worship, are very likely at least partially accurate.

We know that Jesus Christ predated the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD.
This alone destroys many of the claims in this video.

If you wish, Please See…

Thank You Alex!
I think the last ten minutes is the message to take away ... Which came as a total surprise.

For watching you get a Sun and the title of Christian which is something you can be proud of .... You have defined yourself to the world so good on you.

I knew it was safe presenting the video to you and to have my expectations confirmed so the exercise has not been the waste of time that I expected.

Please continue accumulating your facts and evidence and know you are making a difference and that your kids will always look up to you and never take drugs.

The shroud is certainly good evidence for something. It should be tested for DNA.

Alex, regarding the film...

How is the persecution of Christians by the Roman emperor Nero in 64 AD explained?

1) If the Romans invented Christianity?
2) If Christians did not even exist yet because Christianity was a later invention?
Alex, regarding the film...

How is the persecution of Christians by the Roman emperor Nero in 64 AD explained?

1) If the Romans invented Christianity?
2) If Christians did not even exist yet because Christianity was a later invention?

I suspect if you ask such a question you only skipped thru the video as this is explained in detail..maybe you should watch it again...the video explains exactly why...I am surprised you did not notice this at all...all I can suggest is to look at the video again and I expect it can only then make sense to you.
I just can't understand how you could miss that important aspect ... honestly did you watch it.
That aspect is central to the whole video.
What did you think about the conclusion I was so surprised.
I would have thought that aspect would have pleased you...did you really watch it all the way through?
And what did you think about the coins?
And the first saints aspect?
Both of which are very compelling as was the persecution aspect which you seemed to have missed somehow ...
I must be honest with you I have not followed your link yet but I will as I like to see all the information out there not just what supports my belief..I think one must do that to be credible.
I suspect if you ask such a question you only skipped thru the video as this is explained in detail..maybe you should watch it again...the video explains exactly why...I am surprised you did not notice this at all...all I can suggest is to look at the video again and I expect it can only then make sense to you.
I just can't understand how you could miss that important aspect ... honestly did you watch it.
That aspect is central to the whole video.
What did you think about the conclusion I was so surprised.
I would have thought that aspect would have pleased you...did you really watch it all the way through?

I watched the entire thing, but I will gladly watch it again. It usually takes me a few times to get everything. I usually miss things the first time around.

I will be looking for explanations for the Roman persecution of Christians. And why they would object to and even kill the very people they created?

And how they pulled off such a massive deception.
Also, seems like if the Romans actually performed deception on this kind of a scale, that we would not be able to trust anything else they said or wrote either.

I have a few things going on, and will get back to you a bit later.
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. I usually miss things the first time around.
Yes I can see that but it was pretty well explained as you will see and the dead sea scrolls actually are evidence in support as you will see ..but I must ask what did you think of the message at the end?. .as well as the coins and the first saints just those two things make the general premise impossible to reject don't you think?
Why such a co incidence with the coin thing? And why would you have those particular saints and not someone from the holy lands...the premise of the video is impossible to rebut just on the saints alone and as I said the dead sea scrolls support the premise ... It is mostly well evidenced history which is going to be seriously difficult to reject if you just think about it. When you ask the question "why in Earth did Christianity take off and accepted and promoted by Rome " the video offers the answer and supports that answer with real history and reasonable conclusions such that a y alternative explanation just does not come any where close and frankly I absolutely am convinced that the video explains the various problems with the gospels ....
Like it or not the Christianity of the Roman Catholic Church was clearly invented to suit the political agenda of Rome ...
Please the next time you look at it concentrate on the presentation and don't sit there with the preconceived idea that it is wrong and missing what is being said...the fact that you totally missed the aspect of Christian persecution tells me you either did not watch it or that you were mentally turned off...the history won't go away simply because you ignore it...
And you will find that the conclusion is very interesting a d does not slam the door on faith...trust me .look at it again.
Here is another video and I will be interested to see if you care to ignore it or to refute it.

Send some of your snow it's 40 C here