Did you eat that sausage?


Valued Senior Member
I am convinced I ate a sausage sandwich this afternoon, defineitly convince, it is a fact?

When is a fact not a fact?

I know when it's a fact when I remember eating my sarnies this dinner time.

It's a fact.

Did I eat a sausage sandwich this dinner time/afternoon?
If you recall eating it, then it’s a fact. I suppose you could have imagined it, too.

Did you share your meal with an alien? We would need proof, then.

See? Does that help?
I am convinced I ate a sausage sandwich this afternoon, defineitly convince, it is a fact?
When is a fact not a fact?
I know when it's a fact when I remember eating my sarnies this dinner time.
It's a fact.
Did I eat a sausage sandwich this dinner time/afternoon?
Were they meat sausages? If so, this is obviously a case of meat eater lazy brain.
You think you ate sausages today, when in ''fact'' it was yesterday.
And, it was not sausages at all, it was a fish fingers sarnie.
I know when it's a fact when I remember eating my sarnies this dinner time.
The memory itself is a fact. There is a pattern somewhere in your brain corresponding to that memory.

But the remembered event is not necessarily a fact. Memories can be dead wrong. You can remember a lot of things that never happened.
Were they meat sausages? If so, this is obviously a case of meat eater lazy brain.
You think you ate sausages today, when in ''fact'' it was yesterday.
And, it was not sausages at all, it was a fish fingers sarnie.
I don't know, it seems like years since I had a fish finger sarnie with red sauce, but you never know I guess.

I mean if I wanted to be a bit more sure I suppose a specialist could study my stools.
The memory itself is a fact. There is a pattern somewhere in your brain corresponding to that memory.

But the remembered event is not necessarily a fact. Memories can be dead wrong. You can remember a lot of things that never happened.

Interesting. Do you think you've lived on this planet before?
I am convinced I ate a sausage sandwich this afternoon, defineitly convince, it is a fact?

It's a fact.

"The usual test for a statement of fact is verifiability — that is whether it can be demonstrated to correspond to experience.
Standard reference works are often used to check facts.
Scientific facts are verified by repeatable careful observation or measurement by experiments or other means."


So, whether you ate the sausage is technically only fact if you can demonstrate it verifiably.
I don't know, it seems like years since I had a fish finger sarnie with red sauce, but you never know I guess.

I mean if I wanted to be a bit more sure I suppose a specialist could study my stools.
Why do you need to see a carpenter ?
I would try a Doctor and his back up laboratory first. :):)
If I remembered past lives, that would not mean that the memories corresponded to real events.
Have you seen the movie Assaissins Creed? Decent movie. The game is brilliant 2 onwards, first one has a better story apparently but unplayable to me. Basically past lives are stored in your DNA, and some people were assassins, one in particular could save humanity based on his DNA. He's put in a machine called the animus to relive the memories, basically you playing the game. The latest one odyysey is brilliant, completed it just got the DLC(season pass you get 2 new episodes for like £30, rip off should be in the game you've already paid for). I'm pretty sure everyone has been here before. No evidence, you have to find that.
Maybe your memory of eating sausage for dinner got jumbled up with your memory, or lack thereof, of what you ate for lunch, or vice-versa. It happens to people all the time.
lol I only eat one meal a day, I'm not 100% but I'm about 60% sure I have one meal a day. I could be wrong. :) Saying that if I was as bad as I sound I'd be diagnosed with early onset dementia.
Have you seen the movie Assaissins Creed? Decent movie. The game is brilliant 2 onwards, first one has a better story apparently but unplayable to me. Basically past lives are stored in your DNA, and some people were assassins, one in particular could save humanity based on his DNA. He's put in a machine called the animus to relive the memories, basically you playing the game. The latest one odyysey is brilliant, completed it just got the DLC(season pass you get 2 new episodes for like £30, rip off should be in the game you've already paid for). I'm pretty sure everyone has been here before. No evidence, you have to find that.
Do you think it's a good idea to use a video game and movie spinoff as a point in favour of your beliefs?
You have to find your own evidence? No, that isn't how it works. Unless it's for everybody it isn't evidence.
You don't trust yourself much do you? Saying that I don't or anyone else for that matter. I hold my evidence higher value wise then anything anyone else says.
You don't trust yourself much do you?
Of course not. That would be foolish. One of the most common phrases is, "Did you see that?" And with good reason. Our perceptions are notoriously inaccurate. We need confirmation to have any real confidence in what we see.
I hold my evidence higher value wise then anything anyone else says.
So did Charles Manson.
lol I only eat one meal a day, I'm not 100% but I'm about 60% sure I have one meal a day. I could be wrong. :) Saying that if I was as bad as I sound I'd be diagnosed with early onset dementia.

If you wanted to you could take record of the meals you eat, in order to understand your habits better. Try taking a picture of the meals you eat on a daily basis, before you eat them, with your cell phone and try to find a way to organize those pictures chronologically on your phone. Then you will know what you ate and when you ate it.