Do you believe in Dinosaurs ?


Valued Senior Member
I have a question for people who are religious.

Do you believe in Dinosaurs ?

If you do, why ?

If you don't, why not ?

Non-religious can of course chime in.
I do.... why? because there is evidence of them...lots of evidence

I forgot it's a ploy by Satan to make us think the universe is much older :rolleyes:
Not religious, but I don't believe in them. It's just a conspiracy to sell tickets to museums.
A religious guy explained the dinosaur bones to me at a party one time. Advice...never get cornered by some religious nut at a party. Anyway this is how it goes down....

When God was planning the Earth, one of his priorities was to populate it with animals for man to have dominion over. So in the course of events God tried several prototypes. I can't remember if God did this on Earth or in Heaven but I think it had to be Heaven because when He became dissatisfied with His creations God would then chuck them over the side and the Dinos and others would crash to Earth. Something like that. It made sense to this guy. It was a moment, no...... an epiphany of sorts for me. I became interested in psychology and much less in philosophy, vowing to never ever get as fucked up on religion as that guy.
I didn't know there were so many non-religious creationists here, LOL.

I became interested in psychology and much less in philosophy, vowing to never ever get as fucked up on religion as that guy.

Which is the point of the post to separate the creationist from the rest.

There is no point in discussing it with the creationist.
I have a question for people who are religious.

Do you believe in Dinosaurs ?

If you do, why ?

If you don't, why not ?

Non-religious can of course chime in.

i do, to an extent..

i'm saying this because i'm defenseless against any conspiracy theories you'll throw at me..i don't know enough..because i don't care enough..

same can be said to 9/11 or the moon landing..somethings i can never be sure of in my current state because i don't know of enough.
i do, to an extent..

i'm saying this because i'm defenseless against any conspiracy theories you'll throw at me..i don't know enough..because i don't care enough..

same can be said to 9/11 or the moon landing..somethings i can never be sure of in my current state because i don't know of enough.

Your current state ? I'm intrigued..
I not only believe, I indulged in ritual dinosaur worship once a week.
And then they stopped showing the series.


Not the mama!

scifes said:
i do, to an extent..
i'm saying this because i'm defenseless against any conspiracy theories you'll throw at me..i don't know enough..because i don't care enough..
Wait a minute, you're saying that you do, but you think it's a conspiracy theory?
Or that the conspiracy's in denying their existence?

Your current state ? I'm intrigued..
Well presumably he's hoping his current state (of ignorance on the topic) won't remain forever.
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i do, to an extent..

i'm saying this because i'm defenseless against any conspiracy theories you'll throw at me..i don't know enough..because i don't care enough..

same can be said to 9/11 or the moon landing..somethings i can never be sure of in my current state because i don't know of enough.

You should care or you are choosing not to look for a reason.

To say you don't know enough about the subject and don't have enough information to take a position is one thing. Although that would be hard to accept.

But are you claiming that dinosaurs are a science driven conspiracy ?
You should care or you are choosing not to look for a reason.
i'm choosing not to look for a reason.

To say you don't know enough about the subject and don't have enough information to take a position is one thing. Although that would be hard to accept.
why not?
do you think that brazilian player was really caught with drugs three days ago or not?

But are you claiming that dinosaurs are a science driven conspiracy ?
i'm not claiming anything..

today's crazy failures are tomorrows science.
today's science is tomorrow's old misconceptions.
a week and it's history.

science isn't that's just scientist make a big deal out of it.

woo "human kind's most advanced method of knowledge"!!

yeah well at some day physics had the most advanced form of human their word scientists' heads rolled. talk about history repeating itself.

dogma prevails:cool:
i'm choosing not to look for a reason.
You prefer ignorance?

why not?
do you think that brazilian player was really caught with drugs three days ago or not?
I see you've caught on to the concept of "strawman".
Dinosaurs are part of our heritage on this plant, part of the history of how we got here.
One obscure Brazilian (sportsman?) who'll be famous for "fifteen minutes" and who plays a sport that isn't of import to many is not in the same building, let alone class, as dinosaurs.
Maybe it's me, maybe it's a symptom of reducing attention spans...

i'm not claiming anything..
You brought up "conspiracy theories".

today's crazy failures are tomorrows science.
today's science is tomorrow's old misconceptions.
a week and it's history.
I see you also like to maintain ignorance of science too.

science isn't that's just scientist make a big deal out of it.
Science isn't great?
You'd rather be dying before you're 40 after a life doing little more than fighting to preserve your own existence? Knowing no one and nothing outside of walking distance from your village (or horse-riding distance if you're rich)?

yeah well at some day physics had the most advanced form of human their word scientists' heads rolled. talk about history repeating itself.

dogma prevails:cool:
Ignorance again.
You prefer ignorance?
hey you chose ignorance of biology:p

and whatever excuse you come up for that replicate it for me and dinosaurology.

I see you've caught on to the concept of "strawman".
Dinosaurs are part of our heritage on this plant, part of the history of how we got here.
One obscure Brazilian (sportsman?) who'll be famous for "fifteen minutes" and who plays a sport that isn't of import to many is not in the same building, let alone class, as dinosaurs.
Maybe it's me, maybe it's a symptom of reducing attention spans...
this is what i'm talking about..scientist.
three fourths of the population of a country might care more for that player's scandals and teach it to their kids for centuries..and not know more about dinosaurs than Mario or Barny, if you're lucky..

now now, they're stupid for not caring for what's important..wasting their brainpower on useless things..

trust me, they'd be saying the same about you:D

You brought up "conspiracy theories".
my mistake.

I see you also like to maintain ignorance of science too.

Science isn't great?
You'd rather be dying before you're 40 after a life doing little more than fighting to preserve your own existence? Knowing no one and nothing outside of walking distance from your village (or horse-riding distance if you're rich)?
i meant in comparison to other life doesn't rule them nor is it the best of them.

poor Galileo.

the church in dark ages(when priests had the most perfect form of human knowledge)

Ignorance again.
you mean my ignorance of science?
i bet i know more of it than you know of dogma.

ignorance again.
hey you chose ignorance of biology
Nope, we had to choose between physics, chemistry or biology.
I picked physics AT THE TIME and continued with it.
I'm now (and have been for some years) trying to get more than a basic knowledge of everything I can.
Regardless, while doing physics (and engineering) I managed to keep track of many other subjects simply out of interest...

and whatever excuse you come up for that replicate it for me and dinosaurology.
... one of which was dinosaurology!

this is what i'm talking about..scientist.
three fourths of the population of a country might care more for that player's scandals and teach it to their kids for centuries..and not know more about dinosaurs than Mario or Barny, if you're lucky..
And then complain when scientists come up with something that the football fan doesn't like, or can't understand...

now now, they're stupid for not caring for what's important..wasting their brainpower on useless things..
I wouldn't go quite that far, okay in some cases I would, but I do object to the general attitude of "Don't know, don't wanna know, it's all crap".

trust me, they'd be saying the same about you:D
It's been tried.
With no success.

my mistake.
Rats, I thought we were going to get a conspiracy theory I hadn't previously come across :D

Your comment: "today's crazy failures are tomorrows science. today's science is tomorrow's old misconceptions. a week and it's history." Betrays a general view (the ignorant one) of science and how it's developed.

i meant in comparison to other life doesn't rule them nor is it the best of them.
Ah, so it's a case of "I want the benefits, I want the right to complain when I don't understand, I want the right to EXPECT new "toys" every year but I don't want to know how or why it's done, just get another pint and let me watch the the football"

poor Galileo.
the church in dark ages(when priests had the most perfect form of human knowledge)
Except that the priest were wrong... How perfect was their knowledge?

you mean my ignorance of science?
i bet i know more of it than you know of dogma.
ignorance again.
Correct. I mean your ignorance of science is such that you call it dogma.
I won't dispute your knowledge of dogma however, I try to avoid it myself.

“ Originally Posted by jpappl
You should care or you are choosing not to look for a reason. ”

i'm choosing not to look for a reason.

And what is that reason ?
And then complain when scientists come up with something that the football fan doesn't like, or can't understand...
yes they do complain..and you have to deal with it..

, but I do object to the general attitude of "Don't know, don't wanna know, it's all crap".
aha, but don't you say that about somethings yourself?
those things being as dear and important as dinosaurology to you?

It's been tried.
With no success.
they say it, there's no trying to it.
"you're stupid oli for not being interested to the meanings of dog names"

Rats, I thought we were going to get a conspiracy theory I hadn't previously come across :D
lol, want me to give it a try?

Your comment: "today's crazy failures are tomorrows science. today's science is tomorrow's old misconceptions. a week and it's history." Betrays a general view (the ignorant one) of science and how it's developed.
invention of fire.
flat earth.
8 bit processors.
reaching a lower ground level to hydrogen.


Ah, so it's a case of "I want the benefits, I want the right to complain when I don't understand, I want the right to EXPECT new "toys" every year but I don't want to know how or why it's done, just get another pint and let me watch the the football"'ve got it..the case with most of humanity..
Except that the priest were wrong... How perfect was their knowledge?
wrong then..wrong because you (scientists) say so.
his knowledge was as perfect as perfect can be (which isn't perfect)..AS perfect as science is perfect now..and science will be as imperfect in the future as that priest is imperfect now.

Correct. I mean your ignorance of science is such that you call it dogma.
I won't dispute your knowledge of dogma however, I try to avoid it myself.
no no no, that's not what i mean..
you considered my statement "dogma prevails" as a sign of my ignorance of science(which opposes dogma)

and i considered your consideration of it as ignorance to science to your ignorance of dogma..

we both know less of the other side..

but me knowing of science more than you knowing of dogma makes my judgment more balanced...don't you agree?

And what is that reason ?


BIG misunderstanding..seems like i need to sleep..summer vacation screwed my sleeping time.

when you said:
"choose not to look for a reason"

did you mean:

having a reason not to look,

or not bother looking for a reason?

i meant the latter.