Does time exist?

The TV series The Flash can stall time and only he can move, is this possible by the law of Physics?
Does time exist?
No. Time is an idea. Such things have no physical presence, no palpable manifestation; they do not 'exist' in the same way a marmosets and moons. Time is merely a conceptual convenience by which to gauge movement and change in things that do exist.
Can we make time stand still?
No. Since it's not a thing with physical reality, there is nothing we can do to it; no way we can influence it.
Theory of special relativity can prove time dilation, experimentally proven.
Maybe this indirectly proves time is true?
Theory of special relativity can prove time dilation, experimentally proven.
Proven, how? By the time measurement of clocks. Still just a measurement of motion between two objects that physically exist.
You just have to consider carefully what you mean by existence.
No. Time is an idea.
Wrong, time is a dimension.
Such things have no physical presence, no palpable manifestation; they do not 'exist' in the same way a marmosets and moons.
I suppose so, just like length has no physical presence because it is a dimension like time.
Time is merely a conceptual convenience by which to gauge movement and change in things that do exist.
It is more than a conceptual convenience. Hours, minutes and seconds are a conceptual convenience, time is a real dimension. Just like meters are a conceptual convenience, but length is a real dimension that has to do with distance between objects that exist.
Wrong, time is a dimension.
Okay. Have you ever touched a dimension? It's a characteristic of things that exist or a relatio0nship between things that exist, or a function of things that exist. Without the things that actually exist, their dimensions, coulours, distances, volumes, etc. could not be conceived; neither could their actions and interactions .
A dimension - characteristic, relationship, process or event does not have its own independent existence.
A dimension - characteristic, relationship, process or event does not have its own independent existence.
Of course dimensions exist. If you want to tie yourself up in philosophical knots that is your business, but don't expect me to accept such silliness.
If you write a sentence that is completely incomprehensible,does time stand still in the frame of reference of that sentence?