"dogma's a bitch"

Discussion in 'Religion Archives' started by scifes, Jun 27, 2009.

  1. Bishadi Banned Banned

    none can!

    and what a fine 'square up' to reality!

    great question

    you be singing a thoughtful song

    now you should be able to see what i do; for a livin

    perhaps like what the quacks did to galilleo and darwin? Shame on the 'corrupt'!

    but can you agree, that a true scope to understanding life, could remove the dogma from being the accepted system?

    as well generates differences with experiences; eg... what nature shares versus what dogma teaches

    (what darwin shared (he didn't create the pattern; he reported); versus the ideologies that man/women 'created' within theology; they didn't report, they created the rendition)
    i see how uniformity is good, but there is no universal dogma that all will accept. (eg.... krishna is some blue guy, jesus walks on water, and messiah is supposed to be God himself)

    but to ground existence and the physical phenomenon to reality (nature) then each attribute can be identified to actual experiences that each can observe personally (and know GOD as he/she/it.......... is)

    no need to work at it, just be fair; you are no less a conscious mind, than any.

    and the group of me myself and i, are just a threesome of one; living, giving and doing, the best we can. I ain't nothing special (well except the good looks parts)

    the very same 'choice' i made is the very same 'magic' we all have; the capability of being honest over anything and when i question myself and my own opinion; i am a mean SOB to myself!

    you should see how ugly it gets when we argue!

    "im kicking my own ass" (liar liar; bathroon scene; because he can't lie)

    i am seeing your thoughts

    that sharing allows us to feel your mind

    no apologies are needed from an honest man (women)

    'absolute value'; is the intent to live

    (which is perfected in all three; philosophy, science and theology)

    that combining 'principle' is what each can experience; once understood

    that is what grinding the 'truth' to reality performs

    we each can understand life; what it is, how it works and why i am even here!

    thanks scifes

    i believe that one post shared more of you, than anything i have read.

    And i Love the minds of the people, especially; when they open up to their own inquiries.

    we all, have been there

    that 'equality' between us, is natural
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  3. scifes In withdrawal. Valued Senior Member

    thanks alot for the long post bishadi, i really appreciate it..

    Originally Posted by scifes
    i know..that's why people have beliefs and religions..
    but the book emphasized on a "direct" answer..even atheists who have no religion live their lives for reasons..but to narrow it down..:
    "is there a religion that can answer the question: (why was i brought into life?) in a specific, simple, short answer?"

    [‏‏ 56،75‏]al-zariyat‏
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