dreams, who can help me with what some of my dreams mean

Discussion in 'Pseudoscience Archive' started by johny_israel, Mar 23, 2006.

  1. Theoryofrelativity Banned Banned

    I also dream a lot of slides. It would depend on the dream action and other factors present but generally would be about feeling of loss of control, this may be a welcome loss of responsibilities (if ride down enjoyable) or generally feeling as if control has been taken away from you undesirably so if the ride down wasn't enjoyable. Water on the slide relates to financial matters.

    Loss of financial control anticipated. Or freedom from financial obligations. So can be good or bad omen depending on other dream factors.

    In your life, you feel you need to gain more control over things in general, not just financial. This may be a 'real' factor or for you just a 'perceived' need, a driving force.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2006
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  3. johny_israel Registered Senior Member

    yea totally
    now that you elaborate a little like that, it totally fits into my life
    and that part always have
    even when i was little i used to get these night terrors
    and one of them i was going real slow down this slide
    and i never even made it half way down the slide
    but it was a bad dream
    and it felt exactly that way "loss of control in a bad way"
    all my night terrors would feel like that

    so i guess you must be saying i need more control over my life,
    well i guess you did just say that, haha
    but how do i do that if the factors are uncontrollable
    because thats totally rigth i do always want to have control over everything
    but somehwo things always seem to fuck up and by something out of my control
    but i guess just keep on trying right
    what doesnt kill me only makes me stronger right
    thats the way life goes
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  5. Theoryofrelativity Banned Banned

    JI: re control, As children we are placed under control, and allowing selves to be controlled can follow into adult hood, we have to be nice and compliant, accomodating, amiable. NO you don't!

    Before accomodating someones request, stop and ask yourself these questions:
    If situations were reversed, would this person do this for me?
    Is this person considering me by making this request in the first place?
    If the answers are No, then your answer should also be NO.

    Don't let other peoples bad crap bring you down either, distance yourself from it, if not able physically then try emotionally.

    Google "how to feel more in control of your life" see what comes up.
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  7. Theoryofrelativity Banned Banned

    JI: As you had these dreams about slides as a child and now also and you are aware control is factor, you must have had a VERY controlled and disciplined upbringing. Hence difficult for you to break free from the invisible chains placed on you. but remember as an adult, those chains can be thrown off. We don't have to allow that control that existed in childhood to follow us into adult hood. YOU are now a man. Take control fo your life, write a wish list and start acting on it. Be master of your own universe.

    If you still live at home, try to find a way to move out! Things will improve when you are in control of your life from practical perspective. When at home, parents can't help continue to treat us like kids, as mommy myself, my babies will always be my babies! Don't blame your parents just asert yourself and try to gain some independance.


    link to some books that may be helpful
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2006
  8. johny_israel Registered Senior Member

    thanks for all the advice i'll try and remember that
  9. spurious_monkey Banned Banned

    I dream of shadows that slowly extend further unto the horizon as I go. Shadows merging together to create blackness within...shadows that come from far away siluettes that I cannot see that seem to merge and engulf inside by the blinding light of the huge star beside.

    Analyze my dream, and tell me who I am that you had already analyzed on this thread.
    Hint: I am not spuriousmonkey
  10. Theoryofrelativity Banned Banned

    A complete guess based on the fact that none of these details pertain to anything analyzed for the members on here would be that you are Chatha and the dream is not real but another piss take.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2006
  11. spurious_monkey Banned Banned


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    . analyze deeper.
  12. Theoryofrelativity Banned Banned

    my original pre edited conclusion was 'Dragon based on fact your dream mirrors my post on one of his threads, but beyond that I'm not remotely interested in who you are, who ever you are you have discredited yourself by trying to imitate spuriousmonkey.
  13. spurious_monkey Banned Banned

    You are right, but my intentions were not to hurt the identity of spuriousmonkey in any way...and I did this for the sole purpose of testing how good you are.

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    And you are good.
  14. Theoryofrelativity Banned Banned

    Dragon, I am glad you accept what I have told you as truth, anyone doubting can ask James R to verify my original post was to identify 'you' and my reasons. However, the reason I changed it was becuase I did not want to believe that you of all people would attempt a test this way? It took no great analytical powers to deduce what I deduced, I just noted that your dream reflected my connectecus quatra post in your thread and figured it offended you that I was being flippant on your thread. I apologise. I guess you and spurious were in on it then ay? I should not have thought better of you and changed my answer then....... Ah well..It is a good example though of how we can tune out our rational as well as gut instincts in favour of more desirable outcome. Me desiring outcome here to be BS poster BSing again.
  15. draqon Banned Banned

    I feel both ashamed and relieved, I had to do this...its just your interpretations were so accurate that I kind of thought you knew who I was...in real life...I got a bit scared you know...
  16. Theoryofrelativity Banned Banned

    Dragon, if I had time I could piece by piece explain how I managed to interpret your dreams, sure intially it's intuition, but intuition is really just a case of the conscious mind being unaware of the vast amount of analytical work being undertaken by the subconscious mind. I however am able to know where the answers come from on a 'real' level and it's not spooky I promise you, just yrs of studying people, behaviour, noticing things. If you test people who try to help you in the real world you will allienate yourself from them, trust your intuition more and you will fare better. You are forgiven.

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  17. Cyperium I'm always me Valued Senior Member

    Only meaningful dreams are wonderful, if you only concentrate on dreams and forget to live life then the dreams will loose more and more of it's meaning. We have to live this life with all of it's perceptions, hidden as revealed.
  18. NEMESIS Registered Senior Member

    Dragon -

    You'd better be careful about posting dreams. They reveal a lot more to someone that actually knows how to interpret them.

    Your dream is about sex. And, no, not all dreams are about sex, but yours sure is!


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    Thought the part about you traveling "horizontally" would have been enough to clue you and everyone else in on this. If not this, the part about pressing an "unfamiliar button"????!!!!!!!! K3 or something? Perhaps .... KY?

    I'll stop here unless you want to hear more.

    Peace. Over and out.
  19. Sgal Principessa Registered Senior Member

    I read somewhere that there are 5 types of dreams. The prophetic, release, wish, info or prob.solving and astral visits dreams. So i guess you should figure out what type of dream it is and go from there.
  20. Nightwind Registered Member

    if you would like somm serious responses for youe dreams please feel free to e-mail me please make sure u include details such as smell atmosphere light etc

    p.s my name is Sarah
  21. draqon Banned Banned

    Ooh...now thats just amuzing. Yes I do dream about sex but not that time. I dream alot about future and imagine lots of things. And now...what does horizontally have to do with sex? Just cause people take horizontal positions to have sex, you gain that conclusion? oh geese. I know when I dream of sex and when I dream of future technology and an alternate world.
  22. Theoryofrelativity Banned Banned

    You should demonstrate your ability to interpret dreams in public forums first.
    Else where is the trust?

    Meanwhile all dreams posted here have had serious responses and will continue to do so.

    Also 'serious repsones' from a self confessed vampire- hmmmm..not sure I'd be too confident myself.
  23. mr. kavu Registered Member

    Sometimes there will be triggers that cause me to remember my dream. One time, something that someone said prompted total recal and I just sat there like a moron for a few seconds. Crazy. What I've heard about lucid dreaming is you need to have an alarm set for slightly past midnight, about two hours past when you fall asleep, I believe, to wake you up. Then after you are awake, you are supposed to use a repetitive visualization like walking down an endless staircase. That's what I know, anyway.

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