Ether model

Michael Anteski

Registered Senior Member
Hawking and other "random universe" theorists don't truly represent "science." Metaphysics is closer to the truth, cosmologically.

A purely etheric world, which followed after an oscillational world had transitioned to a vibrational-ether world, is what preceded our quantum-structured universe. Etherically finely-tuned, powerfully-fluxing, etheric forces produced energized foci conaining etheric mental Entitie(s). These etheric regions can't even be imagined from our world of quantum forces. Then, magnetic instability of this ether world led mentally-directing etheric Creator(s) of our quantum universe, along with enough other universes to allow revitalization of any "tired" universe by another stronger universe.

What quantum cosmologists now interpret as a "dark negative form of energy" actually represents the outermost bodies of our universe accelerating toward another "younger and stronger" universe.

This process is analogous to the proven observation that one galaxy can collide with another galaxy.
The way a first-Entity(s) could have created structured worlds, in a purely-ether world that preceded our universe, would have been to mentally direct ether energy in such a way as to create quantum/atomic-structured "islands" within the ether world. Such "microcosm" islands could have served as "templates" for a future mentally-directed creation of an entire universe. (The types of mental projection of ether forces that were found to produce the island(s) could have served as "practice" for creating a much larger world.)

Such an etheric world would have arisen in an unstructured way from an original first-world setting where only oscillations existed, everywhere. A vibrational ether that would have appeared out of this would have been energic, and would have contained fluxes of energy in which entrained foci of concentrated etheric energy then appeared, where a sapient Entity(s) could have arisen. Then, a sapient Entity could have mentally directed ether forces to produce a mini-world, or island, made up of structure-capable constituents, such as quantum units and atoms.

What happened next, however, was that, lacking a magnetic macrocosmic setting, around the island structure, the island(s) became magnetically unstable, and "crumbly." So it was decided to employ the same ether-to-atomic-quantum energy-technique, that was used to create the island(s), to create a much larger, more-stable, universe, as a macrocosmic setting in space, like the universe we have now.
The way a first-Entity(s) could have created structured worlds, in a purely-ether world that preceded our universe, would have been to mentally direct ether energy in such a way as to create quantum/atomic-structured "islands" within the ether world.
This confused idea does not even rise to the level of a crappy SciFi channel movie. This makes Sharknado look like an intriquing, thought provoking movie.:rolleyes:
This confused idea does not even rise to the level of a crappy SciFi channel movie. This makes Sharknado look like an intriquing, thought provoking movie.:rolleyes:
Well, Michael is one of our resident, single-obsession nutters...

The sort of person Paddo was thinking of when he left, I imagine. :D
One example of a theoretic point to debate would be: "Why could an etheric form of energy have been appropriate, or usable, to produce larger energy units like quantum/atomic units, in a process whereby a structured universe could arise?"
To have gone from an ether to a structured quantum/atomic universe would have used the higher energy of ether units (the original unstructured ether would have consisted of a vast number of elemental energy units per volume of space, minuscule elemental ether units, which gave them very high energy) to, first, mentally direct these smallest ("ether electron") units "judiciously" (in such a way as to form a universe) into ether-space. This would have set off reactive processes in the ether. -First, the motion of the tiny, speeding, "elemental electron" units would have produced entrainments of multiple elemental units, which would have produced fluxes within the ether of these smallest units, inducing the formation of aggregations, or "nuclei," which, being larger, were slower, and "sat" inside curving streams of the smallest units speeding by. This would have led to the larger units we know now as atomic nuclei.

As atomic particles formed, this would have been associated with the formation of antiparticles. -To avoid annihilation of the new atomic particles by the antiparticles, further mental projections, or creational directions, would have been necessary to force the antiparticles to migrate, and be directed to flow through the ether in common pathways, according to their similarity to each other, and similar paths through the ether. The much-tinier size of the ether units, and the greater energy, being used to manipulate the antiparticles would explain how a creational ether setting could account for how antiparticles were removed, "out of the way" of the new particles.

(One of the greatest mysteries in physics at present is the absence of antiparticles in the universe.) -Again, I submit the only explanation is that of non-random creational direction like this.
One example of a theoretic point to debate would be: "Why could an etheric form of energy have been appropriate, or usable, to produce larger energy units like quantum/atomic units, in a process whereby a structured universe could arise?"
A debate would be most difficult since you seem to make up your own definitions for words and/or combine words with out defining their meaning.
For instance:
What is an 'etheric form of energy'?
What do you mean by 'larger energy units'?
What is a 'quantum/atomic unit'?
A debate would be most difficult since you seem to make up your own definitions for words and/or combine words with out defining their meaning.
For instance:
What is an 'etheric form of energy'?
What do you mean by 'larger energy units'?
What is a 'quantum/atomic unit'?
I admire your fortitude. Good luck!
A debate would be most difficult since you seem to make up your own definitions for words and/or combine words with out defining their meaning.
For instance:
What is an 'etheric form of energy'?
What do you mean by 'larger energy units'?
What is a 'quantum/atomic unit'?

The way my ether model would define etheric energy is by following back to how an ether formed, from a first world in which only point-oscillations existed, everywhere. -As in the classic depiction of "Yin and Yang" point pairs, there were a pair of neighboring elemental points that underwent oscillational fatigue, and fell toward each other. (Oscillational fatigue is known, in quantum physics. It can occur in metals.) -After the two points combined, they would have had to reversibly re-equilibrate with the original oscillational setting, and in so doing, the points would have fallen out of phase with the other oscillations, breaking the perfect symmetry of "First World." -As more points broke away from oscillating, they would have become "free," and thus vibratory (as derived from the oscillatory.) Then these elemental "points" would have formed a resonational type of ether, as their outward vibrations formed loose connections with each other. That would have represented an energic setting in which vibrating elemental ether units combined dynamically with each other, all the units being elemental, and all being identical in size, vibrating and interconnecting in a perfectly linear way.

This energy world would have differed from energies in our quantum world, where quantum energy units differ from each other in size, and where their interactions are not perfectly linear, so that they now involve thermodynamics, based on their non-linear spins, vectors, waves, and the like. "Etheric energy," therefore, has to be thought of in this other way of conceptualizing energy.

By "larger energy units," I meant that the "point-like" ether units were the first energy units formed, following the breaking of the oscillational symmetry of the First World, so the ether units were (and still are) elemental, and the tiniest energy units of all. (The ether units would have been derived from the Yin and Yang "points," but the "points" had to be finite. The oscillational distance-parameters, where they originally oscillated, would not have been infinite, so the "points" would have been finite - ultimately tiny, but finite.

"Larger" energy units then would have formed, as multiple elemental ether units resonated with each other into "entrainments." -That larger units, like quantum units, were formed from elemental ether units, can be shown by the phenomenon of Quantum Entanglement. The only way to understand quantum entanglement is by thinking of the quantum units involved as being made up of elemental units which are resonating in a perfectly-linear way, because the elemental units the quantum units are made up of still have the ability to resonate with the elemental units that make up the ether.

I used the term "quantum/atomic units" loosely, for brevity in discussing how an ether would be related to our quantum universe, to refer to all energy units larger than ether units. Structure of the universe requires atoms, and atoms are known, of course, to be made up of smaller and smaller units, the smallest ones known being called fermions and bosons.
OK, let's just concentrate on, "What is an 'etheric form of energy?"
Unfortunately, your explanation just introduced more terms that you seem to have your own definitions for.

Please define the following:
Elemental points
Oscillational fatigue "as it applies to 'elemental points'"
Reversibly re-equilibrate
Perfect symmetry
First World
Units combined dynamically
Interconnecting in a perfectly linear way

Is vibratory the same as oscillatory and resonational? If not how are they different?
Please try to be brief, clear and use words that have an agreed upon meaning.
OK, let's just concentrate on, "What is an 'etheric form of energy?"
Unfortunately, your explanation just introduced more terms that you seem to have your own definitions for.

Please define the following:
Elemental points
Oscillational fatigue "as it applies to 'elemental points'"
Reversibly re-equilibrate
Perfect symmetry
First World
Units combined dynamically
Interconnecting in a perfectly linear way

Is vibratory the same as oscillatory and resonational? If not how are they different?
Please try to be brief, clear and use words that have an agreed upon meaning.

As used in my ether model, the word "points" differs from how mathematics defines a "point." -In math, a point is dimensionless and has no physical reality. -In my model, the word "point" was used to indicate a physical moiety, with the smallest dimensions possible, in the context of a first-causation world. -If, as postulated in the model, oscillations had to have existed in First World, for further development to a world like ours, the oscillation could not have existed if the points had zero dimensions and if, therefore, oscillational-reciprocity distance-parameters were infinite. (Infinite distances would have meant no oscillations were possible and nothing further could have happened.)

"Point oscillations" in the ether model refers to a non-directional net motion of elemental points. -In oscillation, slight motion in one direction is exactly compensated for, by reactional motion opposite to it. The net effect is that the oscillating, or "shimmering," First-World-points remained symmetrically in balance with respect to all the other points (within the distance ranges for reciprocating points). That would have continued until oscillational fatigue induced two neighboring points to become "tired" and fall toward each other, rather than continuing oscillating reciprocally with other, more-distant, points.

"Elemental" points just means the first, and thus the smallest, point-units which, initially in First World, were oscillating, and then transitioned to vibrating (ether) units, which in turn eventually resonated together to form larger units, from elemental-scale, all the way up to atomic-scale units.

"Reversibly re-equilibrate" refers to an intrinsic requirement within a system in which like-elements transition from one dynamic behavior to another, while retaining the same identity - here, as "elemental" units. -They don't simply transition to another "Yin and Yang" pattern, as if they were "stuck" together, and stay there, they have to dynamically re-acknowledge their close contact with, and dynamic relationship with, the preceding oscillating state.

"Perfect symmetry" in a "First World." - I think most people would intuitively agree that any "First" world would have to have been uniform and symmetrical. Our world is dynamic and non-symmetrical. -I propose that the kind of model I gave is the most logical way to account for how a first-world could have transitioned to our kind of world.

"Units combined dynamically." -In the ether model, this refers to the way etheric units acquired vibration after leaving the oscillational first-world. These elemental units would have stayed close to, and connected with, the oscillational world, after falling toward each other as "Yin and Yang" point-pairs, and then reversibly reverting back to singleton units which were still in contact with the oscillational world. But now, after having fallen toward each other, and now re-emerging into the oscillational world, the points were no longer in phase with the oscillations. Thus, their oscillational motion transitioned to free vibration. -Such vibrations of elemental units would have meant outward motions that formed "nodes" which were able to form loose connections with the "nodes" of other elemental vibrating units. This is called "resonation." -Then, further similar resonations between multiple units formed entrainments, which gave rise to larger and larger units, on up to the scale of quantum and atomic units. -This type of resonation would have been "linear" because they occurred between elemental units that were identical to one another, being the same in size, and because they are vibrational, which allows smooth contact between units, unaffected by spin, vector factors, and other factors that would produce non-linear resonances.
OK, let's just concentrate on, "What is an 'etheric form of energy?"
Unfortunately, your explanation just introduced more terms that you seem to have your own definitions for.

Please define the following:
Elemental points
Oscillational fatigue "as it applies to 'elemental points'"
Reversibly re-equilibrate
Perfect symmetry
First World
Units combined dynamically
Interconnecting in a perfectly linear way

Is vibratory the same as oscillatory and resonational? If not how are they different?
Please try to be brief, clear and use words that have an agreed upon meaning.
You'll be lucky to get out of the swamp alive: it's just going to get deeper and deeper! :D
As used in my ether model, the word "points" differs from how mathematics defines a "point." -In math, a point is dimensionless and has no physical reality. -In my model, the word "point" was used to indicate a physical moiety, with the smallest dimensions possible, in the context of a first-causation world. -If, as postulated in the model, oscillations had to have existed in First World, for further development to a world like ours, the oscillation could not have existed if the points had zero dimensions and if, therefore, oscillational-reciprocity distance-parameters were infinite. (Infinite distances would have meant no oscillations were possible and nothing further could have happened.)

"Point oscillations" in the ether model refers to a non-directional net motion of elemental points. -In oscillation, slight motion in one direction is exactly compensated for, by reactional motion opposite to it. The net effect is that the oscillating, or "shimmering," First-World-points remained symmetrically in balance with respect to all the other points (within the distance ranges for reciprocating points). That would have continued until oscillational fatigue induced two neighboring points to become "tired" and fall toward each other, rather than continuing oscillating reciprocally with other, more-distant, points.

"Elemental" points just means the first, and thus the smallest, point-units which, initially in First World, were oscillating, and then transitioned to vibrating (ether) units, which in turn eventually resonated together to form larger units, from elemental-scale, all the way up to atomic-scale units.

"Reversibly re-equilibrate" refers to an intrinsic requirement within a system in which like-elements transition from one dynamic behavior to another, while retaining the same identity - here, as "elemental" units. -They don't simply transition to another "Yin and Yang" pattern, as if they were "stuck" together, and stay there, they have to dynamically re-acknowledge their close contact with, and dynamic relationship with, the preceding oscillating state.

"Perfect symmetry" in a "First World." - I think most people would intuitively agree that any "First" world would have to have been uniform and symmetrical. Our world is dynamic and non-symmetrical. -I propose that the kind of model I gave is the most logical way to account for how a first-world could have transitioned to our kind of world.

"Units combined dynamically." -In the ether model, this refers to the way etheric units acquired vibration after leaving the oscillational first-world. These elemental units would have stayed close to, and connected with, the oscillational world, after falling toward each other as "Yin and Yang" point-pairs, and then reversibly reverting back to singleton units which were still in contact with the oscillational world. But now, after having fallen toward each other, and now re-emerging into the oscillational world, the points were no longer in phase with the oscillations. Thus, their oscillational motion transitioned to free vibration. -Such vibrations of elemental units would have meant outward motions that formed "nodes" which were able to form loose connections with the "nodes" of other elemental vibrating units. This is called "resonation." -Then, further similar resonations between multiple units formed entrainments, which gave rise to larger and larger units, on up to the scale of quantum and atomic units. -This type of resonation would have been "linear" because they occurred between elemental units that were identical to one another, being the same in size, and because they are vibrational, which allows smooth contact between units, unaffected by spin, vector factors, and other factors that would produce non-linear resonances.
I tried but all you do is write nonsense using sciency sounding words that you don't understand. Bye-bye.
A model of a universal ether that I work with would indicate still another explanation for what is happening inside a moving car.

It's admittedly true that quantum scale forces are acting, and that an inertial shift of air inside the car affects objects and people inside, as the car moves. With the ether model, however, there is yet another mechanism that would be at work, and, I believe, affecting the inside of the car even more than the shift of air.

With the ether model, while the car was stationary, everything and everyone inside the car had been etherically resonating with "the outside," as a surround-setting, building up resonances, there, with the outside (and also with the inside of the car.) As soon as the car starts moving, the resonances with the outside are broken, while the inside resonances remain. -Thus, a floating balloon or a fly inside the car would not be pushed to the back of the car, not merely because of an air-shift, but (also, and I believe even more so) because of the persistence of the ether's resonances with the etheric components of the atoms of everything inside the car. The inside of the car has remained the same, even though the outside resonances have changed.

That inertial effects affecting physical bodies from suddenly changing the setting for how elemental etheric resonances inter-relate, could occur in such an ether model, because in this kind of model, everything from quantum/atomic units, and the way we experience inertial- or time- phenomena, relates back to the elemental components of the ether, because our quantum-atomic structured world was derived from elemental units of the ether. The underlying elemental ether-matrix provided the elemental building blocks for our world's atomically structured bodies, and changes in how such an elemental, etheric, system resonates, then, would "percolate" through, from the ether, on up to atoms, and to physical bodies themselves.

That an underlying etheric matrix exists, and serves resonationally as an "unseen" underlying connection between quantum and atomic units, becomes clear by looking at the phenomenon of quantum entanglement.
A model of a universal ether that I work with would indicate still another explanation for what is happening inside a moving car.

It's admittedly true that quantum scale forces are acting, and that an inertial shift of air inside the car affects objects and people inside, as the car moves. With the ether model, however, there is yet another mechanism that would be at work, and, I believe, affecting the inside of the car even more than the shift of air.

With the ether model, while the car was stationary, everything and everyone inside the car had been etherically resonating with "the outside," as a surround-setting, building up resonances, there, with the outside (and also with the inside of the car.) As soon as the car starts moving, the resonances with the outside are broken, while the inside resonances remain. -Thus, a floating balloon or a fly inside the car would not be pushed to the back of the car, not merely because of an air-shift, but (also, and I believe even more so) because of the persistence of the ether's resonances with the etheric components of the atoms of everything inside the car. The inside of the car has remained the same, even though the outside resonances have changed.

That inertial effects affecting physical bodies from suddenly changing the setting for how elemental etheric resonances inter-relate, could occur in such an ether model, because in this kind of model, everything from quantum/atomic units, and the way we experience inertial- or time- phenomena, relates back to the elemental components of the ether, because our quantum-atomic structured world was derived from elemental units of the ether. The underlying elemental ether-matrix provided the elemental building blocks for our world's atomically structured bodies, and changes in how such an elemental, etheric, system resonates, then, would "percolate" through, from the ether, on up to atoms, and to physical bodies themselves.

That an underlying etheric matrix exists, and serves resonationally as an "unseen" underlying connection between quantum and atomic units, becomes clear by looking at the phenomenon of quantum entanglement.

Lot of technical words used to express an idea

Can you explain how you know that
  • an underlying etheric matrix exists
  • and serves resonationally as an "unseen" underlying connection
  • between quantum and atomic units,
  • (AND) becomes clear
  • by looking at the phenomenon of quantum entanglement.?
It is far from clear to me

A post full of impressive looking formula might be helpful

Last edited:
Lot of technical words used to express an idea

Can you explain how you know that
  • an underlying etheric matrix exists
  • and serves resonationally as an "unseen" underlying connection
  • between quantum and atomic units,
  • (AND) becomes clear
  • by looking at the phenomenon of quantum entanglement.?
It is far from clear to me

A post full of impressive looking formula might be helpful


To answer the questions requires describing the ether model I work with in some detail.

It starts with the intuitive assumption that a universal ether would have originated from a preceding first-world, which was very self-compatible prior to the first appearance of any forces, and in which elemental "points" oscillated in a state of perfectly balanced symmetry. Then something changed that, which eventually led to our present world. The only sequence of events imaginable would have ijnvolved oscillational fatigue, in which adjoining pairs of these elemental "points" fell toward each other, as in the well-known Yin and Yang depiction. (Oscillatory fatigue is known to occur in metals.)

Next, since the two points would have combined "loosely," and remained in contact with the oscillational setting all around them, they would have had to reversibly revert to singleton elemental points, which now were out-of-phase with the oscillating points, which would have broken the perfect symmetry of the First World, leading to vibrational (as derived from oscillational) point-like elemental ether units.

The "points" in the oscillatory First World would have had to be finite. -If the oscillational-reciprocity distance-parameters had been infinite, oscillation could not have occurred, and nothing further could have happened.

Such an ether would have consisted of extremely tiny, or "elemental" ether units, everywhere, which, as they vibrate outwardly, form loose connections with each other, i.e., they form a universal "matrix" composed of identical elemental ether units, capable of resonating with each other. Since the elemental units are identical, and since they resonate with each other vibrationally, their energic resonations are perfectly linear - no spin, vectors, waves, or other non-linear mechanisms, such as occur in our observable quantum, atomically-structured, world. The underlying ether would represent an underlying unstructured matrix, from which all larger units have been derived through resonational entrainment processes, all the way up to quantum and atomic units. Inasmuch as quantum units have been built up from the same kind of elemental units as comprise the underlying matrix, quantum units retain the ability to resonate with the elemental units of the ether matrix. So even though quantum units interact with each other via spin, waves, and other non-linear mechanisms, quantum units also retain the ability to resonate, through the ether, via a perfectly-linear mechanism, with the ether's elemental units.

So-called quantum "entanglement" just represents radiated packets of ether energy which have the same vibratory pattern. Elemental ether units are the only actual participants involved in the "entangled" communication between the quantum units, which are "walled off" kinetically, like cool "arms" of a quiet, purring, ether mechanism.
It starts with the intuitive assumption that a universal ether would have originated from a preceding first-world, which was very self-compatible prior to the first appearance of any forces, and in which elemental "points" oscillated in a state of perfectly balanced symmetry. T

Sorry but anything which starts with an intuitive assumption cannot be taken seriously without follow up observations and experimentation for confirmation

The light bulb may have gone on overhead but a lot more is required to keep the light burning

Sorry but anything which starts with an intuitive assumption cannot be taken seriously without follow up observations and experimentation for confirmation

The light bulb may have gone on overhead but a lot more is required to keep the light burning


To reply to the post about my ether model "needing follow up observations and experimentation for confirmation," first, I should mention that I derived this Model from long-term codebreaking work on sets of codes in a historical Document, that were putatively encoded there by an otherworldly Source.

That said, these codes also fully describe a possible field test to generate an etheric energy field, including performing tests of density to demonstrate the presence of this form of energy. (An etheric energy field would be capable of lowering the densities of material in the test system, an effect not seen with any of the known forms of energy.)

However, the test would be quite expensive to set up and carry out (possibly running to 8 figures in US dollars), and I haven't been able to find a financial sponsor.
To reply to the post about my ether model "needing follow up observations and experimentation for confirmation," first, I should mention that I derived this Model from long-term codebreaking work on sets of codes in a historical Document, that were putatively encoded there by an otherworldly Source.

That said, these codes also fully describe a possible field test to generate an etheric energy field, including performing tests of density to demonstrate the presence of this form of energy. (An etheric energy field would be capable of lowering the densities of material in the test system, an effect not seen with any of the known forms of energy.)

However, the test would be quite expensive to set up and carry out (possibly running to 8 figures in US dollars), and I haven't been able to find a financial sponsor.

There is only one response to a post such as that:

"All green of skin... 800 centuries ago, their bodily fluids include the birth of half-breeds. For the fundamental truth self-determination of the cosmos, for dark is the suede that mows like a harvest."