Everyday anomalies

Magical Realist

Valued Senior Member
My title for this thread is somewhat "tongue in cheek" paradoxical. But it is meant to discuss things that happen that don't presently have an explanation. Think of phenomena that science hasn't gotten around to explaining yet. Below are two examples of a soap bubble suspended motionlessly in midair. In the video you can hear the comments about the occurence. The suggestion of a "glitch in the matrix" is mentioned at some point. I must confess this has me stumped. What is a plausible cause for this phenomena? Any thoughts?

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It's a soap bubble. They can hover for a bit if conditions are right, temp, humidity, air conditions, etc.
I know being a Debbie Downer is my schtick. My personal take, alas, is that these kinds of things are far, far too easy to fake - and people are highly motivated to do so for the likes. There is an entire industry of amateur and professional artists who do these for exposure. I've seen a million of em.

So alas, my motto for all such online tricks, has become:

If it can be staged, it's staged. If it can be faked, it's faked.

It doesn't even need to be digitally manipulated, this one can be as simple as being stuck to a sheet of transparent acrylic. That's how they did the ballpoint pen trick in 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968):

It looks like a soap bubble but I’ve never really seen one “hover” in one place for a bit. I’ll have to create some soap bubbles and see how long they float before popping. Typically, they pop pretty quickly. Hmm…
Never in my prodigious experience of soap bubbles have I experienced anything like this. There's something goin on here. And I don't think it's fake either.
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They seem to be stuck to a strand of spider silk. In the second one, for example, when the bubble bursts the liquid clearly falls down the silk at an angle to what you'd expect if just from gravity (see 1:18 - 1:21). In the first I imagine that the silk strand is also at an angle, hence he's able to go seemingly above and below without disturbing it, before presumably touching the strand inadvertently and causing the bubble to burst.
Anyhoo - they look cool, clearly unusual, but nothing particularly mysterious, imho.
Ofcourse this assumes that a floating soap bubble would stick to a cobweb. Maybe it would actually pop like it does when it bumps into anything. Maybe it would just move on driven by ambient air currents. Experimentation seems to be in order.
Ofcourse this assumes that a floating soap bubble would stick to a cobweb. Maybe it would actually pop like it does when it bumps into anything. Maybe it would just move on driven by ambient air currents. Experimentation seems to be in order.
Good luck with that. ;)
Shock horror: footage of one race doesn't match footage of another race! ;) If you note the person putting their arms in the air after handing the baton over to the final guy, in one video he raises both arms (the actual 1996 4x100m final) and in the other he only raises one arm. Ergo different race.
Nice try, though, MR. ;)
Are you claiming it isn't real? I posted 2 videos proving it's real.
What ever gave you the idea that a video is proof that something is real?

You know that videos can be faked, right? A fake video is proof that something is fake.

The challenge is to try to work out which videos are real and which are faked.

I'm asking you what you have done to try to show that these videos are faked. If your answer is "nothing", then you're just assuming they are real, for no good reason. You can't ever prove that a video is real. The best you can do is to try - and fail - to prove that it is faked. But if you don't try to prove it's a fake, then you've done nothing but assume that it's real.

Your whole worldview, Magical Realist, seems to be built on the stories of who you have decided to trust. That is, you've decided that you're going to trust just about any random person on youtube who posts a video of woo. You're going to just take their word for whatever, in effect. It's the same thing with your UFO eyewitnesses. You're just going to trust the farmer who says (on youtube) that he was kidnapped by aliens. You're not interested in investigating the claim.

If you did have an actual interest in finding out whether the story was true, you'd have to start testing the story, probing it for possible weaknesses, inconsistency, signs of fakery. But, as we know, you don't actually want to know whether the story is true or false at all. You just want to believe that something incredible happened. So, you're just going to believe whatever the farmer tells you, and you're just going to believe whatever the guy who made the floating bubble video tells you. etc.

Videos aren't real just because you'd like them to be real, or just because you've decided to trust some random person on the internet.

What is your evidence it isn't real?
I don't have any. I haven't even watched the video. I have not said it isn't real.

I was probing what convinced you that it's real. The answer is the same as it always is with you: you've just decided to put your trust in it and the person or people who created it, because it's woo you'd like to be real. You don't care whether your trust is misplaced, because ultimately you don't want to know whether its actually real or not. That's not something that matters to you. You don't care about what's true.
MR: What is your evidence it isn't real?

James R: I don't have any.

That's what I thought. Then we can assume they're real. Real video recordings of real events involving real bubbles and real people. Welcome back to Reality.
That's what I thought. Then we can assume they're real.
No, we can't (or, shouldn't). Reasoning is absent from your attitude, and your assumption is just that - completely unjustified and irrational.

Clearly, you didn't read my post. Or you didn't understand it. Or you're trying to troll me.

Please read my post and reply to substance of what I wrote. I gave you reasons why "we" shouldn't assume they're real. I also suggested why you so consistently advocate this faulty form of reasoning.

How do you respond?
Real video recordings of real events involving real bubbles and real people.
A completely vacuous assertion on your part, at this stage, since, as we have established, you have made no attempt to investigate whether the videos could be fake.
Welcome back to Reality.
Stop trolling. You know what happens when you get caught out at that.