Jesus here we go.
Sure. But isn't it equally true that god could have directed every single step in every single cell in every single living thing? I.e., evolution/change/adaptation occurs, but it's not "natural", it's directed?
There is no way to prove or disprove this statement. If you are ok with living your life with such an assumption, then farbeit from us to criticize you. There is also no evidence of this that follows from the initial assumption that will disprove evolution. That is, you cannot predict something that isn't consistent with observation. All observations are consistent with the theory of evolution, thus your theory is no different. You have made a statement that cannot be proven or disproven, and there is no evidence which may support your claim. Your theory is trivially the same as evolution, accept you have to have some thing called "God" pulling all of the strings.(1)
Note also that the theory you describe is inconsistent with the idea of free will, and salvation by faith alone. Two things that most Christians in America hold sacred.
The problem is when you try to attach the word "science" to it---there are tons of experiments which lead us to the conclusion that evolution is the correct answer, which can explain everything without God reaching in and messing things up. You will say "well my theory has all the same features of evolution, accept God is doing all the work". Now replace "God" with "magic", and you will have my response.
You will say "there is no way to prove evolution" and in the strictest interpretation of this statement, you are correct. But if this is true, then there is no way to prove or disprove your initial statement, which I showed was trivially the same as the theory of evolutions. I will also say that "there is also no proof of God", and because your theory relies on God to do all the work, you are now relying on an unproven diety to make every single choice in the history of the universe. Using your (implied) definition of God,
clearly a theory without God is inherintly (by definition, if you like) better than one which relies on God to decide the outcome of every single quantum mechanical observation.
Let the games begin.
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(1) you may say "well evolution doesn't predict this single piece of data. In fact, this single observation contradicts evolution." I will say "Then you have constructed a theory which requires a God who makes every choice in the history of the universe in order to explain one single shred of evidence not currently explained by evolution." Congratualtions. Your theory must be redesigned every single time such a piece of data comes along, and still can never be proven wrong. It has no predictive power, because God can do anything. So it can't be disproven and is not predictive.