Following Presidential Advice:

Do you ? Believe him ?

Nobody asked him if he got the virus whether he , himself would do either , light and/or disinfectant therapy .

That's my question to lefties, they claim Trump lies all the time, so why do they suddenly believe him?

I believe he said disinfectant kills quickly and could there be something like that, that could be injected. We all know you fight viruses with a vaccine and vaccines are injected. Let's be honest, the anti-vac movement was in the news so no one can claim they don't know about vaccines. So why not have a vaccine that kills a virus as quickly as disinfectant? This is a science forum, I assume we've all watched Star Trek where they inject through the skin on the neck and recovery was very quick. Maybe one day in the future and the story in the news will be, "American Left had a melt down 100 years ago over this very vaccine we've developed".

So that was my question, why do you suddenly believe Trump? What's your motive?
That's my question to lefties, they claim Trump lies all the time, so why do they suddenly believe him?

I believe he said disinfectant kills quickly and could there be something like that, that could be injected. We all know you fight viruses with a vaccine and vaccines are injected. Let's be honest, the anti-vac movement was in the news so no one can claim they don't know about vaccines.

So that was my question, why do you suddenly believe Trump? What's your motive?

Lets be honest Benson . Trump suggested this disinfectent injection as a real possibility .

To him . That is a fact .
Lets be honest Benson . Trump suggested this disinfectent injection as a real possibility .

To him . That is a fact .

Let's be honest river, Trump wants an injection that's something like disinfection.

Are you claiming he didn't say "something like that"?
Let's be honest river, Trump wants an injection that's something like disinfection.

Are you claiming he didn't say "something like that"?

He said nothing of the sort .

He said what he said Benson . Inject a disinfectant . Not something " like that ".

He didn't say , something " like that " .
He was lying about disinfectant and light up your arse. Or are you now claiming he's telling the truth and meant it? Agenda again?

Sometimes Trump lies, sometimes he says things that are just insane and sometimes he does both. Asking the experts to check if they can find a way to inject disinfectant into humans was insane, claiming it was sarcasm was a lie. Saying he'll build a wall and get Mexico to pay for it is both insane and a lie. Starting to get it now?
He said nothing of the sort .

He said what he said Benson . Inject a disinfectant . Not something " like that ".

He didn't say , something " like that " .

You obviously didn't read the transcript!!!!!!!!!

Also about UV light -

President Trump has been mocked relentlessly for suggesting that ultraviolet light could be brought “inside the body” to kill the coronavirus, but there is ongoing research to do just that.

For example, the pharmaceutical firm Aytu BioScience announced on April 20, four days before the Trump remarks, that it has signed an exclusive licensing deal with Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. The center has developed and is testing a UV-A “Healight” designed to be inserted via a catheter inside the trachea to kill pathogens, including the coronavirus.

Are you going to diss the Washington Times? A Google search on Ayta BioScience will give you more information.

Would you like me to get the transcript for you again?
You obviously didn't read the transcript!!!!!!!!!

Also about UV light -

President Trump has been mocked relentlessly for suggesting that ultraviolet light could be brought “inside the body” to kill the coronavirus, but there is ongoing research to do just that.

For example, the pharmaceutical firm Aytu BioScience announced on April 20, four days before the Trump remarks, that it has signed an exclusive licensing deal with Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. The center has developed and is testing a UV-A “Healight” designed to be inserted via a catheter inside the trachea to kill pathogens, including the coronavirus.

Are you going to diss the Washington Times? A Google search on Ayta BioScience will give you more information.

Would you like me to get the transcript for you again?

Site doesn't work Benson
Are you going to diss the Washington Times? A Google search on Ayta BioScience will give you more information.
Heck yes. From Wikipedia:

The Washington Times was founded on May 17, 1982, by Unification movement leader Sun Myung Moon and owned until 2010 by News World Communications, an international media conglomerate founded by Moon. It is currently owned by Operations Holdings, which is owned by the Unification movement.

Throughout its history, The Washington Times has been known for its conservative political stance. It has published many columns which reject the scientific consensuses on climate change, on ozone depletion, on the harmful effects of second-hand smoke, and which have spread misinformation regarding the 2019-2020 coronavirus outbreak. It has drawn controversy for publishing racist content, including commentary and conspiracy theories about U.S. President Barack Obama, supporting neo-Confederate historical revisionism, and promoting Islamophobia.

No, Trump wasn't reading the New England Journal of Medicine late at night and running experiments on lab animals to determine the effects of IV disinfectant and UV bombardment of lungs. Do yourself a favor and watch the entire conference. Right before Trump spoke, a politician gave a talk about how disinfectants, UV and sunlight worked to disinfect SURFACES - not LUNGS. Trump wasn't paying attention and heard some things about UV and disinfectant, and so figured he would act smart and repeat back what he (incorrectly) heard and then propose that they test those things internally. At first he tried to defend himself, claiming that he was really smart and that he was proposing they test that. Then when his advisors told him that no, no one was proposing those things, he threw it into reverse and said he was being sarcastic and lying to reporters "to see what would happen."

In other words, your sad attempt to claim "he really knew what he was talking about!" has been scuttled - by Trump himself. He threw you under the bus. Again.

I've gotta say, one of the funniest things about this whole episode is watching Trump's apologists hear him say something stupid, listening to them try to defend his asinine claim, and then watching them quietly slink away when Trump says "I was kidding" or "I was being sarcastic" or "no, that's not what I meant at all." After four years you'd think they'd learn. Of course, intelligence is not a common characteristic in Trump supporters, and Trump loves it that way.
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Heck yes. From Wikipedia:

The Washington Times was founded on May 17, 1982, by Unification movement leader Sun Myung Moon and owned until 2010 by News World Communications, an international media conglomerate founded by Moon. It is currently owned by Operations Holdings, which is owned by the Unification movement.

Throughout its history, The Washington Times has been known for its conservative political stance. It has published many columns which reject the scientific consensuses on climate change, on ozone depletion, on the harmful effects of second-hand smoke, and which have spread misinformation regarding the 2019-2020 coronavirus outbreak. It has drawn controversy for publishing racist content, including commentary and conspiracy theories about U.S. President Barack Obama, supporting neo-Confederate historical revisionism, and promoting Islamophobia.

No, Trump wasn't reading the New England Journal of Medicine late at night and running experiments on lab animals to determine the effects of IV disinfectant and UV bombardment of lungs. Do yourself a favor and watch the entire conference. Right before Trump spoke, a politician gave a talk about how disinfectants, UV and sunlight worked to disinfect SURFACES - not LUNGS. Trump wasn't paying attention and heard some things about UV and disinfectant, and so figured he would act smart and repeat back what he (incorrectly) heard and then propose that they test those things internally. At first he tried to defend himself, claiming that he was really smart and that he was proposing they test that. Then when his advisors told him that no, no one was proposing those things, he threw it into reverse and said he was being sarcastic and lying to reporters "to see what would happen."

In other words, your sad attempt to claim "he really knew what he was talking about!" has been scuttled - by Trump himself. He threw you under the bus. Again.

I've gotta say, one of the funniest things about this whole episode is watching Trump's apologists hear him say something stupid, listening to them try to defend his asinine claim, and then quietly slink away when Trump says "I was kidding" or "I was being sarcastic" or "no, that's not what I meant at all." After four years you'd think they'd learn. Of course, intelligence is not a common characteristic in Trump supporters, and Trump loves it that way.

You have totally missed the whole point. I'm British, I live in the UK. I don't apologise for Trump, I don't do emotional agendas,I'm objective. If Trump said, "Disinfectant kills germs really quickly, can we inject that" then I agree with you. When Trump said, "Something like that", I disagree with you. Be it Bush, Clinton, Obama or Trump; you will get the same arguement off me.

Bush, Clinton and Obama said, "Something like that". It's there, in black and white, in the transcript.

If he invented UV light in the body, I would have said, "Trump, you stupid guy" but 4 days prior, a BioScience company released their work on inserting a prob into the body and using UV light against viruses. So I can't now say, "Trump, you stupid guy".

All I do is report fact, not emotions.
You have totally missed the whole point. I'm British, I live in the UK. I don't apologise for Trump, I don't do emotional agendas,I'm objective.
Oh please. You got sucked in and thrown under the bus. That's why you're so mad that you're calling people names.
If Trump said, "Disinfectant kills germs really quickly, can we inject that" then I agree with you. When Trump said, "Something like that", I disagree with you.
What, specifically, are you disagreeing with me ABOUT?
If he invented UV light in the body, I would have said, "Trump, you stupid guy" but 4 days prior, a BioScience company released their work on inserting a prob into the body and using UV light against viruses. So I can't now say, "Trump, you stupid guy".
I know you can't - because that would go against your political agenda. But in fact Trump was not talking about Bioscience. He was talking about the thing about UV light he misheard not ten minutes earlier.
All I do is report fact, not emotions.
Then get the facts straight. Listen to the whole conference before you cherrypick what fits your agenda.
Interesting .

But here is the thing , how do you control the UV light so that it only kills pathogens ? And not cells and good bacteria .

The injection of disinfectants is still irresponsible . And stupid .

The injection of disinfectants is still irresponsible . And stupid.

Yes, it is stupid, that's why we need something like that, similar to it as a vaccine to kill pathogens as quickly as disinfectant.
Oh please. You got sucked in and thrown under the bus. That's why you're so mad that you're calling people names.

What, specifically, are you disagreeing with me ABOUT?

I know you can't - because that would go against your political agenda. But in fact Trump was not talking about Bioscience. He was talking about the thing about UV light he misheard not ten minutes earlier.

Then get the facts straight. Listen to the whole conference before you cherrypick what fits your agenda.

Read the Washington Times article. The transcript is in there.
Read the Washington Times article. The transcript is in there.
Again, WATCH THE ENTIRE CONFERENCE YOURSELF. Not just what the Washington Times tells you to think. You will learn the facts, rather than reading opinion from a newspaper founded by a North Korean religious nut and which states right up front that they are biased far to the right.
Yes, it is stupid, that's why we need something like that, similar to it as a vaccine to kill pathogens as quickly as disinfectant.
1) Superheated steam will kill them even faster. Autoclaves use that. Are you going to suggest that doctors should look at superheated steam injections as well?

2) Vaccines don't kill pathogens.
The injection of disinfectants is still irresponsible . And stupid.

Yes, it is stupid, that's why we need something like that, similar to it as a vaccine to kill pathogens as quickly as disinfectant.

To your last statement ;

But thats not what he said nor meant and nobody came to his defence . Nobody .
Again, WATCH THE ENTIRE CONFERENCE YOURSELF. Not just what the Washington Times tells you to think. You will learn the facts, rather than reading opinion from a newspaper founded by a North Korean religious nut and which states right up front that they are biased far to the right.

The same transcript was on the BBC website. I saw Trump's speech on the news. It's the same in the Washington Times article.